big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1685 Enlightenment!

Chapter 1685 Enlightenment!
Hearing Li Yulan's words, all the women agreed, "That is, if you are not diligent in your work, then the world will blame many of the crimes on us women."

"Don't forget that this country was founded by you. If you don't want to be the emperor, who will be the emperor?"

"Sisters, from today on, we have to supervise him every day to prevent him from being lazy!"

Hearing this, Qin Mo was numb, "Whose wife are you!"

Fang Shun gloated: "Don't talk about those useless things. From today on, prepare to accept the encouragement from the sisters!"

Qin Mo couldn't stay any longer and wanted to escape, but was held down by his wife, "Where do you want to run?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gao Shilian's voice came from outside the door, "His Royal Highness, are you there?"

"Let me go, it's Uncle Gao who's here!" Qin Mo finally got free time and slipped out while the girls weren't paying attention.

"Uncle, you came at the right time." Qin Mo took Gao Shilian's hand, "You are really my uncle."

Gao Shilian was stunned, "What's wrong?"

"No matter what happened, by the way, uncle, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Damage, the Supreme Emperor is looking for you!"

"Okay, I'll be there right away!" Qin Mo sighed.

"Don't worry, someone from the Ministry of Internal Affairs will come over to measure you soon. The Ministry of Rites has chosen an auspicious time, it will be seven days later.

They will hurry up and make a dragon robe for you. Also, the Ministry of Rites is still discussing which first year to use, and you will have to choose when the time comes.

Fortunately, the harem is also clean, and there is no need to move too many people, but you and your ladies can no longer stay in the East Palace.

And all the princes and grandsons, oh no, the princes also have to move to another place to live.

There are also rewards for the concubines, you must be aware of these.

When the time comes for the enthronement ceremony, it will be read out in front of all the people in the capital.

It's a pity that there are no Five Sacred Mountains in the Ming Dynasty. The Ministry of Rites also said that the emperor should go to the Zen to protect the safety of the family and the country. "

Listening to Gao Shilian saying this, Qin Mo was numb, "Hey, okay, let's talk about these again!"

Seeing the melancholy look on Qin Mo's face, Gao Shilian couldn't help but said with a smile: "You, don't sigh too much. With your methods, you can easily do the job. Don't worry about some small things, there will naturally be servants to help you. You just have to do great things.”

"Uncle, I'm not as powerful as you said. In the past, my father was always in front, and I could do whatever I wanted.

But when it was my turn, I felt a little scared inside. I was afraid that I would not do well, and I was also afraid that my decision would cause an unfavorable situation for the people.

I am actually afraid that people will scold me behind my back. "

Qin Mo's dream was to be a fool, but when the day came, he suddenly felt that being a fool was not that easy.

Being a fool also requires capital.

"You have all the conditions and qualifications, but you just don't want to face it." Gao Shilian said with a smile: "If you say you can't do it well, then I'm afraid no one in the world can do it better than you. alright.

Emperor Daqian couldn't do it, and neither did the previous emperors.

The officials trust you and the people respect you. Your civil and military skills are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Your ascension to the throne is also expected by everyone.

Today, the old slave is walking around the imperial city, and all those little things say they have waited for today.

I heard that the people outside have started to put up lanterns and festoons. They all say that the emperor is good and the prince is even better. Life for everyone is getting better and better, and they are more and more hopeful! "

Qin Mo couldn't help but laugh. Gao Shilian was worthy of being Gao Shilian. A few words could make him more confident. "Uncle, thank you!"

"Uncle, I should thank you!" Gao Shilian looked at Qin Mo with a kind face. These words were said by an father-in-law, an uncle to his son-in-law and nephew, "Uncle knows that many people have mixed praise and criticism for you, but In my uncle's heart, you are still the same you and have never changed.

I admire you. Very few people can always maintain their original intentions.

You did it, I don't know what the future will be like, but now, why do you care about other people's eyes.

This world has long been different because of you.

Uncle never thought that a person could be so capable.

If someone hates you, it's because you have harmed their interests.

But the people who follow you trust you and are loyal to you. Look at how powerful this glorious Ming Dynasty is.

These tens of millions of people live under your protection.

Even if you go to Daqian, how many of those people will accept your love? "

Qin Mo nodded, the last trace of uneasiness in his heart gone.

A group of women were hiding in front of the door and listening to the conversation between the two. They seemed to be fearless men, but in fact, they still cared about other people's evaluations.

Because he has always been kind, a hard-hearted person cannot care about other people's opinions.

"Let's not put pressure on him!" Li Yushu said: "The smelly guy has too many things on his shoulders. All we can do is support him, understand him, and serve him well. That's enough!"

All the girls nodded silently.

"Let's go, uncle!" Qin Mo smiled. He figured it out. Next, he had to face his own challenge.

When he came to the imperial study room, Qin Xiangru had already prepared food and wine. He had already taken off his coquettish red dragon robe, and at this moment, he was wearing ordinary clothes.

At this moment, Lao Qin looked like an ordinary old man next door, except that this old man looked stronger and more energetic than the ordinary old man.

"Idiot, come over and have a drink with dad!" Qin Xiangru waved to Qin Mo.

Qin Mo sat opposite him and helped him pour wine.

"The Ministry of Rites has issued several year titles, including Chengjing, Tianjing, Yongye, Shenwu, and Kaiping. You choose the one you like!" Qin Xiangru said.

Qin Mo thought for a while, "These are all good, but I don't like it. Why not call it Yong'an! I hope Ming Dynasty will always be safe!"

"This is a good year, but I thought you would choose Shenwu or Kaiping." Qin Xiangru was a little surprised, thinking that his son would choose a more domineering year.

"Peace is blessing!"

"You're right, peace is a blessing!" Qin Xiangru picked up the wine glass and took a sip with a smile on his face. Although he was happy before, there was always a slight sadness between his eyebrows. Now, all his worries and anxieties It’s gone, everything has been let go.

"From now on, this country will be handed over to you!"

"I know." Qin Mo raised his wine glass, "Dad, my son gives you a toast. Congratulations on your honorable retirement!"

Qin Xiangru laughed and said, "I retire and my son succeeds. This is a good thing. I hope this will be the case from generation to generation in the Ming Dynasty."

The father and son clinked glasses and smiled at each other.

"Don't worry, from now on, I will bear the burden of Ming Dynasty. You can just follow your own wishes and live the life you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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