big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1681 Lao Qin gives in!

Chapter 1681 Lao Qin gives in!

By the time the family banquet was over, Qin Mo was also drunk. He rarely got drunk at family banquets and almost never got drunk in front of his children, fearing that they would imitate him.

But recently, he was really happy.

After Li Yulan helped Qin Mo into the room, Tianxin, who was half drunk, left the palace with Tang Xun'er.

In the carriage, Qin Ge was sleeping soundly in Tang Xun'er's arms, his face flushed.

"Xun'er, thank you for your hard work." During the day, Tianxin could not find a chance to chat with Tang Xun'er alone, but now she can.

Tang Xun'er rested his head on Tian Xin's shoulder, "I'm not working hard. This time, our family will never be separated again."

Tianxin nodded, "I will go somewhere when I get to the crown. Then you come with me. We will go to remote areas. I probably won't be able to return to Beijing in three to five years."

Tang Xun'er smiled and said: "I will go wherever you go, as long as we don't separate, that's more important than anything else!"

Soon, the two returned to the mansion. The mansion was not big, but it was full of luxury.

That night, the couple had a lot of tenderness, as if they wanted to make up for what they had missed these days.

For several days, Tianxin did not leave the house, but rested at home.

After coming off the battlefield, he was very tired. The military doctor diagnosed that he had some war stress syndrome. This was the reason why he had insomnia at night or was awakened by nightmares.

But fortunately, Tianxin is still young and has strong recovery ability. As long as he drinks medicine and takes care of himself, the hidden illness in his body can be recovered in a short time.

However, for psychological problems, rest should still be the main focus.

After returning to her relatives, Tianxin no longer felt that precarious feeling.

Most importantly, he felt that he owed his wife and children a lot and wanted to squeeze in more time to compensate them.

After these few days of contact, the child gradually eliminated his resistance, which made Tianxin particularly happy.

Tianxin, who became a father for the first time, gradually learned how to be a father. He followed his father's example and treated Qin Ge.

He felt that if the child was in danger, he would not hesitate to risk his own life.

Half a month later, Tianxin, who was resting at home, suddenly saw a piece of news from the newspaper: His Majesty wanted to give in, but the prince refused!

Tianxin was stunned, why did the good emperor give in?

He said something to Tang Xun'er, then hurriedly entered the palace, entered Fengtian Hall, and met Qin Xiangru.

"Grandson, if you are not resting at home, why did you enter the palace?" Qin Xiangru asked with a smile.

"Grandpa Huang, are you okay?"

"What can I do?"

"Then the newspaper said you were going to give in and that you were in poor health."

Qin Xiangru laughed and said, "Oh, you came to the palace for this matter. I thought you came specially to see me!"

Tianxin said: "Are you sure you are fine? Has the imperial doctor checked your body?"

Qin Xiangru waved his hand, "Don't worry, your father is in good health. The reason why he suddenly abdicated was because I discussed it with your father.

Your father is already old, and he doesn’t want to waste his time on the throne.

I want to see the great rivers and mountains of our Ming Dynasty while I can still walk.

By the way, I took your aunt to spend a few days as we wanted to do.

Although it is good to live in this palace, you and I just want to live a simpler life.

Your father and I were pitiful in the first half of our lives. We lost our father and mother when we were young, and we lost our wives when we were young. We were in battle and had countless wounds all over our bodies.

Fortunately, God is pitiful and favors you and me, so we have the life we ​​have now.People should know how to be satisfied, rather than blindly asking for possession.

So, you don’t have to worry! "

Hearing this, Tianxin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "As long as you're fine!"

Qin Xiangru called him over and said, "From now on, your father will be in charge. You should help your father solve problems more. Although your father is lazy, he always catches the big ones and lets go of the small ones. Although he never makes any mistakes, he leaves behind many small ones." The problem needs to be solved by the people below.

If you meet someone who is in charge, it will be fine. If you meet a lazy person, the people will suffer.

You have to make up for your father's mistakes and remind him.

You are the eldest brother and you must set a good example for your younger brothers and sisters. No matter who is in charge of our Qin family in the future, you will always be the eldest brother of the Qin family. This cannot be changed.

We must continue the family tradition of our Qin family.

Tianxin nodded, "My grandson understands!"

"You have always been obedient and sensible, and I have never worried about you. In my later years, I have only one wish, that is, I hope you will be happy. Remember, never be blinded by power at any time.

Neither I nor your father, what matters most is never power, but responsibility. "

Tianxin nodded heavily. He knew very well that his grandfather and father were both responsible people. How the Ming Dynasty was established was clearly written by his father in the Records of the Ming Dynasty.

A person who is greedy for power may be able to be an emperor, but he will never be a good emperor.

"I feel indebted for not rewarding you before, and I am even afraid that my descendants will not work hard or make progress, but your father said that what you have is something that ordinary people can't compare with even ten lifetimes of hard work.

You are free to choose your own life, and so are others. If you cannot hold power, you can still join the military, politics, business, or do whatever you like.

Even if you are not too weak to hold on to the wall, the Royal Foundation will ensure that you have enough food and clothing.

Your father has tried his best to create conditions for you.

People are most afraid of greed and not being satisfied. "

Tianxin knew that his grandfather was afraid that he would be angry, so he said: "My father has made countless contributions to the establishment of Daqian. It can be said that my father is the key to Daqian's success today.

But his father repeatedly refused the reward because he was self-sufficient and because he regarded Da Gan's affairs as his own business.

For the grandson, Daming is his home. Doing things with his family does not require rewards. All he needs is approval from his elders. To the grandson, it is better than any reward! "

"Well said!" Qin Xiangru was extremely pleased. Tian Xin saw clearly that with his status, any reward was empty. What he wanted was everyone's recognition.

Live a low-key life, do things in a high-profile manner, and work hard to accumulate your reputation and be recognized by more people. This is a qualified royal family member.

Given time, this child's future will be limitless.

However, Qin Xiangru can't say too much, and he can't make random promises just because Tianxin has made a contribution today.

Brother Feng, Huo Lin'er, and Niu Duzi are all good boys, and they are all his favorites.

As adults, the most taboo thing about a bowl of water is that it is not level.

Most of the tragedy that happened in Li Qian was because of this.

Because the emperor manipulates people's hearts, this so-called emperor's art is, to put it bluntly, the art of balance.

In Qin Ming's world, this will not be done to children.

So, fair, fair, fair!

Those who are capable and virtuous will live there!

Rather than those with distinguished status living here!
(End of this chapter)

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