big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1667 Lao Qin is retiring!

Chapter 1667 Lao Qin is retiring!
Although Tang Xun'er has been working hard to study the culture of the Ming Dynasty, she still half understood some of the words. When she heard the words, she thought Qin Mo was complaining about Tian Xin, and she suddenly became anxious, with a pretty face full of panic.

"It's okay, your prince father didn't mean to blame you." The attentive Xiao Yurou noticed Tang Xun'er's anxiety and hurriedly comforted her.

"Prince Daddy, the prince talks about you every day in the south." Tang Xun'er explained: "The reason why he didn't come back is that he felt that he had done too little merit, and he was afraid that you wouldn't look down on him!"

Qin Mo couldn't help but shake his head and didn't say anything more. How much credit is considered credit?
Nowadays, there are very few great achievements that would make him look at him differently. He just hopes that Tianxin can train himself and become a person with a sound personality.

"Your prince father understands your husband, don't worry!" Xiao Yurou smiled and then looked at Qin Mo, "It's not that you put too much pressure on your child."

"What does it have to do with me?" Qin Mo said speechlessly.

"You are like a big mountain pressing on everyone's heart. It is not easy to be your child." Xiao Yu said judo.

"Then let him go back to the drawing board and rebuild?"

"Okay, you call him back and let him crawl back into my belly. I didn't know it was that bastard who deceived me!" Xiao Yurou puffed out her belly.

"My daughter-in-law is still watching, you are not shy!" Qin Mo said helplessly, but Xiao Yurou also reminded him not to put too much psychological pressure on the children. He felt that the education of the children could be appropriately adjusted. His light was so dazzling that for thousands of years, no one could compare with him.

Being one's own child is indeed very stressful. This pressure comes from others as well as from their own hearts.

If the father is strong and the son is weak, people will say that the father is a tiger and the son is a dog. If the father is weak and the son is strong, people will say that the child is struggling and smoke is rising from the ancestral graves.

"What should I be ashamed of? Everyone here has been here before." Xiao Yurou was still holding her eldest grandson in one hand, "Grandson, please don't be as bad as your ancestor in the future!"

As they talked, other women also joined the crusade against Qin Mo.

Qin Mo gave up the argument. The stupidest thing in the world is to reason with his wife. If there is anything that can't be solved, just sleep. If one sleep doesn't work, sleep twice until she is convinced.

Moreover, he found it quite interesting. When she was a little girl, she was very virtuous, well-behaved, and obedient. Now that she is a woman, she pinches her waist and scolds herself here, as if she is a busybody, a useless person, and has nothing to do. A middle-aged man who makes money.

Life is a journey, and people are not static.

Seeing that Qin Mo was not angry, but instead listened to their scoldings with a smile, Xiao Yurou knew that this guy was probably wrong, especially the look in his eyes, which was very treacherous. She was a little flustered, this guy must have bad intentions.

Forget it, it's better not to make him angry, so as not to deal with it again.

Xiao Yurou was the first to withdraw from the battlefield, and the others also gave up when they saw fit, and then left Qin Mo aside and circled around the child.

Qin Mo left the East Palace and came to the imperial study. He thought that Old Qin was still recuperating, but as soon as he opened the door, he saw that Old Qin was holding a big elbow in his hand, and there was an illustrated book beside him. With relish.

"Okay, Dad, your son is working so hard outside, so you just complain about being tired and miserable every day, and you secretly eat elbows here." Qin Mo was so angry, he thought to himself, even the people who were being treated collectively in the hospital were... After being discharged from the hospital, Lao Qin still didn't take things easy. Maybe it was because Lao Qin was old and was thinking too hard, so he didn't think much about it.

Now it seems that Lao Qin is just pretending.This little old man is quite thoughtful.

Qin Xiangru's eyes were a little flustered, but he quickly calmed down. When he saw Qin Mo coming over, he couldn't help but sigh, "I just feel better today. I felt like vomiting when I saw these greasy and fishy things a few days ago.

This elbow was just served. I had only tasted it for a few bites before you came, and you scolded me.

Why, it’s a sin for me to eat a few elbows? "

Qin Mo was stunned, "Dad, you actually learned pua!"

"I don't know what pua is. How many days do I have to live at this age? I just have to eat a lot of meat and drink a lot of wine!" Qin Xiangru took another bite of his elbow as he spoke.

"Won't your conscience hurt when you say something like this? Look at you, you are getting stronger with age. Those who don't know think you are a 30-year-old young man. You are so strong that you can kill a cow. You lie down now. What will happen to Daming? , what should I do, what should your grandson do? Now that the fourth generation of our old Qin family has come out, who can they rely on?
Of course I have to look up to you as my grandfather! "Qin Mo looked heartbroken.

"Stop filling me with ecstasy soup!" Qin Xiangru said: "You are about to run away for the fourth time, and I am over 60. What's wrong with relaxing and being lazy at this age?
I really have a showdown with you. From today on, I really won't care about anything. After a few days, I will give in. You must be the emperor even if you don't.

Don't you feel comfortable taking your aunt on a trip? "

Qin Mo suddenly became anxious and hurriedly poured a glass of wine for Lao Qin, "Dad, if we have something to discuss, please don't be so impulsive. Elderly people, you are not too old to walk. You must not continue to make mistakes." Far away!"

Gao Shilian on the side just wanted to laugh. This pair of living treasures, father and son, are really amazing.

But he could also see that Lao Qin really didn't want to be the emperor anymore. He had had enough of being the emperor over the years. His illness this time also made him think more openly. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, and he is no longer young. I have never enjoyed it in my life, do I really want to stay in this position until death?

Qin Xiangru snorted: "I'm just here to please you now. It's too late. There's no time to discuss this matter. I've already discussed it with your aunt. I'll give in within a month. Then I'll take your aunt to visit the mountains and rivers. Let's see Our Ming Dynasty has great potential!"

"Dad, I can't do it. Now that you're gone, what should I do if I encounter something difficult to make a decision? What if I make a fool of myself?

I still suffer from soul-leaking syndrome. It’s been so many years. What if I get sick? "

Qin Xiangru laughed heartily, "You can just lie to others, but you also want to lie to me. If you have soul-leaving syndrome, I will be a lunatic."

"Dad, how about you remain emperor for five years? No, what about three years? When I am 40 years old, you will give up the throne to me. How about that?" Seeing that Lao Qin was unwavering, Qin Mo hurriedly discussed, "What do you want? Ah, it’s useless even if you give in to me. I won’t accept it. When the time comes, the two of us will have to give in three times and refuse three times. How embarrassing will it be?

If that doesn't work, I'll go on a tour of the world again and won't come back for two or three years. Who will you give up to? "

"Whether you love me back or not, Chao Gang's corruption is your fault, not mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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