big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1690 One day of the emperor!

Chapter 1690 The Emperor’s Day!
On April [-]st, the enthronement ceremony was completed.

The country's name was officially changed from the initial to the first year of Yong'an.

That night, when Qin Mo took off his dress, he almost collapsed.

Li Yulan and others gathered around, pinching the legs and tapping the back.

Seeing Qin Mo acting like a salted fish, the girls found it funny again, "Are you so tired?"

"Of course. From the Ancestral Temple to the ceremony, I didn't even have a sip of water, so I was afraid to go to the toilet. I was so busy that I only had a snack in the afternoon.

Then he had to accept the kneeling worship of all the ministers, and he was busy until the evening. Qin Mo sighed, "I knew I wouldn't have built such a big country in the first place. It's so tiring!" "

Seeing Qin Mo complaining, Li Yulan said: "Your Majesty, you can't slack off!"

"What is your name, Your Majesty? Whatever you called me before, you will call me now." Qin Mo listened with disgust, "Remember, you can call me this way in front of outsiders, but in private, you can call me this way!"

All the women nodded.

"After that, won't we be able to have regular meetings?" Sugako asked, "Are we going to separate?"

After saying this, the girls looked at Qin Mo again.

"As it was before, so it is now." Qin Mo said: "However, I may have more official duties now than before, so I have to adjust the number of meetings!
If you neglect someone sometimes, don't be angry. "

Qin Mo suddenly felt that being an emperor was not a good idea. He was busy with state affairs and family affairs, and he had to take care of all aspects.

No wonder there were so many emperors in history but few lived long. How many people can handle such a high-intensity work?

"Don't worry, we are not little girls and are ignorant!" Li Yulan said.

"Brother-in-law, don't worry, we will help my sister handle the harem affairs in the future." Li Xue agreed.

Qin Mo smiled, but he was actually quite proud of himself. With so many women, the harem was not chaotic, which most people couldn't do.

Although there are some minor conflicts on weekdays, they are harmless. Since the last time Li Yulan and Xiao Yurou were dealt with by family methods, everyone is now much more harmonious.

However, he was too tired at the moment and had no idea of ​​having a meeting, so he just lay sprawled out on the large boat and let his wife take care of him.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I fell asleep quickly.

Li Yulan smiled helplessly, "He is really tired. Let's go to bed. Everyone will stay here today, but be gentle and don't wake him up!"

All the women nodded.

The next day, Qin Mo got up early to exercise, had breakfast, and took a walk in the Imperial Garden. It was almost nine o'clock before he walked slowly towards Fengtian Hall.

When he arrived, all the officials also arrived.

This is Qin Mo's first major court meeting since he ascended the throne, so everyone is very serious.

It was only more than half an hour after the high court meeting was held efficiently.

Afterwards, he reviewed the memorials in the imperial study room. He didn't like staying in Fengtian Hall. It was too spacious. The imperial study room was better, and the imperial study room was also close to the cabinet.

If there are any problems, cabinet officials can come directly without having to go far.

There are many memorials, dozens of them, all of which have been screened.

For example, various indigenous tribes decided to donate beautiful women, and overseas countries also planned to pay tribute.

It's okay to pay tribute, but don't forget to offer beautiful women. He has no shortage of women, and there is no shortage of maids in the palace.

Then there are the government affairs in various places.

It took a whole morning to read and review these memorials, and then a special person called the cabinet department for another interrogation, copied Qin Mo's opinions, and passed them down from the cabinet department.After the order is conveyed, the cabinet department will make a backup and pass it to Qin Mo again to ensure that it is correct, and to prevent the subordinates from misinforming the order.

Although this is troublesome, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

In the afternoon, Qin Mo has free time.

After lunch, he rested for an hour, and then took the time to educate the children. In the blink of an eye, it was evening. Qin Mo had people carry fishing rods and went fishing in Xuanwu Lake.

When the sky darkened, Qin Mo, who was satisfied, returned to the palace to have a meal.

Usually he would call his wives over in Kunning Palace. He still likes the whole family to be lively and doesn't like sharing meals.

After the meal, he took his wife for a walk in the palace.

After digestion, the evening activities are either playing mahjong, or organizing movie watching and storytelling. When the night gets late, it is time for in-depth communication.

The days are lived fulfillingly and unpretentiously.

Apart from not being able to leave the palace every day, Qin Mo still enjoyed it.

Lao Qin had moved out of the palace a few days ago, so he didn't have to get up early to pay his respects. The Ming royal family didn't have such rules.

Except for the court meeting on the 15th day of the lunar month, Qin Mo only needs one and a half hours to deal with government affairs on weekdays.

Every seven days, he leaves the palace to give himself two days off. He leaves the palace under the pretext of private visits incognito, which is very useful.

Of course, everyone knew who he was looking for when he left the palace. Qin Mo originally wanted to accept Liu Ruyu, but Liu Ruyu didn't agree and said that this would be good.

The main reason is that he is afraid that if this matter spreads out, it will not sound good and it will damage Qin Mo's reputation.

Firstly, her identity is indeed a problem. Secondly, Qin Mo is the emperor and the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Since he is the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, how can he let his personal ethics suffer?

Seeing her persistence, Qin Mo said nothing more.

At the same time, Daqian and Qin Shuangshuang welcomed their second child, who is still in the womb.

The relationship between the two has always been very good. When he learned that Qin Mo had ascended the throne, A Si specially prepared a generous gift for him, and the person who sent the envoy was still Princess Jing'an.

"Are you going to the cabin today?" Qin Shuangshuang asked.

"Well, I want to go over and have a look!" Ah Si nodded. He has now basically completely mastered the government affairs. He is not walking on thin ice like before. Precisely because of his diligence and hard work, he has won the support of most people.

And the price was not free, that is, it cost him a lot of effort.

He does not have the outstanding achievements of his father, and he has countless capable ministers around him.

He is not as strong as his father. Perhaps it is because he became emperor too early and thought too much that he had a lot of gray hair when he was less than twenty years old.

Zan Ying wants him to exercise more and not work too hard, but Daqian is so big that even if the memorials that come out every day are streamlined and streamlined, they are still a very large amount.

He has to review memorials for at least three hours every day, not counting other things. Although he is less than twenty, he has been the emperor for almost ten years.

From the initial excitement to now the exhaustion.

Seeing Ah Si's tired face, Qin Shuangshuang said with some distress, "Why don't we go today? You can rest well in the palace. It's rare that there is nothing to do today."

"No need, you can still rest when you go to Father's place!" Ah Si smiled, "In case Mother Queen writes me another letter asking when I will be there, I can't keep my elders waiting!"

Qin Shuangshuang's face was full of worry, but he didn't say much.

(End of this chapter)

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