big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1673 Rainforest

Chapter 1673 Rainforest
In the forest two hundred miles away from Dingna City, Tianxin rested on a slippery tree trunk. The dry food in his hand had long been soaked by a mixture of sweat and rain.

He was extremely embarrassed and exhausted.

Less than half of his team was left, and some of them got separated during the operation.

These rebellious indigenous armies became more cunning after accepting the formal militarized management of the Ming Dynasty.

They moved their base into a dense rainforest. It was a hellish existence for others, but for them, it was like a fish in water.

They are good at setting traps and are very capable of lurking. In addition, there are many snakes, insects and poisonous ants here. They may fall asleep and not wake up the next day.

Therefore, they need to maintain a high degree of vigilance and check whether there are poisonous insects in their clothes before going to bed.

After staying in such an environment for half a month, it was wet and cold, and many people couldn't hold back their fever.

After importing the few antibiotics, they counted the supplies on their bodies.

Tianxin finished the remaining dry food in his hand and was very clear about the supplies he had left, "I still have hundreds of bullets, but the food is only enough to last three days.

What is really fatal is water. Simple filtered water can be used for emergencies, but it cannot be used as long-term drinking water. Many brothers have died due to dysentery.

So water is the priority.

Secondly, we can no longer search blindly like this.

We had always thought that they must be hiding in the deepest part, but they are also human beings, and they also need to eat and drink water. We reached the top of the mountain, climbed to the top of the tree, and squatted for a long time, but we found nothing unusual.

It's better to conserve your strength and go back first. "

Tianxin said this after careful consideration. It was not that he was afraid of death, but that he was already prepared to sacrifice if he could come to this place.

However, the rainforest here is the largest in the world. It is so vast that it can easily hide tens of millions of people.

It is really difficult to find these rebels in the vast rain forest.

In his opinion, unless you search from top to bottom, without accurate positioning, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

At this time, Mr. Qian said: "We have gone hundreds of miles into the rainforest, and the supplies we have are no longer enough. Even if we go back, it will be difficult to leave in a short time. Once we can't find the direction, we will all Die in here.

Rather than waiting for death, it is better to take a chance.

Maybe our thinking has fallen into a misunderstanding. We have been walking south without finding any traces. Maybe they are not in the south, but closer to the north.

If we run out of ammunition and food, we will risk our lives.

With our ammunition, can we still starve to death in this rainforest with abundant food?

Even fishing can survive.

Our biggest concern is whether the gunfire will alert the enemy.

But now, let's change our thinking.

If the sound of gunfire can attract the enemy's attention, can we also use this method to attract the enemy? "

"Mr. Qian, you mean, let's go fishing?"

"Yes, if there are people going south, then if we fire from time to time along the way, we will definitely be able to draw the enemy over.

As long as one person shows up, we can follow the clues to find them.

This is much more effective than our blind search.

As for the ammunition issue, we all use it sparingly and don't shoot unless we are hunting.

Still mainly fishing.But you need to be well protected and don’t fall for it! "

Everyone nodded.

Tianxin also knew that this might be the only way out for them.

Then give it a go!

It was getting dark, and he took out the photo from his arms. In the photo, Tang Xun'er was holding the child with a smile on his face.

"Son, when daddy goes back, I must hug you and kiss you!" Tianxin suddenly regretted it. If he had gone back earlier, could he have avoided this battle?

But then I thought about it, he could avoid it, but what about the others?

It's really ridiculous that I would think so.

Think about the time when my father led more than 1 people in the Northern Expedition to Beinu. He knew nothing on the vast grassland, just like they do now.

But my father was able to annihilate fifty thousand elite soldiers from the Northwest slaves who came to the aid, and even took down the Dragon Court of the Northern slaves in one fell swoop. What kind of miracle was this?
Are there still prairie people now?

It's a bit, but all the serious grassland people have been moved inside, and there are more business people there. Coupled with intermarriage, the grassland has now become a real horse and cattle farm in Daqian. It can no longer be threatening.

Although there are only less than a hundred people on my side, they can still make a difference.

Thinking of this, he became determined again.

No matter what kind of battle you fight, fighting spirit is the most important. If there is no fighting spirit, no matter how good the equipment is and how many people there are, you will lose.

The last trace of light disappeared, and the rain forest fell into a deathly darkness. But after a while, the chirping of insects and birds around was enough to drive people crazy, and there were also unknown animals screaming, which made people feel terrified.

The drizzling rain fell and hit their bodies, making them feel unspeakably cold. They could only hug the steel guns in their hands tightly and huddle up to keep warm.

After finally waiting until dawn, they counted the numbers and found out that two more brothers had died last night. Their bodies were swollen. It looked like they had been bitten by unknown poisonous insects, or they were infected with some kind of disease. .

There is no way, they have too few medicines.

They could only weep silently and bury these people to prevent these beasts from devouring their remains.

After a brief condolence, the relics on the two men were collected.

Mr. Qian said with a heavy heart: "Let's go. We will recover this land someday and bring our brothers back again. It's too cold here!"

Yes, it’s too cold here, there’s no human touch at all, there are animals all around, and it rains every day. How can you not be cold when you’re soaking in the water?

Tianxin looked at the gloomy sky. Even if he tried to cheer himself up, this atmosphere was really hard to make people happy.

Not only that, he felt that his feet were swollen and painful, which was caused by being soaked in boots for a long time and unable to breathe.

It is said that severe infection may result in amputation.

But now, he no longer cares about this. He follows the team, overcomes obstacles, and carefully guards the surroundings.

Following Mr. Qian's instructions, they fired guns all the way, even made a fire to cook, and ate delicious barbecue.

Even though the barbecue is very bland and tasteless, it is enough to warm everyone.

This is also the first time that Tianxin has felt the warmth of firelight after being in the rainforest for so long.

Everyone took off their boots, and the rain forest was suddenly filled with the smell of feet. Not only that, some people's feet were even soaked.

Just one look at it makes people unable to bear to look at it again.

They all put their numb feet in front of the fire, and everyone had a look of enjoyment on their faces!
(End of this chapter)

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