big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1665: Sudden epidemic!

Chapter 1665: Sudden epidemic!

On the way home, Qin Mo retreated for a few days to make up for the missing updates during this period.

The main reason is that it's too boring to be on the sea. If I'm not fishing every day, I'm playing mahjong. Even with my senior sister and Xiao Gao accompanying me, it's still boring.

After finally returning to the capital, Qin Mo happily landed ashore, only to learn that Lao Qin was ill. Qin Mo lost all mood and hurried to the imperial study.

When Lao Qin has nothing to do, he likes to rest here.

"Dad, are you okay?" Qin Mo entered the imperial study and saw Lao Qin lying on the dragon couch. Lao Qin had a towel on his forehead. He obviously had a fever.

Hearing Qin Mo's call, Qin Xiangru opened his eyes slightly and said in a dreamy voice: "Why did I hear the voice of my fool?"

"Dad, it's me, I'm back." Qin Mo looked at Lao Qin, feeling unspeakably uncomfortable in his heart, and looked at the imperial doctor beside him, "How is my father?"

"When you return to His Majesty the Crown Prince, I will definitely try my best to heal Your Majesty."

Qin Mocai refused to listen to their slanderous remarks, "What is going on? I heard that many people in the capital have fallen ill and the hospitals are overwhelmed."

Qin Mo rarely gets angry, but now he was angry. Everyone was so frightened that they knelt on the ground. The leading physician was from the Qin clan. He said with a bitter face: "Since last month, a strange disease has appeared in the capital. This disease not only causes fever, but also causes rash very easily, but it is more rare in adults and mainly attacks children.

But it is not complete, some weak people can also be infected! "

Qin Mo frowned and got a rash?

Could it be measles?

He remembered that in his previous life, he had been vaccinated when he was a child, and his peers around him had measles.

The earliest record of measles was in the Han Dynasty, when many people regarded measles as smallpox.

"Do you know how to use the medicine?" Qin Mo asked.

"Back to His Majesty the Crown Prince, I am currently taking some conventional antibiotics, which are effective. Although His Majesty is still having a fever, his condition is much better.

What we really need to pay attention to are those children. Currently, the medical department has been working overtime to make medical kits and distribute them to every household. Secondly, they are promoting isolation.
It is based on smallpox prevention and control. We have all been vaccinated against cowpox before, so we have relevant experience.

Because of timely control, the relevant epidemics only spread in the capital and have been effectively controlled. "

Qin Mo breathed a sigh of relief, but then thought of those naughty children in his family, "Where are the emperor's grandchildren?"

"Everyone is isolated. Several of the emperor's grandsons were infected with the disease and have recovered. Your Majesty was infected while playing with the emperor's grandsons."

"Okay, don't worry, there is no one who doesn't get sick when he gets old. You came back just in time, and a lot of things have accumulated in the court. This epidemic happened suddenly and made people panic all of a sudden. As the prince, you have to stabilize people's hearts.

These days, the affairs of the DPRK and Central Government will be left to you. "

Although Qin Xiangru was happy to see Qin Mo, maybe he was too uncomfortable. He just looked at Qin Mo for a few times and then closed his eyes to rest.

Seeing Old Qin like this, Qin Mo felt helpless for the first time.

He is a history student, not a medical student. It would be great if he were a medical student. At least he would know the ingredients of the medicine and have a direction for his research.

"Dad, please have a good rest. I will leave the affairs of the imperial court to me." Qin Mo glanced at Lao Qin and immediately left the imperial study.

At this moment, the women in the East Palace were in a very low mood. When they saw Qin Mo coming back, they all wiped away tears.

Qin Mo has many children, which means that the risk of infection is also high. Some young children were isolated for treatment after being infected with measles, and they were not allowed to travel to avoid infection.How many mothers are not worried about their children?
"Mr. Lang, you're finally back!" Seeing Qin Mo, the girls rushed over.

Qin Mo took a deep breath and said, "I just came over from Father Cong. Please stay away from me. I already know the situation. Don't be nervous. The disease is probably measles. As long as the diagnosis is early and medication is taken actively, the children will definitely recover." of.

Existing drugs can effectively treat it. "

Polio is more frightening than measles and more harmful to children. It spreads quickly and develops quickly. A single mistake can leave lifelong disabilities.

The girls looked at Qin Mo, thinking about it but not daring to go there. They couldn't help crying while watching him.

Qin Mo comforted them for a long time before they all stopped crying.

Now that Qin Mo is back, everyone has found their backbone, and they are no longer so hesitant and helpless.

Qin Mo knew very well that the court's series of measures were correct, especially isolation and imitation treatment, city-wide sterilization, and centralized treatment, which were the fastest ways to eliminate the disease.

He also went to see the children who were quarantined, and it made his heart bleed.

Even the healthy children now live alone, with only one person left to take care of them. When they saw Qin Mo, they were all a little scared, but in the end they all timidly comforted Qin Mo and told him not to worry.

If you are not a parent, you will never know how your parents feel. Now Qin Mo even wants to bear this suffering on their behalf.

However, Qin Mo is also very fortunate that he has been vigorously developing medicine over the years, so that he can effectively control this epidemic.

Thinking about the epidemic in the Eastern Han Dynasty, it took decades to give birth to Zhang Zhongjing. Now with various medical talents and high-tech equipment, we can respond as quickly as possible.

And A Si's child, Qin Mo's first eldest grandson, was also lucky enough to avoid being infected.

This is a fortune in misfortune.

He didn't even have time to see his children because he was afraid of infecting them.

After confirming that there was no problem in the East Palace, Qin Mo returned to Fengtian Palace to deal with the backlog of government affairs and met with ministers from a distance.

"You handled the epidemic very well this time. The medical kits were also paid for by the imperial court. This epidemic also proved our response ability. After all, this is the capital city with the best resources in the world. But if this is other places What about city-states?

What if the disease breaks out in remote cities?

Can you react quickly?
We need to establish a complete system.

I don’t know what kind of disease this measles epidemic will be next. These diseases exist in nature and among people, and may be detonated in a certain period of time. We all need to be prepared.

To thoroughly study these diseases, it is best to eliminate them.

For example, the vaccine I advocated in the early years. If the measles vaccine is available and children are vaccinated at birth, will it be possible to prevent the widespread spread of measles infection? Even if the child is infected, the symptoms will be greatly reduced.

Once people across the country have antibodies, their resistance to the disease will be stronger!
Finally there is the hospital.

The hospitals in the Ming Dynasty mainly focus on saving lives and healing the wounded, rather than making money. As long as the hospital can cover its own expenses, it doesn't matter if the court subsidizes it.

So next, we are going to carry out medical treatment in the countryside, and we will add [-] hospitals within ten years! "

(End of this chapter)

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