big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1670 Long time no see!

Chapter 1670 Long time no see!

Gongsun Chong didn't know the news about Qin Mo's arrival in the fief yet. He had taken a concubine here two years ago. good.

Last year, his youngest son was born, and Gongsun Chong had more expectations for the future.

Fortunately, his eldest son is getting older, and he will be a crown prince in two years, so he no longer needs to accompany him carefully.

"Brother Gongsun, your family's land will have a bumper harvest this year. I'm afraid this refined grain will fetch a good price!"

"Well, we have to keep enough food in the village, sell the rest, and then divide the money. Each household can probably get about ten Ming silver dollars." Gongsun Chong's fiefdom implemented a cooperative system, which was a bit It has the taste of the new countryside, and the restaurants there are very dynamic.

Du Youwei calculated, "This does not include the fish ponds and the pigs, cattle and sheep raised. If we calculate it this way, wouldn't every household in your village be able to receive more than 30 yuan this year?"

"It's about the same. After deducting the cost, it's probably only about 20 yuan. The main reason is that there are few people in Zhuangzi and the land is huge, so we can't plant it at all.

I need to buy more sowing machines next year, and then my income will be even higher! "

Two or thirty yuan sounds like a small amount, but the premise is that there is enough food and meat can be eaten every now and then. Then the purchasing power of the Ming Dynasty silver dollar is enough for people like them living in the countryside to live a good life.

First of all, they have no pressure on housing or raising children. The subsidies given by the court are very strong, and even the people in the fiefdom can enjoy them as usual.

"It's really good." Du Youwei praised.

"It's not as good as your Duzhuang." Gongsun Chong poured him wine and said: "I heard that your Zhuangzi has implemented free medical care for everyone this year, and specially applied to the imperial court for Duzhuang Hospital. All the people in this ten miles and eight towns are all There are some small clinics, and with Duzhuang Hospital, it is much more convenient for villagers to treat diseases."

Du Youwei smiled and said, "The imperial policy is better. I have applied for it for many years. I just gave it a try, but I got lucky and it was actually approved."

A comprehensive hospital is not comparable to a clinic.

"I heard that the imperial court has set its tone this year. In the future, the number of cities will be increased to [-], and the number of hospitals will continue to increase, especially in the countryside. I guess your success in applying this time is related to the general direction of the imperial court!" Gongsun Chong analyzed. road.

"That should be the case." Du Youwei nodded, "In the past, when we were in Daqian, it was not the turn of ordinary people to do this kind of thing, but since the prince was born, everything seems to have changed.

All those high-ranking aristocratic families were swept into the garbage heap by him. Now is the time when the people are the masters of the country. "

"Who says it's not the case!" Gongsun Chong smiled.

At this time, the servant came over and announced, "Sir, there are guests outside the door!"

"Who?" Gongsun Chong frowned. After coming to the fiefdom, he had almost lost contact with his colleagues in the court. Could it be that someone passed by and came to visit him specially?

"That man said his surname was Qin!"

Surname Qin?

Gongsun Chong looked at Du Youwei and his expression suddenly changed, "Is he the only one?"

"Not only that, there is a convoy behind us, and the license plate seems to be from Xijing!" the servant said.

Du Youwei stood up in a hurry, "Brother Gongsun, what are you still doing? Hurry up and go, someone must be here!"

Gongsun Chong also reacted, "Quickly, tell everyone to come to the gate, hurry!"

The servant also reacted and knew that the person coming was probably of high status, otherwise he would not have let his lordship behave like this.

"Brother Du, am I okay with my behavior?"

"Let's go see the driver quickly!" Du Youwei said hurriedly.The two hurried to the door and saw a familiar figure.

"Wei Chen Gongsun Chong (Du Youwei) comes to see His Highness the Crown Prince!" The two of them hurriedly greeted each other.

Hearing this, all the female servants in the mansion were stunned and knelt on the ground.

Just because their lord doesn't have to kneel doesn't mean they don't have to kneel.

After receiving the notice, Gongsun Chongxinna's concubine also hurriedly hugged the child and knelt on the ground.

"No courtesy!" Qin Mo smiled and helped the two of them up. "I happened to be passing by here and came to take a look. I didn't disturb you, right?"

"His Royal Highness, you are joking. When you come to your humble abode, you will be in full bloom." Gongsun Chong did not expect that Qin Mo would come here to see him. Even if he was just passing by, he still felt emotional. After all, they were mortal enemies at the beginning.

Qin Mo's mind is truly unparalleled.

Seeing that their faces were slightly red and smelled of alcohol, Qin Mo said with a smile: "It seems that I disturbed your drinking!"

"No, no, Wei Chen has been coming to Gongsun to drink and chat every day since he came back. He has long been annoying me!" Du Youwei explained.

Thinking back to the beginning, he had bet with Qin Mo several times, and each time he lost, he doubted his life. It even made him feel that reading was useless. Even if he read the book to pieces, he could not be Qin Mo's opponent.

From the initial contempt to the current admiration and even worship, only he knows the journey he has gone through in his heart.

"Your Highness is laughing. The countryside is not as prosperous as the capital, and we don't have many friends here, so..." Gongsun Chong was a little embarrassed.

Qin Mo smiled, glanced at the others, and finally landed on the mediocre-looking woman, "That child is your youngest son, why don't you see your eldest son?"

"Yes, this is the youngest son of Wei Chen." Gongsun Chong hurriedly brought the younger son over, "The eldest son went to Fengshou City to study. Didn't the imperial court recently issue an order to send education to the countryside? He went with the team to support teaching in the countryside. Got it!"

"Yes, he is a good boy!" Qin Mo looked at the timid little baby and took out a jade pendant from his pocket, "I have just arrived, so I didn't prepare any good gifts. This jade pendant is just a greeting gift. I want to grow up healthily. Be loyal to your country!”

"Your Highness, I can't do it. This is too valuable!" Gongsun Chong was very grateful, but this jade pendant was indeed too valuable.

"If you have anything valuable outside of you, take it. I'm afraid I'll still bother you in your house today." Qin Mo said.

Seeing that he couldn't refuse, Gongsun Chong had no choice but to accept it, and then said: "His Highness can stay in a humble house for a while. This is a humble request. However, is His Highness the only one coming here?"

Gongsun Chong saw the group of carriages. It was obvious that Qin Mo did not come alone.

"Come down, everyone. We'll stay at Gongsun's house tonight."

As soon as Qin Mo finished speaking, the girls in the car got out one after another.

Seeing this, Du Youwei and the others hurriedly saluted.

"Cousin, long time no see, how are you lately?" Li Yushu stood in front of Gongsun Chong generously, with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for your concern, Princess. Thanks to His Majesty the Crown Prince, I am very kind to you!" He just glanced briefly and then withdrew his gaze. The past flashed through his mind, and he only felt that it was ridiculous and childish at the time.

But he was lucky enough to be able to look at his former childhood sweetheart and say, "I'm okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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