big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1660 Arrogant and domineering!

Chapter 1660 Arrogant and domineering!

Although I knew this plane was ridiculously expensive, I didn't expect it to be so expensive.

Daqian's annual national tax revenue has not yet exceeded 100 million taels, and the national treasury's annual revenue can only purchase more than [-] aircraft, a generation of aircraft that were eliminated by the Ming Dynasty.

"Brother-in-law, it's too expensive. You're not talking about business, you're killing pigs!" Ah Si Fengfeng said.

Li Shilong also said: "You kid, you are taking advantage of the situation, right? This piece of shit can cost you thousands of taels of silver!"

Qin Mo also secretly smacked his tongue, Lao Liu understood him. One aircraft per generation is indeed cheap, costing less than [-] taels.

But that’s not how the cost is calculated.

Looking at the people who shared the same hatred, Qin Mo said with a smile: "Do you know how much money I have invested in steam engines, internal combustion engines, and airplanes over the years?
No less than [-] million taels. This [-] million taels is just research expenses, not counting the researchers' salaries, bonuses, and subsidies.

When the first generation of aircraft took off, I made a calculation. It took ten years from the time I ordered people to study the aircraft.

In the past ten years, I have invested no less than 500 million taels in this area every year, and the most I invested was 500 million taels in one year.

This is what you see, the aircraft that is flying in the sky, will not fall, and is qualified to fly!

All in all, I have invested no less than [-] million taels of silver, ten years of time, and tens of thousands of talents.

Aren't these costs?

If I sell it to you for 1 taels a piece, how long will it take for me to recoup the cost?
That's not how business is done. How many businessmen can lose money and make money while doing business?
I didn't count your 200 million taels for one, that's all based on the friendship between our two countries. This is the price of friendship. "

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Gongsun Wuji said: "Even if you don't sell the aircraft to Daqian, you still have to study it. You can't count the cost investment on us!"

"No, right? It doesn't matter. I'll turn around and go to the Western Regions. A plane costs 150 million taels of silver. I believe there are many people who are willing to take it.

But let me tell you, once the aircraft is sold and others have air control in the future, your life in the Western Region will not be easy. Qin Mo said with a smile.

"Shameless, you are the prince of a country, how can you end up like a merchant, smelling like copper!" Yu Boshi looked distressed.

"Lao Yu, we are all acquaintances, so there is no need to put on airs. Since we are doing business and talking about business, we must act like we are talking about business."

Qin Mo said with a smile: "I didn't buy or sell by force. You can see whether the thing is good or not. Besides, if you spend millions of taels to buy a plane to go back to, if you are lucky enough to master the technology, then you won't be able to do it yourself." Is it imitated?

It cost several million cars, but it was only a few percent of what I invested. What a bargain.

Do you think your people are stupider than me, the Ming Dynasty people, or do you think you can’t imitate it?

If so, then I won’t say anything. Do you like it or not? "

Yu Boshi also felt helpless. This bitch was still as eloquent as before, "I finally know what the saying you often said before: If you fall behind, you will be beaten, what does it mean!"

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is something Qin Mo often said before.

At this moment, Qin Mo set an example and let everyone understand the meaning of this sentence.

Attempting to kidnap the other party's morals will not work at all. This guy is just a bastard, and benevolence, justice and morality will not work here at all.

If you want to get benefits from the other party, you must follow his rules.

Li Shilong also saw this clearly, and had to say that this boy was indeed a qualified prince, that is to say, he was not ambitious. If he were ambitious, it would be really dangerous for him to do so.

"We can buy it, but you have to send people over and teach our people. Secondly, this aircraft is an object after all. It may break after use. You have to teach our people to repair it." Li Shilong said.

Everyone's eyes lit up, yes, you need to be able to open it, and you also need to be able to repair it. As long as these two are solved, it is only a matter of time before it can be copied.

"It's okay to teach you, but the repair can only be done by our people. There's no need to discuss this. After all, we can only do some parts ourselves.

If you have the ability, you can cultivate it yourself.

But let me say it up front, if you repair it yourself, we will not provide warranty. "When he said this, Qin Mo felt that he was too shameless.

Show the face of capital vividly.

But his position told him not to be soft-hearted, otherwise he would be cultivating enemies.

"That's too much. If the plane you gave us is a defective product and breaks down every day, wouldn't it mean that we would be pinched by your nose every day?" Everyone below was extremely angry.

"Qin Mo, don't be greedy. You also came from Dagan. Don't forget, you are still Dagan's son-in-law.

If you treat your father-in-law's country this way, won't you be afraid of others poking your spine if you tell anyone about it? "

Qin Mo looked at the person below who was talking nonsense with a half-smile, then turned to look at Ah Si, "Who is this person? He is so bold. He pointed at my nose and scolded me. After I left Dagan, both civil and military officials in Dagan were so arrogant. Already?"

Ah Si's face darkened. He knew that Qin Mo was unhappy at the moment. What was his current status?
Let’s talk about business now. He is the prince of the Ming Dynasty, and he represents the country of the Ming Dynasty.

What is your identity? You pointed at Qin Mo and cursed me. Isn't this the following crime?
There was silence all around, and the heart of the man who had been scolding so enthusiastically suddenly rose to his throat.

Gongsun Wuji and others were helpless.

You didn't even see them talking to each other, but you didn't dare to go too far?

Moreover, they are friends, and Qin Mo is very open-minded to people who have friendships, and does not care about trivial matters.

Who do you think you are and how dare you act so arrogantly in front of Qin Mo?
If you look closely, you will see that he is a newcomer to Yushitai. No wonder he is so arrogant.

He was used to trolling others, but he didn't know Qin Mo's bad temper. He just opened his mouth and didn't weigh his weight.

Before Ah Si could speak, Li Shilong said first, "Pull this prisoner out of the building with a hundred sticks, life or death!"

"Father!" Ah Si looked at Li Shilong suddenly.

Li Shilong's face was expressionless, "Okay, let's not get involved in this small matter. Let's continue talking!"

It would be better for him to be this villain than Ah Si. After all, Ah Si is still young. In a few years, when his reputation becomes stronger, there will be no need for him to do it.

Moreover, he is the father-in-law of Qin Mo. If his son-in-law is wronged in front of him, he should be the one to come forward.

Qin Mo nodded, "Okay, this matter is over!"

The stunned young newcomers below looked at Qin Mo with chills in their hearts.

Good guy, just one word, and the Yushitai will be ruined.

I can't imagine how arrogant and domineering this guy was when he was still working hard.

(End of this chapter)

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