big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1689: Years later, still praise my name!

Chapter 1689: Thousands of years later, you still praise my name!
"In the next few years, or even more than ten years, everyone will support my work. It is also my first time to be emperor, so it is inevitable that I will fall short in some areas.

If there is anything that is not done right, you can send a letter to the Imperial City, and someone will check it. Finally, your opinions will fall into my hands. "

Hearing this, all the people couldn't help but laugh. They all knew that their majesty was the most caring and close to the people.

"I dare not say that I will reply to every letter. Of course, if you really have nothing to write, it doesn't matter. Just write whether you have enough to eat, whether you have warm clothes, and whether the local officials have oppressed you.

It's okay to let me know how you are doing, and I welcome it.

But don’t vote every day. I’m afraid there will be too many letters and I won’t be able to read them. "

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone below laughed.

All civil and military officials felt that this opening statement was very plain and down-to-earth, without any pretensions.

Ming Dynasty does not need a lofty emperor. What it wants is a majesty who can make decisions for the people and take the people at heart.

Qin Mo has always thought so and done so.

"I am fortunate to have created a great transition with my father and the wise ministers of the Ming Dynasty, and I am also fortunate to be able to work with you.

I don’t know what the future holds, but I will work harder to make everyone’s life better and better.

Let you walk out of the house with your head held high.

Let you be well fed, well dressed, and travel conveniently.

Children have books to read and room for improvement.

The elderly are supported and everyone has a job.

There is hope in life.

I never like to talk nonsense. In my opinion, it is not as good as letting everyone have food and clothing, no illness and no disasters.

I, Daming, don’t play that trick.

So you remember, one day, the officials of our Ming Dynasty will be greedy and will treat the people as cattle and horses.

Don't give me face, unite and overthrow them!

If I, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, engage in deceit and use false words to deceive you.

Likewise, don't give me face to overthrow the emperor! "

Qin Mo's words spread through the microphone, and everyone couldn't even believe their ears.

What did they hear?
Is Your Majesty instigating them to rebel?

No, it is not.

Your Majesty feels sorry for them and tells them that if one day they encounter injustice, they must resist!

When all the civil and military officials heard this, they were all stunned.

"You remember my words, and the officials in the world will also remember my words. If one day, you force the people to rebel, then not only will I not punish them, but I will join them to punish you.

Never think that just because you are a superior official, you can be tyrannical.

Since you dare to do bad things, be prepared to have your heads tied to your waist!
The same is true for me. When I became the emperor, I was ready to dedicate myself to the people.

If you can't do it, you can submit your resignation, and I won't give you any embarrassment.

But if you want to benefit from the people while at the same time embarrass them, the people will not agree, I will not agree, and the national law will not agree either! "

Qin Mo's words fell into everyone's ears, and they were particularly clear and powerful.
Officials knelt down and shouted, "Long live the emperor."

The people knelt down, with tears in their eyes, "Long live your Majesty!"

"We are lucky to be born at the feet of the Holy Emperor!"

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, your civility and martial virtue will be glorious, and the Ming Dynasty will last for thousands of years!"

In this area, the people seemed to be going crazy. They looked at Qin Mo above him feverishly.

No emperor has ever said such words. Everyone knows that the era that truly belongs to all people has come.

Qin Mo listened to the roar of the crowd, and suddenly felt a surge of pride in his heart.

I said this after careful consideration. If Ming Dynasty wants to take a long-lasting path, it must be better than each generation.Even if one generation cannot be better than one generation, it cannot be worse than one generation.

When the voice below gradually became quieter, Qin Mo said: "I won't be verbose, just take a look at how I did it.

How did Ming Dynasty do it.

Look forward to it, the future belongs to me and everyone! "

The moment he finished speaking, everyone applauded one after another, their palms turning red, but no one stopped.

They shouted at the top of their lungs.

As for what he yelled, it no longer matters.

They only knew that they lived in a good era and met a wise monarch.

Li Yulan held Qin Mo's hand tightly. The women behind him all looked at this man. At this moment, he was the center of the world.

The will of all peoples was reflected in him.

He seemed to shine.

What is the Son of Heaven? This is the Son of Heaven.

Qin Xiangru laughed. He felt that his son was right. Instead of being secretive and saying that the country would last for thousands of years, it would be better to speak clearly.

Putting everything on the table will make no difference.

The people are blind, but they are also the most sober.

Those who try to treat people as fools are themselves fools.

These thousands of ordinary people all want nothing more than food, clothing, housing, transportation, justice, and hope.

Just being kind to them a little bit moved them beyond measure.

They are the most hardworking and the loveliest.

If you take them into your heart, they will hold you high.

That power can tear everything apart.

As for the hundred officials, there is nothing to say. This is the national policy of the Ming Dynasty, and this is the difference from the Ming Dynasty.

Officials are the servants of the people, not the parents of the people. The difference between the two is huge.

Throughout the dynasties, no emperor would say to the people under his rule, if I do not do well, you will rebel against me.

This requires a lot of courage and a lot of courage.

With this single level of courage, the Emperor of Heaven has surpassed countless emperors.

This courage made everyone look at him.

Ming Dynasty, He should become the overlord of the world.

The rise of Ming Dynasty is natural!

They looked at the tall figure with unspeakable emotions in their hearts.

Who would have thought that the foolish prince who once joined the Duke of Qin's family would become the emperor of all time?
Soon, the vocal music started playing and everyone gradually became quiet.

The performance below is provided by the Two Hundred Cities of the Ming Dynasty, symbolizing all the ethnic groups of the Ming Dynasty, more than a dozen ethnic groups.

At this moment, Qin Mo suddenly felt no longer tired.

Maybe this is the meaning of an emperor, just like a family needs a backbone. If each person is the leader, then everyone will be alienated.

If there is a backbone in the family, no matter how much trouble everyone makes, the family will never break up and will eventually get better and better.

It's just that it's not easy to be a parent. For the first time, Qin Mo felt what it meant to be walking on thin ice.

He held Li Yulan's hand tightly and looked at all living beings, looking forward to opening up a better country.

He wanted thousands of people to come after him to praise Qin Mo's name!

(End of this chapter)

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