big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1666 Qin Ge!

Chapter 1666 Qin Ge!

After being busy until late at night, Qin Mo finally finished sorting out the things at hand.

"Your Highness, it's late at night, it's time to rest!" Xiaoba reminded.

"After reading the last memorial in my hand." Qin Mo smiled, then took the last memorial and read it. After reading it, he stretched out and looked at the finished memorial. He actually Gives birth to a sense of satisfaction.

At this moment, he suddenly understood the psychology of those who were greedy for power.

Even if I review the memorial until dawn and am too tired to pamper the beauties in the harem, this feeling of guiding the country is still irresistible.

"Your Highness, the Crown Princess just handed over a note saying that she would leave the door open for you tonight!" Xiaoba reminded again.

Qin Mo nodded. Adults are obviously much more resistant to measles.

When he arrived at the East Palace, Qin Mo had to disinfect himself before entering the palace.

As soon as Qin Mo entered the door, the room lit up.

Li Yulan was sitting on the bed, wearing a pink bellyband, "Are you hungry? I made you a midnight snack!"

Qin Mo touched his belly and walked to the table. As expected, they were all what he liked to eat, "It's better for Third Sister."

"You are such a person, you are so happy when you go to Daqian. I heard that there are many little girls pestering you, why don't you bring a few back?"

"Third sister, where did you hear the gossip?"

Li Yulan walked up behind Qin Mo and gently squeezed his shoulders, "Don't worry about where I heard it from. Just tell me, if there weren't Sister Fang and Sister Xiao Gao, would you have brought that little girl back?"

"No?" Qin Mo shook his head, "My heart is already full and I don't need new people."

Li Yulan didn't say anything, but smiled and offered a sweet kiss. This kiss was like sparks falling into an oil barrel, instantly igniting Qin Mo.

Li Yulan had not known the taste of meat for several months, and now she was getting hotter and hotter.

"Aren't you tired?" Li Yulan pushed Qin Mo away, "Eat your midnight snack quickly and take a rest after eating!"

After saying that, he sat aside, stretched his chin with both hands, and stared at Qin Mo intently.

Qin Mo was still in the mood for a midnight snack, so he pulled Li Yulan and said, "That's enough for you!"

The two stayed together until midnight, then fell asleep hugging each other.

Before dawn the next day, Qin Mo got up to deal with matters. First, the celebrity collected all the children's conditions yesterday to make sure there were no problems before he felt relieved.

Then he went to the imperial study room and looked at Lao Qin. Lao Qin's fever had subsided last night and he had an appetite to eat. He was in much better spirits this morning.

Afterwards, Qin Mo left the palace and went to the collective treatment hospital to visit these patients.

Although many ministers refused Qin Mo to go, they couldn't resist Qin Mo at all.

And the mortality rate of measles is not terrible. Now with drug treatment, the mortality rate will not exceed 5%.

However, Xijing is densely populated, and more than 3 people were infected this time. Some weak children and elderly women died from the infection, and the number exceeded [-] people.

In the face of natural disasters, people are really insignificant.

Qin Mo went to many places in one day. Even if his legs became weak, he still persisted.

He is the courage and the backbone of the people. If a person does not have willpower, even the magic medicine will not be able to exert its full effect.

For several days, Qin Mo was at the forefront of the fight against the epidemic.

The effect was also very good. I don’t know how many people were grateful and cried bitterly.

Xijing Daily also follows up and reports every day.Due to the epidemic, a large number of teahouses and entertainment venues were temporarily closed. With a wave of his hand, Qin Mo directly allocated tens of millions of taels of silver to subsidize everyone.

Finally, after 20 days of hard work, the widespread measles was completely conquered, leaving only a few infected people.

Coupled with the fact that the Royal College of Physicians have developed effective drugs, treating measles has become easier.

Then the Royal College of Physicians began working on a measles vaccine, a polio vaccine.

The imperial court also immediately announced some diseases that had existed for a long time but had not been completely conquered.

The court's propaganda every day makes everyone no longer afraid, because the court is really doing its best to serve the people.

Qin Mo's reputation was already high, and it reached its peak at this time.

Qin Mo was also very tired. Even though he was still at his peak, the heavy workload had made his hair turn gray.

Serving the country and the people is not so easy.

"So, being a faint king is the right way. Ming Jun is so tired!" Qin Mo thought as he lay on the dragon chair.

But before he could relax for a moment, the naughty children rushed over and surrounded him.

Everyone hugged him and kissed him enough.

Qin Mo also saw his first grandson. This little guy looked a lot like Tianxin. As a native of the Western Regions, Tang Daier didn't inherit anything from her.

This kid has black hair, dark eyes, and dark skin. It can only be said that the genes of the old Qin family are too strong.

As for the children of Qin Mo's family, if they run out, they will know which family they belong to.

Tang Daier was very nervous. When she came to Ming Dynasty, she also thought about her husband's family, but she never expected that her husband's parents were actually the most noble people in Ming Dynasty.

The Ming prince and his concubines.

It was really lucky that I became the daughter-in-law of my family.

Qin Mo could see that she was nervous, "Don't be nervous, I don't eat people!"

"Daughter-in-law, meet the crown prince!" Tang Xun'er said in Ming Dynasty Mandarin, which was fairly fluent.

Qin Mo smiled and nodded, without correcting her title. He just said, "Are you used to everything in the capital?"

"Get used to it!" Tang Xun'er couldn't help but relax when she saw Qin Mo being so kind. Looking at this man who was very similar to her husband, she felt indescribably close to him.

"That's good. If you have nothing to do, take the child to the palace as often as possible." Qin Mo said and began to tease the child. As the fourth generation eldest grandson of the Qin family, although this child is not a legitimate grandson, he still receives special attention and attention.

Lao Qin was so happy that he specially named him Qin Ge. Everyone who saw him would call him brother.

However, although they attached great importance to it, they did not attach too much importance to it. At least the elders of the Zhou Dynasty complained quite a lot. They felt that Tang Dai'er, a barbarian girl from the Western Regions, had a low status and was not worthy of giving birth to a child for the great emperor's grandson. It had simply polluted the noble bloodline of the great emperor's grandson.

Fortunately, Xiao Yurou was very protective of Tang Xun'er, and the child was particularly popular in the palace. His uncles and aunts were all the ones who protected him.

He had just been born, and he sent all kinds of delicious, drinkable, and fun things to Tang Xun'er's house without risking his life.

After teasing the child for a while, Qin Mo said, "By the way, when will Tianxin come back?"

"A letter came not long ago, saying that autumn is coming, maybe there are some changes on the front line!" Xiao Yujudo.

Qin Mo shook his head, "That boy chose his time well. He will be crowned soon after he comes back. He can't wait to leave us!"

(End of this chapter)

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