big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1672 Aboriginal rebellion!

Chapter 1672 Aboriginal rebellion!

On the carriage, Qin Mo was drafting a new version of the Honorable Guidance Manual.

The original guidance manual was somewhat out of date. Qin Mo hoped that while they would become bigger and stronger, they could also pay more taxes to the court.

A title that does not hold power has no deterrent effect in the Ming Dynasty, unlike the Ming Dynasty.

Regulations restrict them very tightly.

Just like a clan member of the Ming Dynasty, in the future he would at most have the title of a royal clan clan. He might wander on the streets or commit petty theft.

The girls were also curious to see Qin Mo working so hard, but after seeing clearly what Qin Mo was writing, they lost interest in waiting and watching. They might as well organize a mahjong game.

Qin Mo found it too noisy and ran to the lead car alone.

For several days, Qin Mo drafted a manual. After deleting it, he sent it to the Crown Prince's office via telegram for officials in the East Palace to correct and release it.

As soon as the officials of the East Palace received the telegram, they held a meeting. After confirming that there were no problems, they responded to Qin Mo in the form of a telegram and then submitted it to the court for His Majesty's decision.

In just two days, the latest version of the Lord's Guidance Manual was released and then made available to the whole country.

If they follow the recommendations in the manual, they will not only receive real financial subsidies, but also receive strategic support for implementation.

The choice is in their hands, but if you try to cheat on subsidies, the supervisor will teach you how to behave.

"This kid, just go out when you go out. You will cause trouble to me every day." Qin Xiangru said with disgust.

He has now handed over all important matters in his hands to the East Palace.

When spring comes next year, he will give his first abdication decree.

Based on his understanding of Qin Mo, this brat would definitely refuse.

If the delay comes, it will probably take a long time, but he can't wait that long.

Why can this boy take his lovely wife and concubine to travel around the mountains and rivers, but he, an old man, has to work tirelessly like an old cow in the palace?

This is not fair!

"Next time something like this happens, if there is no problem with the decision made by the prince, just publish it directly without my intervention!" Qin Xiangru thought to himself, taking advantage of Qin Mo's absence, to hand over most of the power in his hands as soon as possible , lest he come back and jump.

Anyway, the officials in the East Palace are calm and efficient in their work, and some of them are masters, so they don't have to be afraid of making mistakes.

At this time, Qin Mo, who was traveling with his lovely wife and beautiful concubine, couldn't help but said, "It's very cold here. I need to cover myself with an extra layer of mattress when I sleep at night. I'm even catching a cold!"

"It's not you, you had to camp yesterday!" Li Yushu complained, but remembering Qin Mo pulling her into the woods, she felt shy again. The fog was so heavy last night, so she must have caught a cold at that time.

"Absorbing more natural energy is good for your health!" Qin Mo rubbed his nose and said, "Let's stop here. If we continue going north, it will be more desolate and the temperature will be colder.

Now walk back, slower, just in time to return to the capital for the New Year! "

This time when I went out, I was accompanied by several pregnant women. It would be unbearable to leave them alone in the palace. It was just the right time to go home to give birth to the baby, so as not to be tired of traveling and traveling, which would be detrimental to childbirth.

The girls didn't have any objections. It was indeed too cold here. They would rather hide in the car, play mahjong around the stove, and eat hot pot.

Of course, the most important thing is to have Qin Mo by their side. This kind of life is what they like.Just when Qin Mo returned, the war in the south was still going on. The originally incorporated indigenous troops rebelled. Although there were not many casualties, the other side attacked several ammunition depots and snatched a large number of guns and ammunition from them, leaving the southern border become unsafe.

When Qin Mo received the news, it was already two days later.

He spread out the map and looked at it carefully. The map was too big, but there were still too few people.

These natives account for almost a quarter of the Ming Dynasty's population.

The more remote the indigenous people are, the lower their sense of belonging to the Ming Dynasty. To put it bluntly, the Ming Dynasty is nothing more than an invader.

If the pace of the battle was slower and the naturalization time was longer, it might be better.

"How is Tianxin?" Qin Mo now just wants to know if Tianxin is safe.

"Report from the war zone. The great emperor has gone to the front line of counterinsurgency. There are forests over there. After entering the forest, there is no news about the company to which the great emperor belongs!"

"Don't reveal this news!" Qin Mo said coldly, feeling worried in his heart. On the one hand, he hoped that Tianxin could bravely defeat the enemy. On the other hand, he also hoped that Tianxin could be selfish and not be too aggressive.

"It seems that I was too kind to these people. I thought that after making so many preparations, I could accept them peacefully. Now it seems that I too underestimated their ambitions and underestimated human nature."

Qin Mo thought for a while and then began to pick up the discarded reform-through-labor system. Not only did he want to pick up the discarded reform-through-labor system, but he also wanted to reuse the slavery system that was about to be abolished.

The north needs large-scale development, and these people are just the right people.

So, two days later, Xijing Daily published the proposal drafted by Qin Mo, which shocked the world.

"How stupid are these people? They think that they can resist the Ming Dynasty by seizing some weapons arsenals?
Originally, everyone's life was so good, the nationalities were integrated, and everyone was from the Ming Dynasty. Now it's better, and they have forced themselves to die! "

"From my perspective, these natives are stubborn and stubborn. They are like savages. They want to kill them and use harsh methods against them. After three or five generations, you will see whether they are honest or not!"

"The imperial court is still too kind. Your Highness is right. Using these people to develop the north and west will definitely accomplish a lot."

"It just so happens that my family's plantation is still short of people. I need to prepare some money to buy more indigenous slaves!"

After Qin Xiangru learned about this, he was also furious, "I'm going to retire soon, can't you give me some peace of mind?
Damn it, you made me angry, I will kill you until you are extinct.

My son can destroy the Northern Slaves, and I can destroy the natives. Do you really think I have no murderous nature? "

Many people advised Qin Xiangru not to get angry or make decisions easily, so as not to hurt the indigenous people who were dedicated to the country.

However, he couldn't be persuaded at all. Qin Xiangru said: "No one can stop the person I want to kill!"

Over the years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, although the indigenous people have caused troubles from time to time, this is the first time such a thing has happened, and Qin Xiangru will not allow it at all.

“Before, we compromised for the sake of population, but now that there are so many people in Ming Dynasty, we don’t need to compromise anymore.

If you are willing to join our Ming Dynasty, we will naturally welcome you. If you are stubborn, we will kill you! "

No matter how much they beautify themselves, they cannot absolve themselves of being invaders.

If that's the case, let's kill him!

(End of this chapter)

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