big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1686 Chai Shao resigns!

Chapter 1686 Chai Shao resigns!

After reaching middle age, Qin Mo suddenly realized that he could no longer live like before.

He wants to take care of the people who gave birth to him and raise him, raise the people he gave birth to, and then build the country he built into a heavenly kingdom so that everyone can live and work in peace and contentment.

Everyone, Xiaojia, he has to take care of everything.

He talked a lot with Lao Qin and drank a lot.

This time Qin Mo had something on his mind and was not drunk.

The next day, Lao Qin moved out from Fengtian Palace. He felt tired of the life in the palace, so he lived outside the palace.

He felt that since he retired, he should stay away from the palace. There can only be one master in this palace.

As for paying attention to filial piety by asking for greetings every day, that is not necessary.

A truly filial person is still filial even if they meet a few times a year.

If a person is not filial, even if you greet him every day, it is still unfilial.

Lao Qin is very free and easy and sees clearly.

It happened to be warm spring, Qin Xiangru was leaning on the recliner, and Gao Shilian was lying next to him, "Look, how good it is. We two brothers can retire together, have company, and can talk. We can catch up tomorrow and wait until things are completely settled." Now, let’s just go fishing, go sightseeing, and don’t worry about anything else. Once you’re in a good mood, you will naturally live longer.”

"What you are saying is that this old slave is enjoying the blessings with you!" Gao Shilian said with a smile.

"What old slave is not old slave? Lao Gao, don't do this. There is no Supreme Emperor here, only Qin Xiangru.

Now that you are retired, please stop putting pressure on me. "Qin Xiangru said with a smile.

Gao Shilian smiled and said nothing, "In that case, I will call you master from now on, so you won't feel any pressure, right?"

"As long as you don't call me the Supreme Emperor, you can call me anything you want!" Qin Xiangru picked up the tea at hand and took a sip happily, "I never dreamed that I could live such a dreamy life. When my parents passed away, I even There was no money to collect the bodies for them.

It was because the elders in the clan felt sorry for me that they pooled some money together to prepare a thin coffin for my parents.

The burial place is the worst place in the ancestral grave. They all said that if I were buried there, my family would have no descendants.

Now look at it, that was pure fart, that piece of land was a treasure. "

Gao Shilian also said: "The old slave has been wandering all his life, lonely and helpless, but he has found his home when he is old. This is the old slave's luck and blessing. It is the old slave's good fortune to meet you and your son, sir!"

Qin Xiangru waved his hand, "Everything in the world is determined by one drink and one peck. You are good to the fool, and everyone knows that you have been helping him all these years and treating him as your own son and nephew. I am grateful to you before it is too late." .

Speaking of which, I took advantage of you.

But now, you and I are in-laws, so we won’t follow the same rules as before.

You are you, I am me, we are in-laws, we are equals, how about that? "

Gao Shilian knew very well that Qin Xiangru was sincere, and if he didn't agree, he would be unhappy.

"Then I'm offended, Lao Gao!" Gao Shilian said with a smile: "But in front of outsiders, we should do what we should do. This etiquette cannot be abolished, and the rules cannot be abolished.

If those little things were to know in the future that their ancestors were equal to the Supreme Emperor, there was no guarantee that they would not have any inappropriate thoughts.

This is not good for everyone! "

Qin Xiangru nodded, "Just as you said."

This time, he was completely relaxed, "The biggest regret in my life is that I couldn't let my wife enjoy happiness. It would be great if she could also see this scene."

"The old lady will be happy if she has a soul in heaven!" At this time, Qin Mo was handling various affairs in the court.

Originally, there wasn't much going on, but now that he is about to ascend the throne, those people below him, in order to express themselves, are constantly playing tricks and slapping their faces.

In addition to memorials, some officials from remote areas also sent telegrams to congratulate them and also presented memorials.

With the telegraph, officials in remote areas can also send reports every now and then. The advantage is that it is easier to manage.

There are also disadvantages. You can't tell whether what the other party says in the telegram is true or false. This requires the Integrity Department and Jinyiwei from various places to investigate.

But in general, Ming Dynasty officials are relatively clean and local governance is also open-minded.

The Ming Dynasty has also passed the initial barbaric era and has gradually begun to move towards a deeper legal era.

Build roads, build railways, vigorously develop thermal power stations and hydropower stations, build reservoirs and dams, and clean up rivers. The demand will still be huge in the next 20 years.

There is no need to worry about financial issues.

In addition, the world will soon come to an end, and maritime trade will drive the rapid economic development of Ming Dynasty.

In the next 30 years, Ming Dynasty will most likely become an advanced country.

He left a century-old plan for Da Qian, and his plan for Ming was not bad either.

The first to be well-off, the last to be advanced, there are certain standards in all aspects, as long as you follow these standards.

Putting down the memorial in his hand, Qin Mo sighed, "Tell the cabinet that there is no need for a congratulatory memorial and let them digest it themselves.

In addition to important things, I also let them take care of other things. I am only responsible for the general direction. If I don't even let go of the small directions, even if I don't rest for twelve hours a day, I won't be able to keep busy.

In addition, this enthronement ceremony should not be too grand or grand. In the future, the country will spend too much money. Maybe when the emperor changes in the next 20 years, it will accumulate to a huge amount of expenditure.

So just save it if you can, I don’t value that ceremony! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The palace officials went to the cabinet to publicize the decree. With Qin Xiangru's abdication, some of the old members of the cabinet are getting older, such as Chai Shao, who is over 70 this year.

Although his body is still good, his mental state is no longer what it used to be.

If he continues to occupy this position, some people will complain.

Although he came to Ming Dynasty alone and helped establish Ming Dynasty and made great contributions, this was not the reason for his re-election.

So Chai Shao submitted his resignation yesterday and recommended an old man from Zhou Dynasty.

To be precise, he was the son of this old man from the Zhou Dynasty. He was very talented in literature, ambitious, had good means, and had a good reputation in official circles.

After Chai Shao retreats, the court needs to maintain balance, so it is best to let him come up.

Qin Mo tapped his fingers on the table. To be honest, he was a little reluctant to let Chai Shao step down. His father-in-law was extremely powerful in handling political affairs and managing the country and the people.

In the early Ming Dynasty, his contribution can be said to be the greatest.

Later, Lao Qin came to Ming Dynasty and was able to do so smoothly, which was also due to Chai Shao.

If Chai Shao had any selfish intentions, he would probably be in trouble.

Qin Mo thought for a while and decided to go see him in person!

(End of this chapter)

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