big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1688 Enthronement Ceremony!

Chapter 1688 Enthronement Ceremony!

Five days later, the first day of April in the Ming Dynasty will be a taboo.

Qin Xiangru offered sacrifices to his ancestors in the Ancestral Temple and abdicated to his son Qin Mo.

Qin Mo was currently wearing an emperor's crown, and the clothes on his body were extremely heavy, especially the twelve crowns on his head, which not only blocked his sight, but were also extremely heavy.

He knelt there for a full hour, and his legs were numb.

During this period, he kept kowtowing, getting up, then kneeling again, and kowtowing again, until everyone became numb.

This has been a streamlined and streamlined process.

Behind her, Li Yulan and others were also dressed very dignified and elegantly.

Brother Feng and others did not come back. The other children were also wearing princely clothes and kneeling there, their little faces full of seriousness.

Accompanied by the old patriarch’s voice: The ceremony is completed!

Qin Xiangru handed the national seal in his hand to Qin Mo, "From today on, the responsibility of Ming Dynasty will be handed over to you!"

Qin Mo took the national seal with both hands, "Yes, father, I will always keep the people in mind and state affairs first."

Qin Xiangru smiled and nodded.

Qin Xianggui said again: "Your Majesty, please report to God!

After Qin Mo finished reading the manuscript he had prepared in advance, he immediately walked up the steps and sat on the dragon chair at the top.

Then all the civil and military officials knelt down and saluted.

After doing this several times, the ceremony is completed.

Xiaoba stood beside him and said: "Female Li Yulan, Queen, into the Kunning Palace, and Feng Chai Sitian."

Everyone discovered that the reward for the harem was based on the time when the girls entered the house.

Among them, Li Yulan is the queen, Li Yushu's imperial concubine, Fang Shun, Gao Yao, Xiao Yurou, Chai Sixian and others are the concubines, arranged in the order of Xian, Shu, Zhuang, Jing, Hui, Shun, Kang and Ning. .

Others were concubines.

Then came the rewards for each prince.

This process took only half an hour.

Qin Mo sat above him, motionless, and his waist almost broke.

After all the rituals were over, Qin Mo still wanted to award hundreds of officials, and then went outside to watch the enthronement ceremony.

Right now, there are at least 30 million people gathered outside.

The envoys who were waiting for Da Qian also sent their blessings early. Soon, the Ming Dynasty will change its Yuan Dynasty to Yong'an, and the news of Qin Mo's reign will spread all over the world.

Because it was too hasty, although Daqian received the news, it was too late to send someone over.

But Qin Mo didn't care.

But from then on, it became more difficult for him to go to work.

He used to be just a prince, but now he is the emperor of a country, and there is no room for any mistakes.

If he was talking about going abroad, those people would probably run into him and die in front of him.

"Your Majesty, Queen, please move forward and observe the ceremony!" Qin Xianggui said loudly.

This little old man in his seventies was full of energy at the moment, with a smile on his face from beginning to end.

Qin Mo was thinking, isn't he tired from smiling?
But he finally got through it, and he could finally walk.

He asked: "Old patriarch, can I change my clothes and go to the ceremony?"

"Your Majesty, you can't!" said the old patriarch: "Today is the first time you officially meet the people of Li as His Majesty, how can you dress casually!"

Qin Mo sighed, didn't say anything, and took Li Yulan into the dragon chariot.

Just a few steps, yet such a huge battle is still needed.

It's like, those around the dragon chariot are his confidants.

It is an honor for people like Chai Rong, Dou Yiai, the Liu family brothers, and the Cheng family brothers to be able to follow him closely at this time.

It’s a good thing that many people can’t even imagine.

He doesn't like this kind of political trick, but he can't help it. His butt determines his head, so he is destined to play this kind of trick often in the future.If the emperor values ​​someone, he cannot directly say, "I trust you."

If you have something on your mind, you can't tell others directly.

Therefore, there is a reason why those emperors were called lonely, Taoist, and widowed.

An emperor who can be seen through his mind must not be a good emperor.

Qin Mo sighed, "The emperor wants to say something but can't say it, and the ministers want to ask questions but can't. They all have to answer riddles. He's so damn tired!"

No, the Ming Dynasty must change this trend.

Just as I was thinking about it, I arrived at the Meridian Gate.

"Your Majesty, please go up to the city wall to observe the ceremony!"

Qin Mo took Li Yulan's hand and walked off the dragon chariot.

Sensing Li Yulan's strangeness, "Third sister, are you nervous?"

Li Yulan nodded slightly, her throat tightening, "Nervous!"

She never dreamed that one day she would become the queen of a country.

Recalling that more than ten years ago, she was still a little widow who looked gloomy every day. In the eyes of the world, she was a lone star of evil and the fate of her husband.

But now everyone calls her a prosperous woman.

She held her husband's hand tightly. Even after so many years, her love for Qin Mo had not changed at all. It was even more passionate than before, but it was no longer as exposed as before.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!" Qin Mo smiled, "Just follow me!"

She held Li Yulan's hand and walked up step by step, while Li Yushu and others followed behind.

Li Yushu's mood was complicated. She was even thinking, if she hadn't done anything at the beginning, would she be the one following Qin Mo now?

Of course, she was just envious, not jealous.

It doesn't matter whether she is a queen or not. What matters is that she can still be by Qin Mo's side.

Which of the women around this stinky guy is not uniquely blessed by nature and has a wonderful destiny?

She even felt honored at the moment.

Fang Shun didn't say it anymore. The little man she looked down on at the beginning has now become the patriarch of a country. Those thick shoulders will carry the lives of countless people.

Gao Yao has admired Qin Mo immensely from the beginning to the end. Only she knows best how Qin Mo got to where he is now step by step.

The hardships and difficulties involved are indescribable to outsiders.

Chu Rui, Xia He Qiuyue, the three of them were extremely excited. They were all maids in the palace, and they never expected that they would be like this.

I just feel that I am lucky.

Subi Mojie was calm. In her opinion, this was how her man should be.

Zhao Manyun just smiled, she was very satisfied with her current life.

Sachiko Soga was the happiest, and she smiled the happiest among all the sisters, because she had the most sons among them, seven in total!

Chai Sitian has always regarded Qin Mo as her heaven. If it weren't for Qin Mo, their family would still be living in the abyss.

Xiao Yurou won't go into details. Her relationship with Qin Mo is the most complicated.

The two fell in love and killed each other, but God favored her in the end, and she finally achieved enlightenment.

A group of people stood above.

Qin Mo looked at the endless crowd of people below. Unlike the military parade in Daqian, he was actually very excited at this moment.

Even a little timid.

Standing in front of the microphone, everyone was silent, waiting for him to speak.

Countless eyes were staring at him, each with eager eyes.

Qin Mo took a deep breath, looked at the crowd and said, "Fathers, fellow villagers, brothers and sisters, from today on, I will be the head of the Ming Dynasty!"

(End of this chapter)

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