big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1682 Tianxin’s choice!

Chapter 1682 Tianxin’s choice!

Qin Xiangru looked at his eldest grandson with great satisfaction, "If you have nothing to do, go ahead. It will be the day of your crowning in a few days. Remember to enter the palace then!"

"Yes, Grandpa Huang!" Since he was sure that Qin Xiangru was fine, Tianxin didn't stay long, and he didn't go to find Qin Mo. He couldn't run over and ask his father when he would ascend the throne, right?

That's not appropriate.

In the blink of an eye, it’s the day when the heart of heaven reaches its peak.

The great emperor's grandson and his crown were crowned, and hundreds of officials arrived.

Tianxin didn't want to stir up trouble, but he was the great grandson of the emperor and the eldest grandson of the Qin family. He couldn't just do the adult ceremony casually, both emotionally and rationally.

Tianxin entered the palace and offered sacrifices to the ancestors of the Qin family in the Ancestral Temple.

Qin Xiangru and Qin Mo arrived together.

Because most of the children of the royal family entered the school anonymously, unlike in the past, they did not specially ask academically accomplished masters to teach them. Therefore, the old patriarch presided over the ceremony, and the three most prestigious veterans in the court crowned him.

The Qin family did not set up a royal school, so there was no Imperial Academy, but Tianxin still invited his professor to the palace to watch the ceremony, which was considered a sign of respect.

According to the Qin family tree, Qin Mo belongs to the generation with the character "family", and below the generation with the character "family" is the family character.

So Qin Chang is also called Qin's parent, which sounds a bit funny.

And because Tianxin is the prince's grandson, generally speaking, he should not be given a title. No one can tell where Tianxin will go in the future.

However, Qin Mo discussed it with Lao Qin and asked Lao Qin to give him the calligraphy.

The Ming royal family doesn't do that.

Wait until the old patriarch shouted "It's done".

Tian Xin then knelt down in front of Qin Xiangru and Qin Xiangru, and kowtowed three times respectfully, "Thank you grandfather for your love, and thank you father for your kindness in giving birth!"

Qin Mo nodded, "As a father, I have always been at ease with you. I hope you will maintain your original intention in the future. The most difficult thing in life is to maintain your original intention. Don't forget your first move!"

"Yes, the child must remember his father's teachings!" Tianxin said with cupped hands.

"My father's name is Jingyun. This name was given by the Supreme Emperor of Daqian. In the past, he wanted your father to be the Yun of Daqian.

I hope you can be yourself, just call yourself Xiu Yong! "

"Xiu means long; Yong means water long."

Cultivation is in line with his identity, and I always hope that he will be as good as water, and it will last forever!
Good name!
Qin Mo said: "Thank you, Azu!"

"My grandson thanks Grandpa Huang for the name!"

Qin Xiangru nodded with a smile, and then said to everyone: "Today my Qin family boy Xiu Yong has grown up. I am very happy. I will stay in the palace to have a meal. No one is allowed to leave!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" everyone said one after another.

Then he began to savor the name he gave Tianxin.

Qin Mo is a cloud, and his son is water, which means a lot.

Feng Ge'er is wind, Huo Lin'er is fire, and Niu Xiaozi is earth.

Everyone was thinking about it in their minds, but then they thought, this is Ming Dynasty, not Daqian, so they didn't think too much. If you want to get higher, you still have to rely on your own talents.

After the palace banquet, Tianxin found Qin Mo and said, "Father, I want to go to the west or Dingnan!"

"Those two places are the poorest and most barbaric. If you go there, it will not be easy to achieve results." Qin Mo reminded. "It is precisely because that place is the poorest and most barbaric that children should be built there. Central and South China has abundant resources and a large population, so there is no need for children.

The west is barbaric and Dingnan is unstable. What Ming Dynasty needs is a prosperous west and a stable new southern road. "Tianxin thought about it for a long time. He couldn't show his talents in prosperous places. The government's decrees were very good. Even without him, these places could develop well.

In the west, Dingnan is too far away and has poor resources, so it is not easy to develop well.

In other words, because there are few people, it is not easy to develop those hidden resources.

Ming Dynasty does not lack resources, but Ming Dynasty's resources are too scattered, and it needs to integrate resources.

Whether it is the west or Dingnan, if you want to develop it, you must integrate local industries, so that development can be promoted.

Now is no longer an era where just having enough food is enough. A strong country and having enough food, drink and clothing are only the most basic guarantees.

Things like education and medical care must keep up.

Qin Mo nodded, "Then where do you think is the best place to go?"

"My kid wants to go to the west!"

"Are you afraid of being accused of borrowing a relationship when you go to Dingnan?" Qin Mo asked.

Tianxin didn't expect Qin Mo to ask so directly, "I have this concern!"

"You worked hard for these resources yourself, and you didn't cheat them secretly. What do you have to worry about?" Qin Mo reminded: "It is really stupid not to use the resources if you have them. After this award, your avatar It's all been in the newspapers, and soon everyone across the country will know about it. Are you going to go to the West incognito?
Do you think your ambition is really easy to attract others to?

You know the rules of our family, make good use of your own resources and integrate them.

To put it bluntly, it is to establish a grass-roots team for yourself.

Regardless of whether you succeed or fail in the future, at least these talents have the ability to govern, which can be regarded as recruiting talents for the country and the dynasty.

This will be the same for Brother Feng and others in the future. Although they are younger than you, became famous later than you, and are not as famous as you, your starting point is almost the same.

And they have their advantages. Once you are caught up, don't regret it! "

Tianxin gave a wry smile. After all, his father was someone who had been through it all and looked at the problem very thoroughly.

“In fact, there are more deserts in the west and the population is sparse. Sometimes, you may not be able to develop if you want to.

If you are deep in the desert, it is because you have no choice but to search for oases in the desert.

But if you are searching for desert in an oasis and want to change the desert into an oasis, it is very difficult. It is not something you can do alone, and it may even take several generations of efforts.

Just like controlling desertification, you need to plant trees. How far can you achieve it alone?

After you leave, will people still control desertification in the future? "

Qin Mo sighed, "Don't have any ideological baggage. The essence of the exam is to allow you to make better choices and obtain more resources.

The land of Ming Dynasty is too big and there are few people. Many methods are not applicable, so you have to choose carefully! "

Tianxin hesitated. If he chose a place that was impossible to develop, then it would be useless no matter how much he invested.

Should we find a nice place or go to Dingnan?
Tian thought about it for a long time and finally made a decision, "My child should choose the west. Maybe the west is very poor and has many deserts.

As my father said, it takes several generations to control desertification, but someone has to start from scratch!
This place may not have been chosen well, but the child has no regrets because of the journey and mission of each generation.

Even if he lags behind others in the future, it doesn't matter. At the very least, the child is really doing good things for the people! "

(End of this chapter)

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