big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1664 Homecoming!

Chapter 1664 Homecoming!

"I, I understand, I'm sorry, Uncle Qin!" The little girl threw herself into her aunt's arms and never dared to look at Qin Mo again.

Princess Heng touched her niece's hair and sighed, "Forget it, you are not blessed!"

With Qin Mo's current status, even if he pointed his finger at her and scolded her, she would not dare to say anything.

I thought that by bringing the two of them together, the two countries could deepen their friendship in the future.

This is a national policy decision.

Otherwise, how could they bring out the girls who have not left the court and let Qin Mo, a grown man, see her naked?
Li Shilong glanced at it, then looked away, and sighed secretly, "I have really grown up."

Empress Dowager Gongsun comforted her and said, "Well, it's Empress Mother who is troublesome. Now that she's out to play, just be happy. No one will bother you in the future."

"Mother, I don't blame you." Qin Mo smiled bitterly and said: "I am already in my fourth year, and such a young girl is not suitable for me.

I have my third sister and the others in my life, what else can I not be satisfied with?

I will always grow old, and there are girls every year, and they can't all be mine. "

Empress Dowager Gongsun nodded, "Empress Mother knows!"

After the bonfire party, the girls stayed away from Qin Mo for fear of being scolded.

They seemed to have been reminded by their elders, and in the days to come, they were all respectful and did not dare to take a step beyond their bounds.

Qin Mo didn't care about them since he didn't see them.

After staying at the beach for a full month, Qin Mo said: "Father, it's time for me to go home!"

"This is not your home?"

"Yes, but I can't stay here for a long time. This time I've been lazy for so long. My wife, children, and children at home should be talking about me." Qin Mo said.

"Okay, go back." Li Shilong knew very well that in the past, Qin Mo would definitely not be willing to go back, but now Qin Mo is a real grown man. A man who has his family and the world in his heart will not stay out for too long.

Qin Mo thought that he would not let him go easily, but unexpectedly he agreed immediately.

He knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to Li Shilong respectfully, "Father, my son-in-law is unfilial and cannot be filial in front of his father every day.

Please take care of yourself and send someone to deliver a message to me if you miss me.

I will ask my third sister and the others to visit you from time to time.

It's just that I can't come back every year, but I promise you that I will come back every two or three years to stay with you for three or two months. "

Li Shilong opened his mouth and touched his head, "I just don't know if I can survive until you come here next time!"

"That's natural, there are many next times!" Qin Mo smiled, but there were tears in his eyes, and his voice was choked without realizing it.

He was very aware of Lao Liu's health and was afraid that he really wouldn't be able to survive the next time. "Father, don't worry. In a while, the wireless telegraph station will be set up. If you miss me by then, you don't have to come over." , just send me a telegram directly.

We just correspond every day. Although we can't meet face to face, it's still better than sending letters. "

"Who wants to correspond with you every day?" Li Shilong snorted, "It's enough that your kid is here every day. I'm already annoying you now, so don't write to me if you have nothing to do.

By the way, your record of the Ming Dynasty has not been updated these days. Don’t stop and update it as soon as possible after you return.

When you have a new manuscript, send it to me via that 'telegram' as soon as possible, do you hear me? "

This duplicitous little old man is really cute.

Qin Mo looked at him deeply and said, "Goodbye, son-in-law!" "Let's go, I won't see you off!" Li Shilong waved his hand lightly, but he didn't know that this farewell was actually an eternal farewell.

Afterwards, Qin Mo went to say goodbye to Empress Dowager Gongsun, who pulled him with tears in her eyes and talked a lot.

Then, Qin Mo said goodbye to the others.

He never liked this kind of parting scene. He didn't know when we would meet again next time. He wanted to meet each other properly and say goodbye properly.

The one who cried the most sadly was Princess Qi. She took Qin Mo's hand and said, "You must be nice to my daughter, and my eldest grandson. If you dare to treat them badly, I will never let you go." !”

When Qin Mo saw their voices and faces, he remembered them all in his heart, and then left without looking back.

The journey back remained unchanged, but Qin Mo felt that every step was extra heavy.

It's a bad feeling.

After getting on the boat, he looked away at the land that was gradually moving away. Fortunately, Fang Xuan and Xiao Gao were with him.

"I thought you would really accept that little girl!" Fang Chun said.

"Don't be stupid, senior sister, do you really think I'm a stallion?" Qin Mo hugged her and said, "You are enough for me in this life!"

Gao Yao smiled and said, "I don't know how the child is doing at home, or if he misses us!"

"Go home, no matter how good your work is, it will no longer be our home!" Qin Mo looked into the distance, smoked a cigarette, and said goodbye to his past self.

Meanwhile, Beach House.

Li Shilong calmed down and called Dagou to the study, "You have been here for ten years, right?"

"Your Majesty, it's been 11 years!" The big dog was worried about him and didn't understand why the old emperor was asking this.

"It's been so long since the Japanese island country has been included in Daqian!" Li Shilong was a little dazed, "You've still been able to do things well all these years."

The big dog became even more panicked, "Your Majesty, did you fail to do a good job there?"

"No, you did a good job!" Li Shilong laughed, "For example, in the case of Lao Ba, you played me around so much that I didn't even understand it for so many years."

Cold sweat broke out on the big dog's forehead, "Your Majesty, what are you talking about? How dare I deceive you?"

"The new governor of Liumen is yours, right? Last time I asked him to arrest someone, but he used a death row prisoner to deceive me!" Li Shilong sighed, "I once had three dogs by my side. It's a pity that these three dogs , they all lied to me.

Maybe it’s because I’m not good at training dogs, but I didn’t expect to be bitten by my own dog every day! "

Li Shilong silently took out a pistol and shot the big dog.

The big dog didn't even react. A bloody hole appeared on his forehead, and the back of his head was shot through by a spinning bullet. Yellow and white blood flowed all over the floor.

The sudden gunshots caused chaos in the villa area, and a large number of guards came over.

Li Shilong just asked someone to collect the big dog's body, and then walked out of the villa, "It's okay, I just tried the gun, and that bitch Qin Mo said that he would take me hunting next time. This gun is much better than a bow and arrow. No matter how big the prey is, it can be killed by one shot." Guns can kill!"

No one doubted his presence and didn't ask any questions.

Only the Empress Dowager Gongsun knew something was wrong, but she didn't ask much, but from then on, the big dog never appeared again.

Empress Dowager Gongsun would not ask anything, but there was a handsome little eunuch with nimble hands and feet beside the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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