big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1652: Both hate and envy!

Chapter 1652: Both hate and envy!
Looking carefully at the house, everything was just as in memory.

"It's good. I guess your third sister and the others will come back a lot in the future. It would be nice to have a place to stay!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

After walking around, Ah Si asked, "When does my brother-in-law plan to visit my father?"

Qin Mo was a little hesitant and nervous. He didn't even notice that the cigarette in his hand was deformed by the clamp. "I'll go see him and I won't be scolded to death by him!"

Seeing Qin Mo's face full of bitterness, Ah Si suddenly wanted to laugh. Is there any place that Qin Mo doesn't dare to go?

Why didn't you think of today?
"Father has always missed you. Although he never told us juniors, he always asked us to follow your example.

You know my father, he is this kind of person, with a sharp mouth but a soft heart.

To be honest, brother-in-law, sometimes I hate you! "

"Damn, I still hate you, bring my sister here!" Qin Mo said.

Ah Si laughed dryly, "Shuangshuang and I are childhood sweethearts, and we are in love with each other, so we are not considered crooks."

Qin Mo curled his lips and said, "You are so shameless!"

"My brother-in-law taught me well!" Ah Si said hehely: "The reason why I hate you is because you took away too much of my father's attention. I am not the only child in our family, and my father treats me too. Well, no matter how good it is to others, it is not as good as it is to you.

You can hate someone without limit. If your father loves and hates you at the same time, we children are destined to be inferior to you.

Our generation is destined to live in your shadow, so I hate you!
But I also envy you. Few people live as relaxed and comfortable as you. If possible, I really don’t want to be the emperor. I might as well be a dashing prince. At least I won’t be so tired. "

"I just like the way others hate me but can't get rid of me." Qin Mo said scornfully: "Don't imitate me, brother is destined to be a legend."

"After so many years, you are still the same as before, no change!" Ah Si praised: "No wonder so many people say you have a pure heart!"

"It's enough for you. I'm addicted to commenting!" Qin Mo slapped him, "Don't think that since you are the emperor now, I won't dare to deal with you. Tell you, I will deal with you when I should. Don't talk about you. You are the emperor. Even if you become the Supreme Emperor in the future, I will take care of you!
If you dare to fight me, I'll beat you to death! "

Ah Si received a slap, but he didn't feel angry at all, nor did he feel that his dignity as an emperor was offended.

Maybe it's because Qin Mo is his brother-in-law and teacher, or maybe Qin Mo is also a monarch and the same type of person as him.

"You go home and I'll let you take care of me!" Ah Si said, "How about I let you be my equal?"

"You kid, stop doing this." Qin Mo waved his hand, "You go and do your work. I will make arrangements for myself next. I won't go to the state banquet tonight. You can arrange for others."

"You want to go to Father's side?"

"Don't inform him yet, give him a surprise. I'm afraid that little old man will know that I've been there and beat me up!" Qin Mo said.

Ah Si laughed, "I'll let you go!"

"Save some food for your brother-in-law. Did you go and watch me get beaten?"

"It's not like I haven't seen you before. I even went to Dali Temple to see you!" Ah Si said with a joking smile. He didn't think Qin Mo was really afraid of his father, but because he respected his father and truly regarded him as a elder.

He didn't understand before, but now he understands.

Many people said that Qin Mo was unfilial, but now he understood that Qin Mo was indeed filial.

He was not worried at all about what Qin Mo would do to his father, the emperor, and his mother.

Qin Mo just kicked him, "Stop beeping, get lost!"

Ah Si covered his buttocks and said, "Just leave!"

He took two steps and looked back again, "One size fits all, brother-in-law, I won't be merciful at all when it comes to negotiations!" "That couldn't be better!" Qin Mo nodded.

Ah Si smiled and left, while Qin Mo sat in the yard for a while. There was a sunroom in the yard, which he had specially made for the old man. There was also a rocking chair in the sunroom.

He seemed to see the old man sitting in the rocking chair, waving to him.

I walked around in a circle, everything seemed so familiar.

He said to Fang Chan and the other two: "You guys can rest here while I go to the tree house to have a look!"

"Master, what if the Emperor beats you?" Gao Yao said worriedly.

"It's not unfair to be beaten by him!" Qin Mo rubbed Gao Yao's head, kissed his senior sister again, then changed his clothes and left the mansion.

In the capital, he was like a fish returning to the sea. Everything was so easy for him, and he didn't worry about anyone doing anything to him.

There are hundreds of secret agents around him at any time, not counting the secret agents in the palace. If he makes any mistakes, Da Qian cannot afford it now.

If someone could hurt him here, all these years would have been in vain.

At this time, in the small tree house.

Li Shilong was dressed very coquettishly and took out all the new clothes from the bottom of the box. Although he said that Qin Mo was missing, he got up earlier than anyone else today.

In such nice weather, he didn't go to the fields, and he didn't take a lunch break at noon. He just walked around the yard every now and then.

"Okay, don't leave. Jingyun has just arrived. He definitely won't come so quickly. Why don't you come over after the children are done with their work?" Queen Mother Gongsun said.

"Who said I was just looking at him? I was just taking a walk and breathing some fresh air!" Li Shilong said harshly: "That kid didn't show up even after he came. I really thought he was some kind of treasure."

Empress Dowager Gongsun was speechless, "Just be tough. The child will be here soon. I'll see if you want to speak!"

"Huh!" Li Shilong was unhappy, walked aside, took out the hoe, put it on his shoulder and walked out.

When Empress Dowager Gongsun saw it, she immediately became anxious, "Aren't you out of breath? Why did you go out?"

"I'm very good!" Li Shilong said angrily. He didn't know whether he was angry with his wife or angry with that bitch for not coming.

Empress Dowager Gongsun had no choice but to let the big dog follow.

After Li Shilong walked for a while, he felt that his chest was tight and his breathing was a little difficult. Spring had just begun and the weather was not too hot. It would take another month or two before he could breathe freely.

But now that I have come out of the capital, wouldn’t it be embarrassing to go back?

So, he forced himself to move forward.

The big dog saw something was wrong with Li Shilong, "Your Majesty, go back, don't hold on!"

"Go away, do I want you to teach me?" Li Shilong cursed and walked a little further. Immediately after, he felt waves of tightness of breath, and his eyesight also turned black.

The big dog patted Li Shilong's back again and told him to lie down flat.

After a while, Li Shilong felt better.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came to my ears, and a voice said, "You said you, a little old man, are too old to be strong enough to risk your life, right?"
You are making fun of your own body, and you deserve to be scolded just by looking at it! "

(End of this chapter)

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