big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1683 Big wedding!

Chapter 1683 Big wedding!

Tianxin's eyes were very determined. He felt that he did not necessarily want to be the emperor, but he must do something for the people.

If you are just putting on a show just to be the emperor, then it is meaningless. Over time, you will definitely lose your original intention.

"Are you sure?" Qin Mo asked again.

"The edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. This is my father's poem. The child likes it very much!" Tianxin said: "The child is not fighting for the sake of fighting, but to bring happiness to the people of the place. Maybe now The west is a desert sandbank, but what if the west becomes an oasis one day?
In the future, as the number of people in the Ming Dynasty increases, exceeding [-] million, or even hundreds of millions, will the west remain desolate?
Therefore, the child is accumulating foundation for future generations, please ask your father to fulfill it! "

Qin Mo was very pleased. This boy was stubborn, but he had his own opinions. The most important thing was that he was really not fighting for the sake of fighting.

He knows that it is important for him to choose a good place now, so a lot of resources will be tilted towards him.

There may be a lot of resources to go to the west, but will those who support him still support him firmly if they don't get repayment for a long time?

Not necessarily.

Even if it is the imperial court, it is the same to support the place.

In addition to the support provided by the court to local governments, there is also support obtained from local governments. If there are no results for a long time, subsequent support and guarantees will be a big problem.

Today, the center of the Ming Dynasty is still located in the central and southern parts of the country, and the territory of the Ming Dynasty is large enough, with enough fertile land suitable for growing grains.

Let alone [-] million people, it would be easy to support a billion people.

"Okay, since you insist, I won't say anything more. When do you plan to leave?"

"Leave in a few days!" Tian Xin said: "I have stayed at home for so long. I have had enough rest. If I don't move, my bones will get rusty."

"Do you want the children to be taken away too?"

Tianxin hesitated for a while, and finally nodded, "Take it away, so that the child will not get rusty without seeing me for a long time!"

Qin Mo tapped his fingers on the table. He still loved his grandson very much, "Okay, if you have any difficulties, send me a telegram!"

"Yes, father."

Qin Mo walked over, looked at the kid who was as tall as himself, and patted his shoulder, "Do it well, don't put pressure on yourself, you don't have to be worthy of others, you just need to be worthy of your own heart.

I just need to send more telegrams back, and I have to come back every year to make sure I don’t miss you, you know? "

"Yes, I understand!" Tianxin could feel his father's reluctance to give up on him. In fact, he always knew in his heart that his father loved him the most. Even though he slapped him with a belt every day, it was for his own good.

He used to think that his father was unreasonable, but now he felt that his father was too reasonable.

A father's love is always subtle, but when you discover it, you realize that you have grown up.

Looking back, I wonder if I am not learning and growing like my father.

He couldn't help but hug Qin Mo, "Dad, the baby is gone!"

"Let's go, let's go. You don't have to come here to say hello to me when you leave!" Qin Mo waved his hand and said with disgust.

Tianxin knelt down and kowtowed three times to Qin Mo respectfully, "Goodbye, my child!"

After walking out of the East Palace, Tianxin took a deep breath and said, "No matter what the future holds, this is my own choice. I, the son of the Qin family, should not aim to be the emperor. This must start with me."

The next day, Tianxin and Yuanfan got married. This was also what was agreed before. After Tianxin and Guan, the two got married.

"Brother-in-law, you have to be nicer to my sister!" Liu Ji said with red eyes.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, your sister will never be wronged in the slightest." Tianxin said with a smile.This time, not only did she marry Yuan Jun, but Tang Xun'er also entered the palace with her. Although she was not the official wife, she also gave him the status of concubine.

The Ming Dynasty stipulates that one yuan wife and two equal wives have the right to inherit the family property, including their children.

And if you want to take a concubine, you have to draft a document of equal rights and have the three wives sign it, otherwise you can't take a concubine.

This also protects women’s rights.

As for monogamy, it is not suitable for the current national conditions of the Ming Dynasty. Let’s wait until the population of the Ming Dynasty exceeds one billion.

In the boudoir, Liu Ruyu looked at her daughter and shed tears.

"Mom, I'm not marrying far away, why are you crying!" Liu Yuanjun wiped her mother's tears: "I can come back if I want to in the future, isn't it because I won't be able to see you?"

"Hey, you don't understand." Liu Ruyu sighed. She just lamented that time flies by. Looking at her daughter was like seeing herself back then. "When you get married in the future, you can't be willful at home. You have to be a husband." For the sake of the family, remember that you are the hostess."

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Hu Hongyu, "Okay, don't listen to your mother. Tianxin is a good boy. He has been smart and sensible since he was a child. Now he is even more brave and fearless. He is a child who grew up before his eyes. , it shouldn’t be bad for you.

But you still have to take care of what should be taken care of. Don't be like your mother, who is weak and weak, and is being bullied without even realizing it.

Of course, don't bully others. I have also met Tang Xun'er, and the nobles in the palace like her quite a lot.

She has no father, no mother, no one to rely on, and a poor person.

Now that the fourth generation boss of the Qin family has been born, if you bully her, you will only cause trouble for yourself.

Besides, our Ming Dynasty has an enlightened national law, and everyone has a chance. There is no need to be jealous and engage in petty tricks.

Let’s not talk about your father-in-law. Since he is your father-in-law, he is also your father. If you go there, you will not be wronged.

But you must be filial to them, live in harmony with your husband, and live in peace with Tang Xun'er, do you understand? "

Liu Ruyu was a little embarrassed, "Mom, can't you save some face for me in front of the child?"

Liu Yuanjun gave a wry smile. Her grandmother's tough character had not changed at all. No wonder her grandfather was so afraid of her.

Hu Hongyu snorted, "Okay, I won't talk about you in front of the child today. The bride-to-be is here, so cover the child's head!"

Soon, the boudoirs were opened, and Liu Ji carried Liu Yuanjun onto the sedan chair.

The Liu family was happy.

In their opinion, Tianxin has military exploits, prestige and reputation, and holds a good card in his hand. As long as he does not make mistakes in the future, the chance of success is still very high.

At Tianxin Mansion, Qin Mo and his wives were waiting here.

He and Li Yulan sat at the top, with Xiao Yurou sitting next to them.

When the three newcomers came over holding hands, they all knelt down and kowtowed to the three of them and served tea.

Qin Mo just laughed, but Li Yulan and Xiao Yurou started to cry.

The other women didn't fare much better either. All of them were holding handkerchiefs to wipe away their tears.

The 'motherless' child back then is now married and starting a business!

(End of this chapter)

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