big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1669 Ziwei Mountain Gate!

Chapter 1669 Ziwei Mountain Gate!

"Gangzi, no, master, there's no need to be polite!" Qin Mo hurried over to help.

When Yuan Tiangang heard this, he just smiled and said, "The prince is still the same as before."

"How did you know we were coming?"

"Last night, I was teaching my children to observe the sky at night. Suddenly, I noticed the purple energy coming from the east. I felt something about it, so I was waiting here early. No, it's time to wait!"

"Didn't you already seal the hexagram?"

"That's not important. What's important is that I've been waiting for you!" Yuan Tiangang smiled, and Xiao Xuanji came behind him with his children.

Before she saluted, Qin Mo hurriedly stopped her, "Auntie, please stop saluting me, I can't bear it!"

Xiao Xuanji smiled and patted his son and daughter on the head. The two little guys obediently bowed to Qin Mo.

Immediately, Fang Chun and Xiao Yurou stepped forward to salute the couple.

"Everyone, please come into the humble house!" Yuan Tiangang invited everyone in and separated the men and women.

"Hey, I'm finally clean." Qin Mo said while sitting on the futon.

"Why, this journey is not smooth?"

"No, there are so many warblers and swallows around me. After a long time, it will inevitably get annoying." Qin Mo said.

"You asked for this. You have to endure it even if you can't bear it. Fortunately, you have a strong destiny. If you were an ordinary person, you would have worn many hats." Yuan Tiangang said with some envy.

"That's right, we have a good sense. Quality is more important than quantity." Qin Mo said.

Yuan Tiangang glanced sideways at him, "Is this time coming here for a temporary stay or something like that?"

"I've been abroad for more than a month and I'm a little tired. I'm here to stay for a while. Don't worry, I'll pay for the food myself!" Qin Mo said.

Yuan Tiangang shook his head helplessly, "Can I still accept your money? If your aunt knows about it, why don't you beat me up?"

Qin Mo laughed and said, "How about you hide it and use it as personal money?"

"We can't hide money. There are dozens of new babies in my fief this year. Although the court has given a lot of subsidies, there are more and more people, so we still have to find another way out for everyone.

Although I have done a lot of things, I still feel it is not enough. "Yuan Tiangang said: "Now I understand that fortune telling is much easier than being an official. "

"The people in your fiefdom are very good. I came from the Cheng family and the Liu family fiefdom. Although their fiefdom is not bad, it is two levels worse than yours. You are kind-hearted.

If it were anyone else, he would have built his own palace into a luxurious palace, which is not like your home! "

Yuan Tiangang smiled bitterly and said: "I have revealed too many secrets in my life. I was destined to be lonely, and this is the best situation.

Now I have a wife, two children, and a high position as a county king. My destiny has changed from the moment I met you.

If I were greedy, I would be so sorry to God.

One drink and one peck, it's all determined by God.

Although the people in my house are not rich and powerful, they are not comparable to ordinary people. This is enough. "

"No wonder you opened the hexagram." Qin Mo said.

"Although my destiny has changed, when I am doing divination now, I am more interested in studying Ziwei star arithmetic and celestial phenomena, and passing this arithmetic to my children by the way." Yuan Tiangang did not hide it. People like him have been involved in all dynasties. All those who must be strictly monitored are either gods or demons, who cannot bear to be tolerated by those in power.

He was lucky. After three dynasties, the people in power he met were all okay. He also changed his destiny of being lonely and widowed. What else could he be dissatisfied with?

Qin Mo thought for a while and thought of the Taoist halls in another world, which were passed down from generation to generation and lasted for hundreds of years.So he expressed his thoughts, "I see there is a mountain near you, which is also in your fiefdom. The central Ziweixing Doumen Courtyard will be built on this mountain. It will be passed down from generation to generation and become the orthodoxy of Taoism.

When the time comes, I will confer you the title of Heavenly Master and give you the Heavenly Master's treasure seal. "

When Yuan Tiangang heard this, his expression changed again. He hurriedly pinched his fingers, and his expression became more and more excited. After a while, he took a deep breath and raised his hands to Qin Mo, "Then I won't be polite to you. This move, Our Ziwei Star Sect will prosper for thousands of years!"

Qin Mo smiled and said, "You should be rude, don't forget, I am now the head of the Ziweixing Sect.

But in the future, the Heavenly Master of Ziwei Xingmen in the central part can only have the surname Yuan! "

Yuan Tiangang nodded. He didn't expect that he would have such a predestined relationship. As a result, not only his fate had changed, but also the fate of his children.

Sure enough, in the face of the general trend, personal small trends can only be crushed.

He realized that this was an opportunity for himself or others, "I will do this well."

"Do this well and don't let me down." Qin Mo reminded.

"Here's a toast to you!" Yuan Tiangang offered tea instead of wine.

In the yard next door, the women started chatting more openly, but they couldn't stay idle. After chatting for a while, they started playing mahjong.

As the mistress of the Yuan family, Xiao Xuanji has a high status. She doesn't have many good friends here, so it's difficult to get together a mahjong table.

Now that Fang Shun and others are here, if I don't have a good time, I don't know when I will play mahjong next time.

Qin Mo and Yuan Tiangang sighed together when they heard the loud sound of playing mahjong.

That night, Qin Mo told Fang Shun and Xiao Yurou his ideas, and ordered to allocate funds to build the atrium of the Ziwei Star Gate on the mountain not far from Yuan Tiangang's fiefdom.

This mountain is the highest mountain range within a hundred miles and is also the head of a dragon. It is perfect for being used as a Taoist temple.

Qin Mo thought for a while and finally named it 'Ziwei Mountain'!
It can be regarded as his proper handling of Ziwei Star Sect.

With this Ziwei Mountain, the Yuan family and the Yuan family's fiefdom will be prosperous in the future, and Gangzi will not have to worry about the lives of the people in the fiefdom.

With Ziwei Mountain, you can live a good life no matter what.

In the next few days, Qin Mo took Su Pimojie on horseback. When they were tired, they would go into the woods, fish, pick tea, make tea by themselves, and go boating on the lake. They lived a fulfilling and leisurely life.

Qin Mo likes this slow pace of life very much.

After staying for a few days, Qin Mo could only say goodbye and leave. Only Fang Chun and Xiao Yurou planned to stay here longer.

Qin Mo refused to accept anything and continued to go deeper with the chief daughter.

Two days later, we arrived at Fengshou City, which is located on a plain and is an important grain production area in the Ming Dynasty.

Many families have their fiefdoms here.

For example, the Du family, the Gongsun family, and the Dou family are all here.

But on weekdays, retainers take care of things here.

After Gongsun Chong resigned, he returned here. In view of his hard work and hard work in the court over the years, Qin Mo also rewarded him with a fourth-grade title and four hundred food fiefs. The fiefdom was not large, but The location is absolutely great.

And his fiefdom was sandwiched between the Du family and the Dou family, and it felt like he was being watched.

Looking at the golden wheat waves and the earthy smell in the air, Qin Mo said with a smile: "It's the harvest season again!"

(End of this chapter)

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