big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1678 I am a hero, my son is a hero!

Chapter 1678 I am a hero, my son is a hero!
At this moment, a piece of news came from the East Palace Office.

"His Royal Highness, great news. The great emperor's grandson has news!"

Hearing this voice, Xiao Yurou was startled, then overjoyed. She went to see Qin Mo again, only to find that Qin Mo had already escaped from the East Palace.

She couldn't help but laugh, and quickly chased after him.

"How's it going? Is my son okay?"

The subordinate officer held the just-sent telegram in his hand, "The great emperor's grandson is fine and safe. Moreover, the southern military headquarters also commended him heavily and set him as a model. Now the great emperor's grandson is a hero of the entire army."

Qin Mo didn't care whether Tianxin was a hero of the army or not. As long as he knew that his son was still alive, that would be the greatest good news.

He took the telegram and read it carefully. The telegram detailed the process of discovering Tianxin, how Tianxin traveled through the rain forest, fought against the rebels, and finally escaped.

It was not easy, it was really not easy. Under such difficult conditions, we had to fight against the odds and face them all, and only three people survived.

Tianxin took a crippled and seriously injured person out of the rainforest alone, which was indeed not bad.

"Good boy, like a man!" Qin Mo said.

Xiao Yurou also grabbed the telegram and burst into tears, "Great, my son is fine, my son is still alive!"

It's not that she isn't worried, she just hides all her worries in her heart.

Qin Mo was already troubled by the rebellion in the south. If she cried and made trouble in the palace every day, something might be wrong.

At this moment, she finally let go of all her worries.

"Has my father received the news?"

"You should have received the news." The subordinate officer replied: "But this telegram says that the great emperor's grandson, Er Gouzi and others will be listed as combat heroes. Take a look."

"Stop this matter first and bring them back. Also, bring those heroes who died in the battle back to the Ming Dynasty. I will give them the highest treatment.

List all the people in this company as special military merits, designate them as special combat heroes, and ask the military department to come up with a charter.

Invite all the families of these heroes to the capital and arrange escorts all the way. I want to see them in person.

When the time comes, I will welcome them back in the capital together with their relatives.

The deeds of this war must be written down and told to everyone.

In addition, Er Gouzi and others were awarded the title of combat hero first, and Gu Yao awarded them the title in front of everyone! "

"Yes, I obey the order!" After receiving the order, the subordinate officers went down to make arrangements.

Qin Mo was also in a good mood, "Let's go and tell everyone the good news!"

Xiao Yurou wiped the tears from the corners of Qin Mo's eyes, "I thought you were really the most hard-hearted in the world!"

Qin Mo grinned, "I am only hard-hearted towards my enemies, but always soft-hearted towards my own people!"

Xiao Yujudao: "I believe it, but if you really have to confer a medal on Tianxin yourself, then you won't be able to hide his identity!"

"Why hide it?" Qin Mo said: "My son is brave, and I, as an old man, have a good reputation. This glory is earned by his own life, and it is not forced on him by me.

He is very good and has set a good example for his younger brothers and sisters! "

Qin Mo was most afraid that the brilliance of himself and Lao Qin would be too bright, covering up the child's efforts, but now, Tianxin has done it.

When Tianxin enlisted in the army, he gave him very little help, otherwise Tianxin would not have gone to the rainforest.

Only three people in the entire company survived, which shows the cruelty of this war.

"I thought you would say that just killing these people is far worse than you!"

"Times have changed. At that time, although Da Gan was very strong, compared to Bei Nu and Nan Fan, their strength was limited. They only had strong foundation and great stamina. They had all kinds of unexpected weapons, so they could naturally catch them by surprise.

I happened to be there at the right time, and the times made me who I am.

Things are different now. In the era of thermal weapons, it is not the same as before. Being able to kill an enemy is already amazing. If you can defeat more with less, it will be even more amazing.

You have to know that those rebels have the best weapons of the Ming Dynasty. They have also been trained. They are the best of the best.

Looking at the world, they are considered to be numerous powerful armies.

Ming Dynasty needs victory. Ming Dynasty's prestige and strength are forged by victory. It does not mean that our weapons are powerful, but we have a strong voice. It does not mean that we have many people, so we are powerful.

It’s our will and our perseverance.

Even if there were only a few million people in Ming Dynasty, so what?
A Ming Dynasty that cannot be crushed, defeated, and indomitable is the perfect country in my heart. "

"No, it was you who created the era!" Xiao Yurou said with gentle eyes.

Qin Mo didn't refute, maybe, this era has long been changed beyond recognition because of his arrival.

Afterwards, he told the news to the girls, and ran to Fengtian Hall without having time to celebrate with them.

Only then did I realize that Old Qin was very happy. There was some wine on the desk, and he was drinking happily with these side dishes.

"Dad, don't you call me when you're drinking?" Qin Mo walked up and found a cup in front of him, which had already been filled with wine. "Hey, Dad, who are you waiting for to drink with you?"

Qin Xiangru drank the wine in one sip, "Stop talking nonsense, sit down and drink some with me!"

Qin Mo sat down obediently and said, "Dad, you should have received the news. What about your grandson? Isn't he like me?"

"Fart, he is obviously like me!" Qin Xiangru said: "If I hadn't taught him martial arts and taught him the principles of life, how could he be so brave?
You, a father, take care of your children every day. If you were asked to raise them, they would have been fattened by you! "

Qin Mo yelled at Qu, "What happened to me? Don't I care enough about my children?"

"In short, this is my credit. My eldest grandson has become a fighting hero all of a sudden, and his grandfather's face has brightened up!" Qin Xiangru said happily.

To this day, what else can make Qin Xiangru so happy?
Is it a great achievement?

Or beauty, power and wealth?


He doesn't care about any of this.

At his age, what matters most is whether his children and grandchildren can live up to their expectations.

Looking now, the third generation of his family is very up to date and has not fallen behind.

The members of his old Qin family are so powerful!

My grandpa is a hero, I am a hero, and my grandson is also a good and strong-willed man!

After the father and son argued for a while, Qin Xiangru asked: "You want to personally confer a medal on our eldest grandson? This conferment will no longer be hidden from you in the future!"

"It's a matter of time. When he comes back, it will probably be after the new year. After being awarded the title, he will be old enough to go somewhere.

Winning the war does not mean that he can handle local political affairs well. This is another new journey and exercise!

Brother Feng, Huo Lin'er, and Niu Dazi all went to join the army, and the other children probably can't be locked up either.

Just let them see how majestic his elder brother is! "

(End of this chapter)

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