big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1658 Test flight promotion meeting!

Chapter 1658 Test flight promotion meeting!
Qin Mo's power did not come easily, but was achieved through repeated military exploits and repeated negotiations.

Ah Si looked at Qin Mo and thought that if Da Gan also had arrogant strength, he would probably be even more arrogant than Qin Mo.

"Forget it, let's do what my brother-in-law said!" Ah Si nodded.

Qin Mo smiled and said, "If you join the World Association, you will not suffer any loss."

He took out the Prince's Seal that he carried with him, stamped the seal on the Association's agreement, and then pushed it in front of A Si.

Ah Si did not hesitate and directly picked up the jade seal and stamped it.

At this point, the World Association was officially established. The two countries jointly provided money and personnel, and then notified all countries in the world to join the association.

and jointly safeguard world and regional peace.

This negotiation, known as the negotiation that changed the world structure, has influenced subsequent generations for thousands of years.

After the negotiation, the photographer brought by Qin Mo began to take pictures of everyone, and this photo was extremely precious and would be widely circulated in the future.

After talking about the business, Qin Mo could take some time to formally accompany Li Shilong.

The weather is gradually getting hotter, and Lao Liu is out of the oxygen tank and can go to farther places.

However, it is not very resistant to fatigue. You still need oxygen when you are tired, so no matter where you go, you must carry an oxygen bottle.

With Qin Mo by his side, Li Shilong's mood became even better.

Play mahjong, chess, drink, plant trees, soak in hot springs together, let Qin Mo tell stories, and then let Qin Mo evaluate his books.

The days passed were fulfilling and leisurely.

Li Shilong said: "At the beginning, I thought that when I grow old, I will let you be filial to me. Now I have fulfilled one of my wishes."

"If you are willing, you can follow me back to the Ming Dynasty, and I will serve you every day!" Qin Mo said.

Li Shilong gave a wry smile. He was a dignified emperor who went to the Ming Dynasty to retire. Wouldn't it be ridiculous to say that?
Impossible, he will never go to Ming Dynasty in his life.

He only let go of Qin Mo, not anyone else.

There are some things that he can understand, but cannot forgive.

"Father, don't have too much psychological burden. Look, I can come to Daming, so why can't you go to Daming.

Just treat it as a visit and promote relations between the two countries. How great! "

"No, I'm afraid I won't be acclimatized!" Li Shilong refused.

Qin Mo sighed, "It's a pity that large airplanes haven't been developed yet. Otherwise, you can reach Xijing by flying in one day and one night. It's convenient and fast, and you won't waste too much time on the road."

Speaking of airplanes, Li Shilong said: "I heard that you brought a family's airplane over. Is it a gift to me?"

Qin Mo smiled sheepishly, "No!"

Li Shilong frowned, "Then why did you bring the plane here? Are you here to show off?"

"No, I'm here to sell it." Qin Mogan smiled and said: "In two days, the plane will be tested, and my father can come with me to see it!"

"Promotion? You want to sell the plane to Da Gan?"

"Well, the aircraft I am currently bringing are second-generation aircraft, and we will customize the first-generation aircraft!" To be honest, as the world will turn around, the technical level of each country will gradually increase.

Things like airplanes are out of reach for other countries, but this is not the case for Daqian.

Before I left, I left behind a lot of good things. If you give them time, they can definitely develop them.

Although their research is currently stuck on the internal combustion engine, who knows when they will be able to solve it?

Instead of doing this, it is better to get more benefits.

What Ming Dynasty has to do is to maintain its military first, science and technology first, and productivity first. That is enough.

"Why don't you give Daqian a second-generation machine? Are you afraid that Daqian will develop it?" Li Shilong glared at Qin Mo. All your little thoughts were spent on Daqian.

Just like when Qin Mo gave those eliminated grenades to those small countries, wasn't it just to earn money from foreign countries?
Keep the best and strongest for yourself, and leave the eliminated products to others.

They don't have the ability to imitate, and they have tasted the sweetness of weapons, so they can only continue to buy from Daqian in the future.It's just that, Daqian can make millions of taels of silver every year by reselling weapons.

The money earned is invested in research and development or to replace equipment for the entire army.

Qin Mo chuckled and said, "Father, you have wrongly blamed me. I didn't have any plans. If you don't want it, you don't have to buy it. I didn't buy or sell by force!"

Li Shilong was so angry that he couldn't believe even a single punctuation mark in what this boy said.

You fly around in the sky every day, who wouldn't be afraid?

If you don't buy it, won't you just wait to be beaten?
With aircraft, whether they are first-generation aircraft or second-generation aircraft, they have the right to speak in the sky.

Not to mention dealing with the Ming Dynasty, at least in the Western Regions, the deterrence of the local areas must be improved to a higher level.

If someone wants to plot rebellion in the future, they will have to consider whether the city wall can defend against airplanes.

No wonder Qin Mo said in the early years that building taller city walls was just a waste of money.

It’s no wonder that Xijing in the Ming Dynasty did not have a city wall.

Even with airplanes, no matter how tall the city wall is, it is vulnerable.

"I regret it. If I had known you were so annoying now, I should have beaten you to death!" Li Shilong said.

"Hey, it's too late to regret it now!" Qin Mo put his hands on his hips and squealed!
In the blink of an eye, the day of the test flight arrived.

The test flight is located outside Chengtianmen. The roads here are good and the area is vast. It can be used as an airport.

After blocking the road section, all the civil and military officials from the Manchu Dynasty came.

There were also the common people, all watching from a short distance away. Some climbed up the trees, while others were on the roof of the building, like monkeys.

After the engineer inspected it and confirmed it was correct, "Your Highness, it is ready for test flight."

Zhu Jun nodded and said to Li Shilong on the side: "Father, witness the miracle!"

Li Shilong put his hands on the city wall and looked at the big bird-like plane below.

The pilot climbed into the plane and everyone watched.

In front, there is a flag bearer waving a flag.

When the flag fell, the plane roared and began to gradually accelerate forward.

"It's moving, it's really moving!"

"This guy weighs at least a thousand pounds and is made of iron. Can he really fly hundreds of meters high?"

Everyone stretched their necks.

Especially the veterans, none of them believe it, or in other words, this era is developing too fast, and many people can't keep up with this era.

There were various advanced weapons, many of which they couldn't even name, but they were extremely powerful.

In the past, the competition was about who had more cavalry, whose sword was better, and whose armor was thicker.

It doesn't work anymore. The cavalry is not good enough when it comes to firearms. It can't even withstand cannonballs in thick armor.

No matter how tall the city wall is, it will be blown down by explosives.

The way of war has changed.

From the moment Qin Mo Hengkong was born, he completely changed!

Qin Mo even said that in the future, cavalry will be completely eliminated.

They don't believe it, but they have no reason to believe it.

Facing the rolling torrent of steel, they will eventually be abandoned by the times!

(End of this chapter)

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