big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1657 Talk about strength!

Chapter 1657 Let’s talk about strength!
Qin Mo stayed with Lao Liu in the small tree house for three days, and on the fourth day he went to the palace to discuss business. After all, it was his idea to build the world, and he had to make decisions in many aspects.

What he held in his hand were the rules that had been set over the past few days, with thousands of small and large details.

Qin Mo said: "In general, there are not many problems. The executive chief of the association changes every three years. The first executive chief will be Daming. There is no doubt about this. No one is more suitable to be the first executive than Daming. Executive Chief.

Since then, the two countries have taken turns and are jointly responsible for peace in the world. "

To put it bluntly, this World Council is a tool used by the two countries to maintain their status and protect their rights.

On weekdays, the two countries are both friends and competitors.

But externally, the two countries are on the same page. It's just up to everyone to sit down and negotiate about the profit.

The reason is very simple. It is not impossible to provide help to obedient small countries.

For disobedient countries, big countries have plenty of ways to punish them.

The world is cruel, and the prerequisite for peace is strength.

This is a law that has not changed for thousands of years.

"Brother-in-law, what you said is wrong. I think our Dagan should be the first executive chief." A Si smiled and said: "After all, Dagan is an ancient country with a thousand years of history. It has rich experience in this aspect and has a large population in the capital. , very suitable for establishing the headquarters of the Association.”

"The headquarters of the Association must be in Ming Dynasty, and the first executive chief must be in Ming Dynasty. I have already said that the two countries will rotate and jointly run the Association. Can't you wait even three years?" Qin Mo said: "This There is no need to discuss the matter. If Da Qian disagrees, then Da Ming will just play it by himself."

Everyone's expressions changed, they didn't expect Qin Mo to be so domineering.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Ming Dynasty, since we are negotiating, why bother with a child's temper? If this world were left to the Ming Dynasty, wouldn't it be too overbearing?"

"Is it possible to relocate every three years? What do you think the world will be like, is it just playing house? Moreover, Ming Dynasty has said that millions or even tens of millions of financial resources will be invested every year to support it.

I gave you real money to play games with you?

Since Da Qian disagrees, let's talk about strength. When will Da Qian's strength surpass that of Ming? You can play by yourself without bringing Da Ming! " Qin Mo said.

"Qin Mo, you are a living bandit!" Yu Boshi said angrily.

"Lao Yu, do you understand who I am now?" Qin Mo said: "There are only interests between countries, and I do not live alone. As the chief executive, all the interests of Daqian in Ming Dynasty are It's fair and just.

Just like those small countries in the Western Regions, if the world conference is placed in their country, they can talk?

Will not.

Maintaining peace requires strength, not words.

Daming and Daqian were the strongest countries at the time. As long as you were strong enough, fairness could be guaranteed.

Being the executive chief does not mean that you can be lawless and do whatever you want.

I have set the rules of the game, and everyone must follow the game.

If you don't follow the game, then don't play it.

I didn’t come to Daqian to play house, I came here with sincerity.

If you are willing to play together according to the rules, then play.

If you don’t want to, you can leave at any time! "

After saying that, Qin Mo didn't speak, but gave Ah Si time to think about it.

Ah Si took a deep breath and glanced at the others, "Let's talk about it today, I will give you an answer tomorrow.

However, even if an agreement cannot be reached, it will not hinder the friendship between the two countries. "

"That's natural!" Qin Mo nodded.After Qin Mo and others left, Ah Si called everyone over, "What do you think?"

Gongsun Wuji came out and said, "Your Majesty, in fact, apart from the fact that the headquarters of the International Association is located in Ming Dynasty, all other rules are beneficial to Ming Dynasty.

And what Qin Mo said is right, strength is the most important thing, and the world has begun to change. Unlike before, it was very troublesome to trade between countries.

Now the Ming Dynasty's ships have been updated to the second generation. They are faster, more convenient, and have more advanced weapons.

Once you enter the World Meeting, the world will enter a new pattern.

This will help Daqian control the Western Region and enhance his voice.

It used to be a game for the Ming Dynasty and surrounding countries, but now it is a game for the whole world.

We must join the Association.

Moreover, as long as the two countries maintain peace, their interests are consistent, and they can sit down and discuss what is good for them.

Qin Mo has said everything that needs to be said. "

"I agree." Li Cungong nodded, "The technologies of the Ming Dynasty are indeed too advanced, far superior to those of the Qian Dynasty. This time Qin Mo also brought an airplane. Just taking a look from a distance, I felt frightened. .

Such a big object can fly and carry various explosives. What city wall can stop it?
Moreover, the regulations of the World Congress stated that various advanced technologies of the Ming Dynasty will gradually flow to the world, which will greatly accelerate the rise of the Ming Dynasty. "

Li Daoyuan said: "I second the proposal!"

"You are all blind, Qin Mo just threw out a bait, and you were all fooled!" Yu Boshi said angrily.

But he was still angry. At present, there were three votes to one. Even if Tang Jian was added, he had no hope.

Ah Si thought for a while, "Since rotating every three years is not enough, why not rotate the headquarters every 20 or even 30 years? I wonder if Ming Dynasty will agree!"

Everyone's eyes are bright.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, no matter whether it is successful or not, Qin Mo must adopt an attitude. It is impossible to dominate the World Association!" Li Cungong said.

The location of the World Association is related to a country's right to speak. Otherwise, in the future, the world will only know the Ming Dynasty. If the Ming Dynasty follows the lead, won't the Daqian just follow the Ming Dynasty and eat dust?

"Okay, let's talk about it then!"

The next day, Qin Mo entered the palace again, and A Si said: "Brother-in-law, Daqian agrees to join the association, but there is one thing. It must be clarified that the world association is jointly established by the two countries, and Daqian must be guaranteed to have absolute rights and protection.

Secondly, the Association Headquarters rotates every 30 years! "

Qin Mo narrowed his eyes, what a good boy, why don't you leave him a tail?
Impossible, absolutely impossible.

“There is no talk of rotating the association headquarters, and after 30 years, how can you know what will happen next?

I would be in my seventies or eighty by then, so I might be long gone. "

Qin Mo said: "Let's discuss this in the future. I said, if you want the headquarters of the Association, then let your strength speak for itself!"

No matter what you say, in the final analysis, he wants the decision-making power of the headquarters and uses his strength to speak for himself!

Everyone in Daqian was angry, they knew that Qin Mo was not easy to talk to.

The possibility of taking advantage of him is extremely slim!

Ah Si frowned, Qin Mo was much more difficult to deal with than he thought.

But think about it, if not for this, how could he have made the enemy suffer so many times?

(End of this chapter)

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