big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1677 Return to the team!

Chapter 1677 Return to the team!

Since Tianxin joined the army, she has not had many close friends. Da Liu and Dajian are the few close friends.

He struggled to keep the two of them away from each other to prevent the rebels from destroying the bodies of his brothers when they returned.

He then entered the collapsed cave and found supplies.

Food, undamaged ammunition and firearms, and medical supplies.

Seeing this, he knew that Mr. Qian would definitely be able to get through this difficulty.

After taking out enough items for three people, Tianxin set the place on fire and left without looking back.

Back in the cave where he was hiding, Mr. Qian had already woken up. Mr. Qian’s servant with white lips and a face as golden as paper was leaning on the ground. When he saw Tianxin coming back, he couldn’t help but said: "Brothers, are you all?"

"Well, I've taken care of everything. If those people come back, they shouldn't be found. When we find the main force, we'll come back to take the brothers back!" Tianxin took out the food, "Let's eat something first to replenish our strength. We'll wait for a while I'll give you some advice and get through the most difficult days first.

I just went outside to take a look, and those people still left some boats that they didn’t take away. We can leave by boat. The risk is a bit higher, but it’s better than waiting to die here! "

Mr. Qian nodded. In his situation, it would be good to be alive, but it would be impossible to return the same way.

He looked at the rock wall speechlessly, tears falling down uncontrollably, "It was my fault for not taking the brothers away alive!"

"We killed no less than 800 enemies this time. We killed dozens of times more people than we did. The tactics were very successful and the enemies have been scared away." Tianxin tugged his hair, "Brothers are all good, so we We have to go back alive, make all this public, and let them know that the brothers in our company are good!"

Ergouzi hit his leg hard, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault. If I hadn't been useless and dragged everyone down, maybe I could have a few more brothers alive!"

The three grown men cried and blamed themselves, but they had no regrets.

It is their fate for soldiers to be shrouded in horse leather.

After the three of them had eaten and drank enough, Tianxin gave Mr. Qian another injection. Then before it got dark, he carried the two of them to the boat, and then vigorously shook the oars.

When it got completely dark, Tianxin tied up the boat and the three of them slept on the boat.

It's better than facing all kinds of snakes, insects and poisonous ants in the rain forest.

And if something happens on the ship, you can escape at any time.

Entering the jungle, he took the two wounded and wanted to escape. It was impossible unless he left the two of them behind.

But the words "don't abandon, don't give up" have been deeply imprinted in Tianxin's heart.

He wanted to take the two people back alive. He wanted to go back alive to see his wife and children, and to meet his parents.

He still has a lot of things to do, so he absolutely cannot fall here.

In the blink of an eye, it will be eight days later.

Most of Mr. Qian's wounds have recovered. At least his movements will not be hindered. Ergouzi's feet are no longer suppurating and the wounds are gradually scabbing.

This is thanks to the timely supplies, otherwise Mr. Qian and Er Gouzi may not be able to survive now.

Tianxin took out a map and compared his position, "We can go back in a few days."

For a moment, the three of them were in a good mood.

Finally, on the 12th day, Tianxin was stopped by his own people.

The moment he saw the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, Ergouzi burst into tears.

It turned out that these people came to look for the Tianxin Company. When they learned that the Tianxin Company had a fierce battle with the enemy deep in the rain forest, and annihilated hundreds of people at the cost of dozens of people, they all paid the highest respect.

After the three returned to the team, the news quickly reached the capital by telegraph.In November in Beijing, the air pressure is still horribly low.

The defection of the indigenous rebels made everyone angry.

Lao Qin's series of iron-blooded policies directly added nearly a million natives to the labor camps.

But no one knew about the disappearance of the great emperor's grandson.

Lao Qin loved every one of his grandchildren, but he loved only those children the most.

Tian Xin, Feng Ge'er, Huo Lin'er, Niu Duozi, the oldest children, Lao Qin devoted almost all his love to them.

Tian Xin has been missing for almost two months. Lao Qin has insomnia every day and wants to kill someone every day.

Some people in the court also knew some news, and they all mobilized their energy to search for the great emperor's grandson.

Qin Mo also rushed back to the capital last month.

Xiao Yurou is relatively stable, but she is a mother after all, and only she knows how much effort she has put into Tianxin.

Tang Xun'er has been kept in the dark even so far.

These days, the atmosphere in the East Palace is also terrifyingly dull.

The women all took turns to comfort Xiao Yurou, and Qin Mo even called Xiao Yurou over every now and then to stay with her, for fear that she would collapse emotionally.

At that moment, Qin Mo even wanted to personally go to Dingnancheng to command the battle and get his son back.

But he can't.

If something really happened to the child, he would pay with these people's lives. It didn't matter what strategy he had.

As for regret?

He did have some regrets, but they were the regrets of a father who was worried about his children, not the regrets of a decision-maker or a person in power.

"You don't have to stay with me every day, I'm not as fragile as you think!" Xiao Yuju said: "When the Great Zhou Dynasty fell, I watched it with my own eyes. My relatives around me died one by one. I also saw it with my own eyes. of.

Even my sister died in front of me, do you think I would be that fragile?

If a child dies on the battlefield, it is his duty as the grandson of the great emperor. As a soldier, it is also their honor to be wrapped in horse leather.

As a mother, although I am heartbroken, I will still be proud of him.

If you do this, it makes me look too pretentious! "

Xiao Yurou's strength exceeded Qin Mo's imagination.

But if you think about it carefully, it's really true. The life and death that Qin Mo has experienced in this life is far less than that of Xiao Yurou. She has suffered enough in the first half of her life.

"Don't think too much, I just want you to be by my side. With you by my side, I feel at ease." Qin Mo said: "I can't bear it. Without you, I always feel unsure!"

Xiao Yurou rolled her eyes at him. This man is the most daring in the world. He thinks he is second in the world in terms of mental endurance. No one dares to say that he is the best in the world. How can he feel unsure?
However, she did not expose Qin Mo, but said: "I believe my son, he will definitely be fine. If nothing happens, why should you be nervous?"

Qin Mo smiled bitterly, why didn't he hope so?
If possible, he would even be willing to suffer on Tianxin's behalf, but the path of life has never been replaced by others, and neither can this suffering.

They were born in the Qin family, grew up in the Qin family, and were worshiped by the people. They were the best in everything, and they had never suffered anything.

Therefore, they deserve to suffer this suffering!

(End of this chapter)

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