big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1676 Live!

Chapter 1676 Live!

Tianxin hugged the tree tightly, and before he could react, a more violent explosion sounded.


Immediately afterwards, the hills not far away cracked and countless rocks flew.

I don't know how many rebels were killed by the shock wave generated by the explosion. Some of the survivors had problems with their internal organs because they were too close. There is a high probability that they will not survive the night.

Tianxin stared blankly ahead. At this moment, there were no more explosions or gunshots. He knew that the arsenal had exploded.

Such a loud explosion, such a powerful explosion, only an explosion of an arsenal could have such power.

The not-so-high hills were almost dwarfed, and the blasted caves were like the mouth of an abyss that preyed on people.

His Tianxin just looked at it and couldn't help crying.

The rain in the sky became heavier. He didn't know how many people were alive, but he survived.

Er Gouzi is still alive. He wants to go back and take Er Gouzi away with him.

He got off the tree and took advantage of the weak light to stumble to Er Gouzi's hiding place.

"Who is it?" Er Gouzi's horrified voice came.

"It's me, Ergouzi!"

"Qin Baiqi, is that you?" Ergouzi was delighted.

Tianxin responded, shrinking into Ergouzi's hiding place, and then the whole person seemed to be empty, just breathing heavily.

Ergouzi asked: "How's it going?"

"We won. The rebel arsenal was bombed, and the mountains collapsed. I, I covered them in the trees and did not go down. But Da Liu and Da Jian, they rushed into the concentration area and did not come back!"

These words made Ergouzi completely speechless. It had been a long time since the explosion. He had been looking forward to someone coming back, but Tianxin was the only one who came back.

In other words, everyone else is dead?
Mr. Qian is dead, Da Niu is dead, Da Liu and the others are all dead.

A company, only two of them survived.

Er Gouzi lay on the ground helplessly, "It's a shame that I have no legs, otherwise I would kill these son-of-a-bitch rebels.

In this way, I will not become a burden to everyone.

What's the use of living like this? "

Tianxin shed tears silently, feeling a throbbing pain in her heart. The feeling was so painful that she couldn't bear to live. "Of course it's useful. Only when you and I are alive can we pass this story on to everyone and let them know that brothers' brave.

There are no cowards in our company! "

Ergouzi choked up and said, "Let's wait a little longer. If anyone is still alive, they will definitely come back."

Tianxin did not refuse, "After daybreak, if they do not come back, we will leave and go down the river, or go up the river and return the way we came. It is impossible for the two of us to get out alive."

He actually wanted to search there to see if there were any survivors, but there were landmines there, and he didn't know how many enemies were still alive. If he was caught, Ergou would have no choice but to wait for death.

The entire company sacrificed in exchange for the two of them living. They must take this news back. Even if it is for their families, they cannot let everyone's sacrifice be in vain.

Someone needs to know that they have made such a great contribution.

The rainforest is too big, even if tens of thousands of people come in, it will be of no use. It is destined to be a long process to exterminate these rebels.

It was getting dark, and the two huddled together to keep each other warm.

Tian Xin's heart gradually became cold. It was dawn and no one came over, which meant that the probability of others being alive was low, or someone was seriously injured and unable to move.

"I'll go out and take a look. You stay here and don't move." Tian Xin said.

Ergouzi grabbed Tianxin's hand and said, "Be careful!" Tianxin nodded and left without looking back.

Ergouzi took out his pistol, which still had a bunch of bullets in it. If it was not Tianxin who came back, he would empty the bullets and save the last glory bullet to commit suicide.

As a soldier of the Ming Dynasty, he can die, but he must not be a prisoner of war!
It was getting brighter and Ergouzi became more and more anxious. At this moment, footsteps came from outside. Ergouzi crawled over and saw Tianxin coming back with someone on his back.

Mr. Qian, I didn’t expect Mr. Qian to still be alive!

Tianxin put Mr. Qian who was shot on the ground, "Quick, Mr. Qian has been shot. Get the bullet. I'll go over and check on the others!"

Ergouzi nodded, "Be careful!"

Tianxin took a deep breath and rushed out again.

Ergouzi looked at Mr. Qian who was half-conscious on the ground. He took out a knife and the solid fuel that accompanied the army. After disinfecting it, he tore open the clothes where he was shot, and then took out a few gauze and anti-inflammatory drugs. "Mr. Qian, it's very painful to take out the bullet. Please bear with it and don't say anything. The situation outside is unclear right now. If you attract the enemy, all Qin Baiqi's efforts will be in vain!"

Mr. Qian responded, as if he understood.

Then Ergouzi cut open the skin and flesh with a knife. An ordinary person would probably have screamed in pain.

But Mr. Qian bit his lip and clenched his fists tightly. At that moment, his eyes widened, and the severe pain almost made him collapse.

Big beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

Ergouzi took a deep breath. He had already seen Huang Chengcheng's bullet casing. As long as he took out the bullet casing, the next thing would be much easier!
After the wound was sutured, Mr. Qian almost fainted.

But without finishing, Ergouzi peeled off the bullet, poured gunpowder smoke onto the wound, and ignited it.

There was a stabbing sound!

Mr. Qian’s whole body tensed up suddenly.

An extremely suppressed roar of pain emerged from his throat.

The next second, Mr. Qian's body softened.

Ergouzi was extremely nervous, but seeing Mr. Qian's chest still rising and falling, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, great!"

Then, he took out water and fed it to Mr. Qian.

On the other side, Tianxin was lurking carefully. He climbed up a tree and saw the scene of the gathering place through a telescope from a distance. There were corpses everywhere, the rebels had disappeared, and the boats on the river had also disappeared.

It is suspected that the remnants have escaped.

He didn't know if there were anyone hiding around here, but they didn't care about the corpses all over the ground.

Tianxin bravely searched for his comrades around, but unfortunately, there were less than eleven of them, and even if they were not dead, they were almost killed by the mines.

Some didn't even say their last words, and died the moment they saw Tianxin.

Tianxin was extremely heartbroken, but he could only take away the signs proving their identities, and then drag their bodies away.

By the time she finished doing this, Tianxin was so tired that she was shaking even when walking.

He was now certain that these rebels had escaped. Perhaps the plan last night was so successful that these people were frightened.

It can also be seen from the side that errant generals will always be errant generals, and they are incomparable to the real elites of the Ming Dynasty.

He entered the gathering place, put his bayonet on his gun, and killed the indigenous rebels who had not yet died.

Until he discovered the bodies of Da Liu, Da Jian and the others, lying among the rocks!

Tianxin couldn't bear it anymore and knelt on the ground and cried bitterly!

(End of this chapter)

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