big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1684 The alternation of old and new power!

Chapter 1684 The alternation of old and new power!
After the wedding, Tianxin accompanied Liu Yuanjun back home and stayed in the capital for another two days before leaving the capital with his wife and children.

Before leaving, he went to the palace to kowtow to Qin Xiangru and others.

Although Qin Mo kept saying not to let Tianxin come over, he was still very happy to see Tianxin coming to say goodbye.

Although he was reluctant to give up in his heart, Qin Mo knew that good men are everywhere, "Now that you have decided, just do it. No matter what the result is, it is your own choice. Just don't regret it."

"My child understands that he must remember his father's teachings!" Tianxin took a deep look at his father, knelt on the ground, kowtowed to him respectfully, and then left the East Palace without looking back.

Xiao Yurou was open-minded, "He has grown up and started a family, so you and I should not let family ties hold him back.

Whether he is a dragon or a worm, it is up to him.

My responsibilities to him have almost been completed, and the next step is to raise my younger son to be a talented person. "

"You said I have the hardest heart, but I think you are much harder than me!" Qin Mo curled his lips.

"I call this open-minded!" Xiao Yurou said with a smile.

Qin Mo pulled her over, "I'm going to cut open your heart and see!"

Xiao Yurou let her do whatever she wanted, "Then you have to be careful, my heart is dark."

"Nonsense, it's obviously pink!"

Xiao Yurou spat at her, "Ivory cannot come out of a dog's mouth."

When Tian Xin left Beijing, there was a lot of commotion, and many people followed him and left.

Although they don't understand why Tianxin chose the west with poor resources and the least population, they will not doubt their decision after they identify Tianxin.

The latecomers regarded these first batch of people who developed the west as the pioneers of the west.

After Tianxin left, Qin Xiangru published the message of abdication again in Xijing Daily.

Qin Mo still refused.

After three concessions and three rejections, there was only one concession and one rejection left.

Qin Xiangru was in a very good mood, while Qin Mo was seizing the few leisure days.

Another half month later, Qin Xiangru published the abdication information in the newspaper for the third time.

At this point, after three concessions and three rejections, everyone was ready to go out again at the big meeting at the end of the month.

They knew very well that this meeting would be the change of power between the old and new emperors of the Ming Dynasty.

In the eyes of many people, the change of power in Ming Dynasty may be the easiest and simplest.

There is no fighting, no flash of swords, but only the friendship between father and son, inherited from the same origin.

Qin Xiangru also wore a special bag, a bright red and yellow robe, which made him very happy.

Seeing this made Qin Mo grit his teeth. It was true that Lao Qin was so happy to abdicate, as if he was newly married.

After everyone saw the ceremony, Qin Xiangru said: "This year is the first 11 years. Since I have been in office, I have done everything without speaking. I am also diligent and do not dare to slack off in government affairs.

I have passed my sixtieth birthday, and I am really beyond my capabilities. I am afraid that I will not be able to lead the officials to benefit the people of the world. "

After the words fell, everyone knelt down one after another, praising Qin Xiangru's achievements and greatness.

Qin Mo also knelt on the ground.

Qin Xiangru looked at everyone, "You are reluctant to leave me, but there are talented people in the country, and I am old and can no longer dominate this position.

My son, you also know whether you can hold this great position.

I have nothing to worry about.

Even the Ming Dynasty was founded by my son.

I am just lucky to have a good son.

I am luckier than all the founding emperors in the world. Others are my sons who conquer the world, but I am my son who conquers the world for me.

My life is only a hundred years, I am satisfied and happy!So starting today, I will abdicate and retreat behind the scenes. All major events in this world will be handed over to my son! "

Qin Xiangru looked at Qin Mo, "Son, come up!"

Qin Mo sighed in his heart, stood up, and cupped his hands, "Father, the emperor will always be strong, but my son does not want to be the emperor!"

"Stop talking nonsense and come up quickly." Seeing that he didn't come up, Qin Xiangru walked directly down and pulled him up.

Seeing this scene, many people laughed.

Not mocking, but envious of the bond between father and son.

When others say they don't want to be the emperor, they may be lying and pretending to refuse, but Qin Mo is not. He is really lazy and does not want to be the emperor.

This guy is the kind of person who won't even ask anyone to lift him up on a shelf.

Qin Mo was pressed on the dragon chair, his face full of helplessness.

"From today on, you are the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty!" As he said this, he was afraid that Qin Mo would do something wrong again, so he hurriedly sat on the chair below.

Everyone stared at Qin Mo, hoping he would say a few words.

Qin Mo sighed, "That's all, since my father insists on making me the emperor, then I'll do it.

Everyone, I will still rely on you when I am in power in the future. Let us cooperate sincerely and strive to bring benefits to the people!
That's it, let's just let it go! "

Everyone looked at each other.

Chai Shao said: "That edict"

"Forget the edict to sacrifice to heaven, let's not deal with those frivolous things!" Qin Mo said: "Forget this handover ceremony, if you have anything to do in the future, just send me here. The meeting will be the same as before. On the 15th day of the lunar month, Xiao The matter will be decided through discussion among several cabinet ministers.

It's nothing, don't bother me! "

With that said, Qin Mo waved his hand, turned around and left.

Everyone is stupid.

This is too casual, the heaven-sacrifice ceremony has been omitted. Why don't you say a few more words?

As soon as you come to power, you act like a fool. Will you not even be able to go to court in the future?
Qin Xiangru coughed dryly and said, "That's it. The Ministry of Rites will choose a good day to ascend the throne, and our Ming Dynasty should have a good time."

Although this wave of succession is a bit hasty, the enthronement ceremony will not be omitted and cannot be omitted. This not only means the replacement of power in the court, but also the inheritance of power, which is a good thing for the country and the people.

Qin Mo returned to the East Palace with a sad face. Seeing his bitter look, the girls all came over and asked, "Why are you not happy at all?"

"My father has retired, can I be happy?" Qin Mo went directly to bed, "I will go to court on the 15th day of the lunar month, won't this cost my life?

I have to review memorials every now and then, how tiring it is, and I won’t be able to leave the palace casually in the future.

There is no freedom at all.

At most, I can only go out of the palace to wander around the capital, but I can't just go out for travel.

It's annoying! "

After hearing Qin Mo's words, all the girls laughed.

It's just a wry smile.

I've seen people who don't make progress, but I've never seen people who don't make progress like this.

Others dreamed of becoming emperor, but he became emperor simply because it was troublesome.

Still looking disgusted.

I seem to have forgotten how this world came to be.

Didn't he knock it down by himself?
It's good now, but I still dislike it.

"You can't help it if you don't want to. Before the third generation grows up, you must be the emperor. If you are lazy, let alone the officials, our sisters will not agree!"

(End of this chapter)

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