big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1687: Constraining the Elder!

Chapter 1687: Constraining the Elder!
In the Chai Mansion, Chai Shao is checking the homework of his grandchildren. Now that the Chai family is prosperous, and he is already old, he plans to educate these children at home after retirement, which can be considered as a final contribution to the family. .

At this moment, the housekeeper of the Chai Mansion hurriedly walked to Chai Shao and said something. When Chai Shao learned that Qin Mo was coming, he hurriedly said: "Quickly, invite your majesty in and entertain him well. I'll be there right away!"

Immediately, he called his grandchildren and said something to him, and was about to leave when he heard a voice coming from outside, "Father-in-law, my son-in-law is here!"

Hearing this, Chai Shao sighed, stood up quickly and looked over, "See your Majesty!"

Qin Mo hurriedly helped him, "Father-in-law, there is no need to be polite."

These idiots were stunned for a moment when they saw Qin Mo, and then they all gathered around him, "Uncle, you are here!"

Qin Mo is very good to children, not only to his own children, but also to Chai Rong and Dou Yi's children who love them very much.

There is no shortage of education for them on weekdays. Almost all the children in the early batch grew up listening to Qin Mo's lessons. For these slightly younger ones, Qin Mo's education was small, but he gave many rewards.

In addition, Chai Sitian also went back to her parents' home every now and then, and from time to time she would bring a few children back to the palace to play, so the two and a half visits became familiar.

These furry children have very good tutors and are educated by elders at home. Some of them are naughty, but they are all very polite.

"What nonsense, call your majesty!" Chai Shao said hurriedly.

Qin Mo raised his hand, "What do children know? Besides, it's okay for them to call me uncle. It's just a title. There's no need to change it deliberately. When they become sensible, they will do it even without you having to say it." understandable."

"Your Majesty, don't let them spoil you!" Chai Shao said with a bitter smile, but he was happy in his heart.

"Father-in-law, don't talk too much about Your Majesty, there are no outsiders here!"

"That can't happen!" Chai Shao kept shaking his head. No matter what Qin Mo said, he just wouldn't change his tune.

At this time, a slightly younger child raised his head and said, "Uncle, Azu said that you are going to be the emperor, and we can't pester you all the time in the future, right?"

Qin Mo touched his head and said, "Don't listen to your uncle, no matter he is the prince or the emperor, he will always be your uncle. If anything happens to you, you can still go to the palace to find your uncle, do you understand?"


All the kids nodded. They were all young. Mr. Dou Meizui's children had all graduated from college and had been appointed officials.

The eldest daughter was also promised to Feng Geer. Even though Dou Mei looks like King Kong Barbie, her daughter is extremely delicate and very different from her mother. Now she is waiting for Feng Geer to come back from the team and get married. Woolen cloth.

Marriage is inevitable. Fortunately, Brother Feng and the Chai family are not related by blood, so they can get married.

Everyone understands that this is grace.

After teasing the kid a few more times, Chai Shao sent them away, "Your Majesty, please come to the study for a chat!"

Qin Mo nodded and came to the study, "Father-in-law, I am here mainly to persuade you to continue serving. There are many places that you still need to control."

Chai Shao smiled bitterly and said: "Your Majesty, I am seventy-eight years old this year. It's not that I am unwilling to serve the country. I am really afraid that I will not do well and drag down Your Majesty.

I'm not trying to shirk the blame, nor am I trying to make excuses. I'm just saying that there are talented people in the country. The position of Ge Lao is high and powerful, but he is actually a substitute for the prime minister at a certain level.

In terms of power, he restricted the imperial power. Although His Majesty divided the power of the prime minister into six, which greatly weakened the power of the elders, if one day these people get together, it will greatly hinder the development of the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, the veteran believes that the elders should be restrained so that they will not act so unscrupulously in the future.

Of course, with His Majesty around, these people would naturally not dare to do so, but that won't be the case in another three to fifty years.At that time, the old minister was gone, but the Ming Dynasty was still there, and the Ming Dynasty would definitely be more prosperous than it is now.

Therefore, I hope that Your Majesty can make plans in advance. "

How could Qin Mo not know?
He originally upgraded the functions of the six ministries and established the Liuge Lao in the minister's book. Firstly, it was to re-centralize power, and secondly, it was to once again distinguish the rights of the six ministries.

The powers of the left and right prime ministers were divided into six parts to restrict each other.

It looks good now, but one day, if this system expands, the six films will drag each other down.

Any system exists to better complete government affairs or to better serve the emperor.

He must be good and efficient in the beginning.

But after two or three generations, this system will gradually expand, and then gradually drag down some people.

It's like there are people in the department who are diligent and others are fishing. When most people are lying flat and fishing, the diligent people become the ones who stand out, and then what happens when they are targeted?

Then of course it is to fuse them and become them!
Therefore, the system needs to be continuously streamlined and innovated to adapt to constant changes.

"I understand that there are not many people in the Ming Dynasty at the moment, but in another three to fifty years, the number will inevitably expand dozens of times, and the number of officials will continue to increase by then.

I will pay attention to this, but Mr. Ge cannot restrict it at the moment. There can be no perfect national policy in this world, nor can there be a once and for all solution. "

Qin Mo said: "Father-in-law, I still want to ask you to stay for two more years and help me."

Chai Shao sighed, "Your Majesty, every generation has its own journey. This is what you said. I still remember it now.

The journey that belongs to the veteran has been completed. Now, the veteran has been unable to continue.

The old minister felt that it was time to make way for the young people.

The age of old ministers has passed, now it is the world of young people.

Don’t let people from the old era influence people from the new era. "

Seeing Chai Shao's doubts and refusal, Qin Mo stopped forcing him, "Well, since my father-in-law has already made up his mind, I won't force him anymore."

He paused and continued: "However, in order to better maintain the government and complete the replacement of old and new positions, Chai Shao, you will be re-employed as a lifetime consultant of the cabinet. If you have any matters, you can report them directly to me without going through the six departments." .”

Chai Shao breathed a sigh of relief. After hearing this, he hurriedly knelt down and said, "Thank you for your grace!"

He also knew that Qin Mo was preparing a better path for veterans like them. Qin Mo was nostalgic for the past. Although he was no longer in the cabinet, he could still use his influence to influence the government.

Qin Mo hurriedly helped him up, "Father-in-law, get up quickly. I want to thank you for your contribution to the Ming Dynasty over the years!"

With that said, Qin Mo bowed to Chai Shao.

Chai Shao said excitedly: "Your Majesty, I can't bear it!"

Qin Mo patted his hand, "No, you are worth it!"

(End of this chapter)

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