big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1661 Daming teaches me like teaching a young child

Chapter 1661 Daming taught me like a young child!
As for some veterans, they are not surprised at all by the way the Supreme Emperor dealt with it. If Qin Mo can't calm down, this guy has plenty of ways to deal with it.

Even if others are no longer in charge, there are still ways to punish you.

Now that Qin Mo says that the matter has passed, that means it has really passed, and there will be no settling of accounts afterwards.

"Let's do this. The conditions I just mentioned remain unchanged. One million taels of silver per plane. After all, the initial investment is too large.

In addition, we provide three free warranty. Generally speaking, our products are very durable. As long as they are operated normally and are not disassembled casually, there will be no problems. "Qin Mo said.

"Only three warranty periods? How many more times?" Li Shilong asked.

Qin Mo shook his head, "Father, what if the engine is broken during these three repairs? Or are it other important parts?
These parts are very expensive, just like the engine, which costs thousands of taels at least.

And I didn’t set this price haphazardly.

Even if you work hard to build an airplane in the future, the initial investment will definitely be quite large and will have to be recouped.

And when airplanes mature in the future, they will definitely be used by the private sector as a means of transportation! "

Many people sneered at Qin Mo's words. This kind of strategic weapon would be used as a means of transportation for civilians. Why, it's not enough to have a steam locomotive, but it also needs to fly in the sky?

However, more people showed yearning after hearing Qin Mo's words.

Except for Qin Mo's nonsense, most of the time, his words need to be listened to carefully.

Because, various deeds in the past tell everyone that there is really nothing that Qin Mo has promised that will fail.

"After all that, how about five warranty times?" Li Shilong said.

Qin Mo was silent for a while, "It doesn't matter, just five times, I will suffer a little loss and regard it as support for Da Gan."

In fact, compared to the one-year warranty, the five-year warranty can be said to be very cost-effective.

"But I promised that the first three times, even if the engine breaks down, I will repair it. But the fourth or fifth time, if an important part breaks, it will definitely not be my product." Qin Mo said : "We all produce them according to the standard line. They fly well in our place, but there is no reason why they break down every once in a while when we get to work."

Li Shilong nodded heavily, "That's natural!"

He didn't expect Qin Mo to be so generous. It seemed that the way he had just dealt with the Yushitai minister was appropriate.

It's just a matter of dealing with a not-so-important Yushitai official. It can save hundreds of thousands of taels or even more money in the future. This is a good deal.

"Also, in the future, we will build factories in Daqian, such as a steam engine factory and some other factories. They will all be set up in Daqian. We will need your father's convenience at that time!"

"That's natural."

"That's no problem. How many planes do you need to do something big?"

Li Shilong glanced at Ah Si but said nothing.

Ah Si thought for a while, "Let's buy the cross first. If it's suitable, we can continue to place an order!"

The cross is a more appropriate number. It can leave some for research by people from the Academy of Sciences, and it can also initially form a flying team.

In the early years, there were many outstanding officers in the Feitian Battalion, and they could just be transferred to the Feitian Battalion.

"Okay, that requires a one-time payment, no credit. After placing the order, the plane will arrive in Daqian within a year!

After the aircraft arrives in Daqian, a test flight delivery base will be set up in Gaozhou. We ask Daqian to build a test flight runway in accordance with our requirements.

Once delivered, it is automatically assumed that Daqianfang has inspected the aircraft and there are no problems.Any problems encountered by the aircraft in Daqian are covered by the warranty. If it exceeds the scope of the warranty, parts and components will be charged. "

"Then what if you maliciously do something on the plane?" someone said.

Qin Mo smiled and said, "That means you underestimate me, Qin Mo. If I want to do something, I will ensure that you can't find any problems.

Also, some parts on the aircraft are packaged in one piece and cannot be used once disassembled.

Let me start here first. Some of them are classified equipment and will be automatically destroyed once they are disassembled.

At that time, the team's engineers will tell you. "

The man stopped talking. Qin Mo had already stopped talking, so he had nothing else to say.

"I naturally trust my brother-in-law as a person." In this regard, Ah Si still trusts Qin Mo. Just like Daqian's goods flow into the Western Regions, except for being expensive, there is nothing wrong with anything else, because some things, he just It is a luxury product.

Airplanes are also a luxury item.

Just like their research on the Ming Dynasty's artillery, they have spent tens of millions of taels of silver in the past two years. If they want to export it, Daqian will not lose money and make a profit.

"One more thing, airplanes are high-tech products with no tariffs or taxes. Do you understand? In addition, Daqian also needs to pay transportation fees. The transportation fee for an airplane is about 1 taels!"

This time, many people were upset again.

"What, you are talking like a tiger. How can anyone be like this? Although we have never done business, we also rely on credit when doing business. You are simply not trustworthy!"

"One million silver dollars for a plane is already a sky-high price."

Faced with their accusations, Qin Mo didn't panic at all.

Li Shilong waved his hand to signal everyone to be silent, "We have already suffered from a plane worth 100 million taels, are we still afraid of tens of thousands more taels?

Moreover, airplanes are not ordinary sales. I can understand that, so I will do as you say. "

The Supreme Emperor has said this, so what's the use of them no matter how much they say?
Although the Supreme Emperor is no longer in power and does not care about the affairs of the court, who dares to despise him?
Your Majesty is very filial.

"Father is right. This money will be used as tuition. Thank you brother-in-law for teaching me a valuable lesson!" Ah Si said with a smile.

"It's something you and I wish to do." Qin Mo stood up, "This communication was very pleasant. If there is anything else you value in the Ming Dynasty, you can always tell it to our Ming Dynasty envoy at the Honglu Pavilion in the Ming Dynasty."

Subsequently, the two parties signed an agreement, and the more than 1000 million taels of silver were delivered within three days.

After signing the agreement, Qin Mo stayed in the palace for the banquet.

During this period, Li Shilong asked Ah Si, "What have you learned?"

"Compassion does not control soldiers, justice does not control wealth, soft-heartedness does not control power, stance determines head, there is no pure friendship between countries, only eternal interests!"

"These are all simple truths. What else have you figured out?"

“If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This time my brother-in-law taught me with practical actions, just like we treat other countries the same way.

The gap between the two countries is not too big at the moment, but it is enough to make us timid. If we don’t work hard, in a few years, Ming Dynasty will beat me like a lesson to a young son! "

(End of this chapter)

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