big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1674 Perseverance!

Chapter 1674 Perseverance!

Some people even smell the smell of barbecue coming from their feet, but they don't even know it.

"Er Gouzi, your feet were stuck in the fire. Doesn't it hurt?" Mr. Qian asked.

Ergouzi was stunned for a moment, and then he realized, "It hurts, it hurts."

Mr. Qian discovered something was wrong. Er Gouzi's feet showed an unhealthy white color. Their feet had been roasted for so long and gradually returned to their original flesh color. Only Er Gouzi's feet were different.

"What happened to your foot?" Mr. Qian grabbed Er Gouzi's hand.

Ergouzi trembled all over and said with a grimace: "No, it's okay, it's really okay. Look, I can walk and jump. I'm fine!"

As he said that, he was about to get up, but he put his hands on the ground and it was indescribably difficult. It took him a while to get up.

The walking posture is also weird, as if he is wearing a prosthetic limb, and with every step he takes, Ergouzi's expression is extremely painful.

"Is your foot broken?" Mr. Qian's face was frighteningly gloomy.

"No, no, Mr. Qian, I'm fine, I can still leave. Don't worry, I will never drag down the team!" Ergouzi almost cried.

"This is not a matter of being a drag or not. Your feet are like this. Why don't you tell the truth and risk your life?"
Have you forgotten how Daniel died before?Isn't it just that the feet were infected and then died of the disease? From the time of discovery to the death of the big cow, it did not exceed two days, and antibiotics were of no use! "Mr. Qian said angrily.

Ergouzi stopped talking. After being pressed by everyone, he told the truth. It turned out that his foot began to die a few days ago. At first, it was only the sole of the foot, but later it gradually spread to the ankle!
After looking at it, the military doctor said helplessly: "Amputation must be done, otherwise he won't survive. It's just that in such a harsh environment like the rain forest, it's hard for him not to be infected.

Once infected, death is certain. "

Ergou's face was pale and he sat there in despair.

Everyone around looked sad.

Tianxin took a deep breath and said, "Then take turns carrying him, don't let his feet fall to the ground, and carry him if he can't carry it. As long as the wound can heal, he can survive.

The first thing we learn when we join the army is, don't abandon, don't give up, even if you die, you can't give up on your brothers. "

Everyone nodded, "Yes, we can't give up on our brothers."

"Er Gouzi, don't worry. As long as my brother is alive, you will live. Even if you die, you will die after him!"

Everyone tried to persuade him, but Ergouzi burst into tears, "But I can't drag down my brothers."

With that said, he took out his dagger and was about to commit suicide.

If Mr. Qian hadn't been quick with his hands and eyes, Ergouzi would have died with one blow.

"Are you a fucking stupid pig?" Mr. Qian took the dagger and slapped Ergouzi hard, "Your life was given by your parents. When you come to the team, your life belongs to the team.

If you are going to die, how will I explain it to my superiors, and how will I explain it to your parents?

It’s okay for you to fucking die, but you’ll die after me. After returning to the military camp, it’s all your own business how you want to die.

However, you just can’t die in front of me! "

Ergouzi burst into tears.

Mr. Qian slapped him again, "Who are you crying for? Look at the brothers, none of them are in trouble. Da Jian has a broken hand and Da Liu has one leg. They are all alive and well."

You can't live anymore?
When you get back, ask the military doctor to install a prosthetic leg for you. Who can tell that you don't have any feet?
Your kid is as short as a winter melon. When the time comes, ask the military doctor to install a long prosthetic leg on you and make you grow taller, so that you won't be unable to marry a wife when you return! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone burst into laughter, and tears fell down while just laughing.Ergouzi was so ashamed, "I'm sorry, Mr. Qian, I was confused. I won't do anything stupid anymore. Military doctor, please help me amputate both legs."

I can't die yet. Even if I die, I will kill a few more rebels to save more money for my parents to support themselves! "

Mr. Qian patted his head, "That's the damn right thing to do. Seeking death and survival is what cowards do. I don't have such soldiers!"

After persuading Ergouzi, Mr. Qian asked people to be on guard, then opened the tent, cleared a clean area, and spread charcoal around it to disinfect them.

The water is all boiled.

Everyone gathered together a few pieces of gauze, and the military doctor took out the syringe, "The conditions are simple, so this is the only way. We need to prepare some blood for the amputation surgery. Ergouzi has type [-] blood, so I need to draw some for backup."

The amount of anesthetic is enough, and the antibiotics cannot be stopped, so next, everyone must protect themselves. "

Everyone nodded.

As the military doctor began to administer the medicine, Ergouzi fell asleep and woke up again. He had no body below the knees.

The reason why we start from the knee is because it is impossible to determine the area of ​​infection. If less is removed, there is a possibility of secondary infection.

In a harsh environment like the rainforest, there are no second chances.

"Fortunately, the Military Medical College requires us to learn Chinese medicine. There are a lot of medicinal materials in this rainforest. I can also treat some simple colds, which can reduce the use of medicines." The words of the military doctor reassured everyone. .

Tianxin looked at the bloodless Ergouzi and said, "Military doctor, when will he wake up?"

"It's not that fast. It will probably take a while. Let him have a good rest. Sleeping with anesthetic is the heaviest."

But before Er Gouzi woke up, he started to have a fever, and the military doctor began to lower his fever. Mr. Qian even stayed in place for two days, just to save Er Gouzi's life.

This made Ergouzi grateful.

On the third day, everyone began to take turns carrying Er Gouzi forward.

Until the evening of the fourth day, a brother who went to look for the wind came back and said: "Smoke, I see smoke from the kitchen ahead. There is a cliff over there, and the smoke is coming from the cliff."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was overjoyed.

Mr. Qian also hurriedly ordered, "Where there is smoke, there are people. The other party may be rebels, but it may also be local indigenous people. No matter which type, there is a threat.

We will repair it on the spot, and when it gets dark, we will touch it. "

If they are rebels, they will make a battle plan. If they are indigenous, they will just need a supply wave.

They had reached their limit. If they hadn't been hunting for the past few days, they would have died during the march.

Marching in the rainforest is several times more difficult than carrying a weight of thirty kilograms, because you don't know whether the next moment will be a river or a smelly swamp, but no matter which one, it is a huge challenge for them.

Tianxin also tempered his will like steel under such difficult conditions.

It was getting dark, and everyone was holding their breath and concentrating.

Er Gouzi stayed where he was. Although he also wanted to go there, he also understood that going there at this moment would inevitably drag everyone down.

"Er Gouzi, wait here. When I come back, I will bring you a beautiful indigenous girl so that you can have a good time!" Tian Xin said.

(End of this chapter)

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