big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1671 Honorable’s way out!

Chapter 1671 Honorable’s way out!
Li Yushu just nodded lightly. He was ignorant and ignorant back then, but looking back now, he just feels that he was naive and ridiculous.

If she really married Gongsun Chong, the outcome is unknown, and it would probably end in tragedy.

Now at least Gongsun Chong is still alive, has a wife and children, and lives a prosperous life.

"Princess, please, it's been a long and tiring journey. I will ask my servants to prepare the house." Gongsun Chong's title was not high, and his title was not very high, which was what Longyou people liked.

Li Yushu nodded, hugged his youngest son, and said a few words to Gongsun Chong's concubine. This woman was indeed an honest and responsible woman. At the very least, she knew what was right and wrong. Although she came from a small family, But he also knows etiquette!

Afterwards, as soon as he entered the mansion, Gongsun Chong was busy entertaining him.

After a while, people from the Du family and the Dou family came over to see him.

However, Qin Mo was not allowed to let anyone spread his news.

"I mainly go out to relax and visit various city-states in the Ming Dynasty. If I can solve some problems, I will solve some problems." It is difficult for Qin Mo to just have fun now. His identity determines his schedule and also determines What he wants to do.

Since you can't change it, just accept it. At least it will make you feel better and make him feel like he is traveling on business at public expense.

Everyone likes to be lazy, and Qin Mo is a leader in the world of laziness.

Everyone nodded, "Your Highness, don't worry, I will never reveal a word!"

"If you have any difficulties or things that are difficult to solve in the fiefdom, you can raise them. As long as they are reasonable, I can find a way to solve them!" Qin Mo said.

"There is no difficulty. Now the roads are developed, every village has access, and there are enough food supplies. In a few days, a hospital will be built. Whether it is for medical treatment or for children to study, they don't have to go far.

The court also provides subsidies. If this can't make things better, then it's our own problem. "

Most of those with fiefs have hereditary and non-replaceable titles. For those who do not have hereditary and non-replaceable titles, if they want to inherit the fief in the future, they will not only need to pay a large fee, but also pay a full amount of tax every year.

More like a tenant leasing land.

The salary given to the nobles by the court is not very high, but their titles also have many benefits. The higher the title, the higher the tax exemption.

For example, the county king only needs less than half of the tax every year.

A person of Gongsun Chong's level would have to pay about [-]% or even [-]% of the tax, which in the long run would be a very huge amount.

And every year for tax inspection and payment, special tax officials will come. If taxes are evaded and tax returns are concealed, even the prince will suffer.

"There are no difficulties in Duzhuang. To be honest, the imperial court has given us a lot of help over the years. The most difficult time has passed and we are now self-sufficient.

If there are difficulties, they are also difficulties encountered in exploring the path of sustainable development. "Du Youwei said: "Our area is suitable for growing food, so we have reached a cooperation with agronomists from the Royal Academy of Sciences and invited them to specialize in research on new rice seeds. This kind of rice seeds not only has full grains, but also has an excellent taste. .

However, there hasn't been much progress yet, and there aren't many plantings, but the taste is really good, and we plan to go high-end in the future.

It’s just that ordinary food cannot highlight our specialness at all! "

Qin Mo couldn't help but nodded, "Yes, this is indeed a way out. Although the initial cost is not small, once it is developed, not only you, but your descendants will benefit a lot."

If new grain is grown and brought to the palace, and if it tastes good, I will have it purchased.

Also, you can research some snacks.

Just like potato chips made from potato chips, both adults and children love to eat these. Although there are many varieties, it doesn't mean you can't make them well.

Even if the domestic market is saturated, it can be resold to foreign countries.We need to work hard on food, and we also need to spend energy on making food by-products. Do you understand? "

Everyone couldn't help but nod, and everyone was very happy. If their grain was really purchased by the imperial palace, it would be an instant success, and they would be able to afford the price. Even if they didn't yell, those grain merchants would They will also come to buy after hearing the news.

There is no way, the people of Ming Dynasty are too rich.

Ninety percent of people have gone through the days of simply filling their stomachs, and they now need more spiritual needs.

"Another example is if the three of you join forces to establish a cooperative or a joint-stock company, this will not only share the risks, but also increase your probability of success.

The imperial court has always been a guiding and encouraging attitude towards nobles. As long as the red line drawn by the imperial court is not touched, everything is worth trying.

Just like the aristocratic families in the past, the reason why they can endure for a long time is because they know how to promote themselves.

They control books and own a large amount of land. Everyone in the family is literate and literate, while those who are uneducated can only look up and breathe.

Therefore, when mentioning a certain family, people will become awe-struck.

The same goes for you. You must build yourself as a century-old brand and let others know your advantages as soon as they mention it.

As long as the brand effect is established, others will only ask for your cooperation.

With such a huge market across the country, you can eat anything you want.

At that time, everyone in the village will be able to follow you to enjoy the popular and spicy food.

But yes, paying taxes on time is key! "

"Don't worry, Your Highness, we all pay taxes in advance. Every tax season, we take the initiative to pay taxes." Du Youwei said.

"Keep going, the country will invest more and more in taxation in the future. Maybe your status will bring you some convenience, but the consequences of tax evasion will be very serious." Qin Mo said.

Everyone became serious. Who dared not take Qin Mo seriously?

If he is targeted, he will lose his skin even if he is not dead.

Everyone is living a good life and there is no need to save that little money.

"Okay, everyone, don't be so serious. Just remember what I said. At the same time, I also wish you better and better!" Qin Mo raised his wine glass, and everyone agreed.

After staying here for two days, Qin Mo left with the girls and headed north.

Gongsun Chong envied Qin Mo's life, but he also understood how this life came about.

Now he just wants to keep his wife and children and live an ordinary life. If he can save a decent family fortune for his children in the future, he will be satisfied.

Of course, it would be even better if he could go back to see his father during his lifetime, or let his children recognize their ancestors.

He sighed, "Why do you still expect such things? It's not easy to stay alive, so don't cause trouble to your brother's family!"

Gongsun Chong thought that maybe they didn't really want to see him.

(End of this chapter)

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