big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1668 Patrol again!

Chapter 1668 Patrol again!

Qin Xiangru didn't follow Qin Mo's tricks. He had long been tired of being the emperor, and now he only wanted to live a happy life with Qin Xiuying.

"Dad, you are too much. How about your son giving you a kiss?"

"It really doesn't work. Can two years be enough? One year or one year is also negotiable. I haven't made any achievements in my heart yet. You can't rush in!"

Qin Xiangru sighed, "Idiot, now you have a group of wives and concubines, and you have children. You have created great achievements. Dad is very pleased.

Dad will eventually grow old, but now his energy is not as good as before, and he often cannot keep up with the ideas of young people.

Ming Dynasty needs vitality and young people to take charge of power, do you understand?

It's not that Dad is lazy, Dad has also thought carefully.

If you come up now, when you are 50 years old, you can give up the throne to your son. At that time, no matter the eldest grandson, he will be in the prime of life.

Our family tradition must be upright, and we must not have a bad king.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. These people are relying on our old Qin family to live their lives.

If we can't help them, they will scold us to death. Your father and I are common people. We don't ask for anything but a little reputation.

You have to satisfy your little request, right?
We are not forcing you. I also know that you do not want to be the emperor, but you founded the Ming Dynasty with your own hands, and you tied these people on board. You, the helmsman, don't care and hide behind it. What do you want other people to think?
Now that the grandsons are growing up day by day, who can control them?
Don’t those who are ambitious need to be deterred? "

Qin Mo stopped talking.

Qin Xiangru picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and then took a long breath, "I lost my father and my mother when I was young. I left my hometown, then joined the army, made a name for myself, and became the Duke of Qin all the way. It can be regarded as the grave of my ancestors." Smoked.

Now he has become the emperor of a country. He is the only one in our old Qin family's genealogy.

I am satisfied. Once this person is satisfied, he will easily become slack.

So, you have to help me share the pressure. "

Qin Mo's eyes turned from helpless to firm, then he picked up an elbow, started to scratch it, and said through gritted teeth: "Let's do it, half a year, dad, you give me half a year, and you give up to me after half a year!"

Qin Xiangru thought for a while, "Okay, next spring, dad will give up to you!"

Qin Mo also knew that old Qin's heart was no longer in the palace. He was tired these days and it was time to enjoy his old life.

"Dad, I hope you live a long life!" Qin Mo poured himself a glass of wine and saluted.

"You are so angry with me, I will definitely live a long life!" Qin Xiangru was in a good mood when he saw Qin Mo agree.

"Uncle, come over and have something to eat together! Qin Mo waved to Gao Shilian on the side.

"Thank you, Your Highness, the old slave has already eaten!" Superiority and inferiority are still very important. Although Qin Mo has a broad mind, he cannot be ignorant.

"Uncle, why are you so polite? Let's come together!" Qin Mo pulled Gao Shilian over.

Seeing that he couldn't refuse, Gao Shilian simply sat down, and the three of them drank wine and talked about the past.

Immediately, Gao Shilian took the opportunity to say: "The old slave is also old. After His Majesty retires, the old slave will also retire with the Supreme Emperor. When the time comes, he will follow the Supreme Emperor to take care of him!"

"Uncle, you."

"If Lao Gao wants to retreat, then just retreat. He's getting old, so you should give him a rest!" Qin Xiangru said: "When the time comes, follow me to travel around the mountains and rivers, and enjoy the blessings!"

"Hey, I would like to thank Your Majesty first!" Gao Shilian raised his wine glass and said.

Qin Mo sighed, "Okay, you all abandon me and leave me helpless in this palace."

Gao Shilian smiled and said nothing, Qin Xiangru almost didn't curse.

Are you still lonely and helpless?Look at your wife, children and children. They are basically all yours. Is this called being lonely and helpless?
This meal lasted until late at night. Lao Qin was drunk, Qin Mo was also drunk, and the father and son slept together without any appearance.

Gao Shilian smiled and shook his head. The father and son are really a virtuous couple.

However, after arriving in Daming, he truly found his home.

The next day, Qin Mo got up late, and Lao Qin went to court early in the morning.

Sure enough, he was still used to this salty life, but this kind of life would last at most half a year.

Qin Mo is worried.

He was even thinking about whether to abdicate early and make way for someone more worthy.

But who will be this wise man?

It seems that no one is suitable.

At the very least, most of the children should reach the top and give them a chance to compete, right?
When he thought about spending the next ten years hanging around looking at documents, he felt that his life was bleak.

So next, he decided to go out and relax.

Take a group of beautiful wives and concubines for a secret cruise.

Oh, Liu Ruyu also went along.

But no one broke through the window paper.

The Ming Dynasty developed very quickly. From the initial fifty cities to the current two hundred cities, and then to the current five hundred city plan, a large amount of money was poured into it, and the effect was remarkable.

Thermal power stations were built one after another, making electricity more widespread.

Cars have also officially come out, but they are currently only used as official vehicles for the court and private buses.

Internal combustion engine trains are also on the horizon.

Qin Mo's trip with the girls is not just for fun. Every time he goes to a place, he will carefully inspect it, write it down in his little book, and then give certain suggestions.

Finally, the local governor was called over for discussion. After handling the affairs in one place, he went to the next place.

However, Qin Mo didn't imitate the old man Shiquan, and paid all the expenses himself. Otherwise, he would have spent millions of taels of silver at least for one trip. If the local expenses were included, he would probably not be able to earn even tens of millions of taels of silver. live.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed and Qin Mo arrived in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. Yuan Tiangang's fiefdom was here. He was the king of the county and had thousands of towns.

The fiefdom is in the south of the city. There is a huge pasture, forest, and a small lake next to it. Various crops are grown in the farmland, and the people's faces are filled with smiles.

A village appeared in everyone's sight.

Every household in the village has a separate courtyard, the road is a cement road, there are flowers on both sides of the street, and even the street lights are set up.

The fish produced in this lake, the cattle, sheep and horses raised in the pasture, and the tea grown in this lake are all very popular.

Moreover, the handmade textiles here are very famous, so the people in the fief lived a pretty good life.

This village is called Yuanjia Village. Yuan Tiangang's house is at the highest point. The house is not luxurious, but it occupies a large area. After all, he is a county prince, so he still has the necessary configurations.

The people in the village were not surprised to see strangers coming in. It could be seen that there were many people coming to visit them.

Before he even approached Yuan Mansion, he saw an old man with an immortal demeanor standing there, looking at everyone with a smile. When he saw Qin Mo, he stepped forward quickly and said, "Wei Chen has seen the prince." Your Highness!"

(End of this chapter)

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