big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1680 Identity exposed!

Chapter 1680 Identity exposed!

Qin Mo smiled and said, "We haven't seen each other for more than a year, and you don't recognize me anymore?"

Hearing this, Mr. Qian and Er Gouzi were stunned, not understanding what the prince meant by this.

But what made them even more confused was that Tianxin actually said: "I have met my father!"

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Qian was dumbfounded, and Ergouzi became anxious, "Old Xiao, why are you crazy? What father? This is His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Tianxin hesitated for a while and said, "I'm sorry, Ergou, Xiao is my mother's surname, and my real surname is Xiao!"

"What? Your name is Chief Qin?" Ergouzi frowned.

But Mr. Qian reacted, "You, you, are you the grandson of the great emperor?"

"Sorry, Mr. Qian, I kept hiding this from you!" Tianxin said with a bitter smile.

Mr. Qian looked at Tianxin blankly. He looked at Qin Mo again, and now he understood completely. The father and son looked almost identical. What would Tianxin call his father if he didn't?
"No, no, no" Mr. Qian couldn't help but shake his head.

Ergouzi also came to his senses and looked at Tianxin with his mouth watering, "Da, grandson of the emperor, you are actually the grandson of the emperor!"

Who would have thought that the comrade he had known for nearly two years was actually the grandson of the great emperor. At first, this great grandson ate, lived and trained with them, and there was nothing unusual about him.

"Sorry, Ergouzi!" Tianxin said with a bitter smile.

Qin Mo said: "Thank you both for taking care of my son!"

"Your Highness, you are so polite. The eldest grandson has always been excellent. Rather than us taking care of the eldest grandson, it is better to say that the eldest grandson takes care of us.

If it hadn't been for the great emperor's grandson this time, Ergouzi and I would have died in the rain forest! "Mr. Qian said with a look of shame.

"Who can predict what will happen when we are marching and fighting? As long as we are alive!" Qin Mo specially shook hands with the two of them, expressed his sincere gratitude, and then invited them to accompany him to send these heroes into the Ming Dynasty Martyrs' Shrine.

This scene happened to be photographed by someone from the newspaper office, and it was immediately used as the headline picture of the newspaper.

Mr. Qian and Er Gouzi were extremely excited. It was just to be commended by the prince, but to have such an honor. Even if they died, they were all worth it!
Afterwards, the group came to the Ming Dynasty Martyrs' Shrine, and after a brief ceremony, the three of them were invited into the palace.

Tianxin sighed when he learned that the award was placed in Fengtian Hall. In fact, he didn't care about the award, but if he didn't stand up, what about these warrior heroes?
Mr. Qian and Er Gouzi were also very excited.

"Boss Qian and Ergouzi, please don't think that you are treating me with respect just because I am the grandson of the great emperor!" Tian Xin said, "Let's discuss our own affairs."

Mr. Qian was a little bit reluctant to let go. It would have been okay if he didn't know Tianxin's identity, but now that he knew it, and asked him to treat him as a superior, he couldn't pass the psychological test at all.

Ergouzi, on the other hand, did not have so many worries. Instead, he punched Tianxin, "You can do it, kid. I never thought in my wildest dreams that you are actually the grandson of the great emperor. I have heard of it before, the prince and grandson of our Ming Dynasty." It's different. They have to join the army and fight in battle. They don't need to have any style.

I thought it was a lie, but now that I see you, I understand that it is all true.

But you kid is really not funny, you actually kept it secret from us for so long, you have to punish yourself with three drinks! "

Tianxin rubbed his chest and grinned, "Don't say three cups, three pounds will do!"

He feels that his status is glorious but also a huge pressure.

Most people would regard their identity as a way to exercise their privileges, but Tian Xin is different. If he cannot use his identity to seek more benefits for the people, he will be derelict in his duty.

In the past, the loyalty I learned from novels and from the mouth of Emperor Taizu was superficial. Only what I experienced personally was the most real.

Seeing that Tian Xin had no airs, Mr. Qian couldn't help but sigh, "No wonder our Ming Dynasty has become number one in the world in such a short period of time. This is closely related to the two generations of monarchs in the Ming Dynasty. Even our Ming Dynasty ranks third. Every generation is so outstanding and so amazing!”

The first thing Mr. Qian thought of was to support Tianxin, which was not a shameful thing for Ming Dynasty.

If Tianxin can take control of the power in the future, it will be a good thing for many people.

However, he heard that the second emperor's grandson and the third emperor's grandson were also very good, but that was too far for him and was not something he could see with his own eyes.

No matter from which perspective, he should support Tianxin.

After entering the Fengtian Hall and looking at the civil and military officials and His Majesty in the Jinluan Hall, Mr. Qian lowered his head.

Ergouzi, on the other hand, looked around curiously, looking at the kind or serious faces, and saw the patterns on their official residences, and couldn't help but swallow.

Darling, the lowest ones here are all fifth-grade officers. A sesame officer like him is nothing here.

But when he turned around, he saw the prince sitting next to His Majesty, and he was no longer so nervous.

"Welcome to your majesty!" Mr. Qian hurriedly greeted him.

Ergouzi also followed suit.

Tianxin knelt on the ground unhurriedly, "Grandson, please see the Emperor. Your grandson is unfilial and has not returned home for more than a year. Please punish the Emperor!"

Qin Xiangru looked at Tian Xin. The monkey child in the past had now grown into a great man. The gleaming iron-blooded aura in his body was not fake, it was honed from the battlefield of blood and fire.

This boy is of great use now.

This is what Qin Xiangru wants to see most.

He couldn't help but burst out laughing, "You little monkey, you went out to join the army to protect your family and the country, and you didn't do anything random. Grandpa, what should you punish me for?"

Get up quickly and come to grandpa! "

All civil and military officials in the court had kind smiles on their faces, looking at Tian Xin as if he had eaten bee shit.

Especially those old people from the Great Zhou Dynasty, Titus was happy one by one. The more heroic this child is, the better their vision is.

Tianxin got up, then helped Mr. Qian and Ergouzi up, then ran up to the Jinluan Hall, knelt in front of the emperor again, and kowtowed three times to Qin Xiangru respectfully.

Qin Xiangru stood up, helped him up, looked at Tianxin, but now he was about to raise his head slightly. He put his hand on Tianxin's shoulder and said with a smile: "What a great grandson. He is bigger than your grandfather. In another year, I'm afraid He's even bigger than your father!

The blood of our old Qin family is so good! "

Qin Xiangru was a tall and burly man when he was young, but who would want his son to be even burlier? Now that he is the third generation, he will not give in at all.

He likes it that way.

He doesn't like it if she's effeminate.

However, in front of everyone, he did not reminisce too much. He just said that Tianxin would come over later, and then turned his attention to Qian Zong and Er Gouzi. Today they are the protagonists!

(End of this chapter)

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