big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1679 The hero returns home!

Chapter 1679 The hero returns home!

Brother Feng, Huo Lin'er and several other children also joined the army this year, and they all followed Tianxin's example.

Qin Mo has a feeling that time makes people grow old.

Qin Xiangru nodded. In fact, there are advantages and disadvantages to enlisting the emperor's grandson in the army.

If some people are ambitious, they can easily build their own team in the team.

Of course, the Ming Dynasty was divided into military and political dynasties. Unlike other dynasties, it was very difficult to quietly pull up one's own team.

Furthermore, this is no longer an era when you can pull together a team to initiate a palace coup.

Times have changed, and everyone must play according to the rules of the game.

In Qin Xiangru's view, although this kind of rule is not the fairest, at least most of the children can compete for it.

Even if you lose, you will be convinced that you lost.

At that time, everyone will do what they should do. Those who are capable will enter politics, and those who are not capable will find other ways. It is basically impossible to suck the blood of the court and the country.

The Royal Foundation awards it, but you have to apply for it. If you don't live up to your expectations and are a dandy, it's impossible to pass the application.

After two or three generations, the branches will basically be eliminated and become common people.

By then, clan members will no longer be a minority among the people.

Moreover, in order to prevent these people from grouping together for warmth and using their power to suppress others, special laws were introduced to control them.

The father and son chatted for a long time, and finally they got drunk again.

The next day, Xinnan Road, in Dingnan City.

The general of Xinnan Road personally delivered the telegram from the capital to Tianxin and others.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince ordered that the bodies of the fallen fighting heroes be retrieved and escorted back to Beijing.

I will meet you and the other three in person at that time! "

Hearing this, Mr. Qian and Ergouzi were very excited, "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince wants to receive us in person and also award us honors?"

"You deserve this." The general smiled, handed the telegram to Tianxin, and looked at him with a meaningful look, "Let's repair it in the city. I have ordered them to take a boat to find it. "

After the general left, Mr. Qian and Er Gouzi were still in great excitement.

Tianxin seemed very calm, even a little embarrassed. By then, his identity would no longer be concealed.

"Old Xiao, don't you know someone who makes prosthetic limbs? Can someone make a suitable pair of prosthetic limbs for me? When the time comes, His Royal Highness will award me a medal. It would be bad if I am sitting in a wheelchair.

I want to walk there myself! " Ergouzi said.

Tianxin's pseudonym is Xiao Chang. If he directly uses Qin Chang, his identity may be revealed.

"It doesn't matter. Even if you go there in a wheelchair, His Royal Highness will not blame you." Tian Xin said.

Mr. Qian also said: "My Ming Dynasty values ​​military merit the most, and His Royal Highness the Prince is also from the military. He has always been the kindest to soldiers. The treatment of soldiers in our Ming Dynasty has been the best in all dynasties.

Don’t worry too much! "

Ergouzi scratched his head, "But I always feel bad!"

Tianxin smiled and said, "Don't think so much, take good care of yourself first, and don't be speechless when you see His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Ergouzi laughed sheepishly, while Tianxin returned to his yard, closed the door, took out a pen and paper, and started writing.

He wanted to seriously write down the battle in the rainforest. Everyone who died must be clear about their heroic deeds and write them down so that the world could see their bravery!

He has been fond of storytelling since he was a child. He has been following Li Yuan since he was a child, so his literary talent is very good. Coupled with Qin Mo's teaching, his writing ability is naturally very good.

It took less than half a month to write more than 20 words. Although it is not long, it is the first book Tianxin has written in a real sense.

The title of the book is: "Rainforest".

He was afraid that he would not be able to write well, so he circulated it among the troops, asking them to give their opinions. As a result, more than [-]% of the people who read it agreed that it was good.

This also gave Tianxin the confidence to make this book public.

After the final draft was finalized, the ashes of the fallen heroes were transported back, and each urn was wrapped in the Ming Dynasty flag.

Everyone in Dingnan City came out to greet him.Seeing his former brother enter the cold urn, Ergouzi couldn't help but burst into tears.

Suddenly, the crying spread.

Tianxin's eyes turned red, and he looked at every name on the jar, feeling like a knife.

Especially when he saw the ashes of Da Liu and Dajian, he couldn't bear it anymore.

The hero picked it up, and the next day, Tianxin and others boarded the boat and left with the heroic spirit.

After being away from home for nearly two years, Tianxin felt like she was in another world.

I was ignorant when I was a child in the past, but now I am back, but I feel like I have lived half my life.

That kind of spiritual precipitation is incomprehensible to others.

The ship drifted at sea for nearly a month before it docked at Xijing Port.

It was just after the New Year, and Xijing had not yet escaped from the joy of the New Year.

After the boat docked, they saw people wearing black and white clothes standing on the coast.

The imperial court also came.

Qin Mo was wearing black uniform and standing on the dock.

The harsh sea breeze made his skin hurt, but Qin Mo remained motionless.

The dirge was played.

Qin Mo watched the soldiers walking off the ship holding the urn of the heroes' ashes.

Countless people took off their hats to show respect.

This reminded Qin Mo of the first military parade in Daqian, and the phalanx of martyrs who walked out at the end.

Peace is earned by countless people with their blood and lives, and everyone should remember it.

The contributions of these heroes should not be forgotten. That is betrayal and stupidity!
"Send the heroes and martyrs of the Ming Dynasty to the Martyrs' Shrine to receive the incense of the Ming Dynasty forever. Their heroic deeds will last forever!"

Qin Mo bowed.

With this bow, everyone on the shore knelt down and said, "Welcome the heroes of the Ming Dynasty home!"

The wind whined, like the response of heroes.

Tianxin suddenly felt timid when she saw this scene.

It's not that I'm afraid, it's that I feel a little unworthy.

Ergouzi can't even move his feet, even though he has adapted to the prosthetic limbs and can walk like a normal person.

Mr. Qian took a deep breath and said, "Let's go, don't keep His Highness the Crown Prince waiting!"

Tianxin looked at his father who was looking at him from a distance, and suddenly felt a bit sore in his nose. Although he couldn't see his father's face clearly, he could feel that his father was looking towards him.

"Let's go!" Tianxin took the lead and took the lead, followed closely by President Qian and Ergouzi.

The three of them were getting closer and closer to Qin Mo.

Mr. Qian and Er Gouzi were already sweating. Facing this god-like figure, they only had admiration and awe.

Soon, Tianxin walked up to Qin Mo and looked at his father, as if he was still the same as before.

He smiled warmly, "My heroes are back!"

Qin Mo made a pun. He said this to everyone, but also to Tianxin.

With just one sentence, Tianxin almost couldn't hold it back.

"See His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness is thousands of years old!"

After hearing this, Tianxin thought of saluting, "See His Highness the Crown Prince!"

(End of this chapter)

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