big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1692 The extremely disappointed Li Shilong!

Chapter 1692 The extremely disappointed Li Shilong!

"Three years?" Li Shilong sighed, not knowing whether he could last until the day when the Daqian plane would test fly.

In fact, Ah Si didn't say that three years was just an ideal time, because researching new materials was not that simple at all.

If it goes well, it will take three years to produce qualified aircraft parts. If it doesn't go well, it may take five, even ten, or even longer.

The aircraft now released by Daming are first-generation aircraft, and their second-generation aircraft are also mature. Whether it is endurance, stability, or ammunition capacity, they are much larger than those of the first-generation aircraft.

Maybe they have developed a first-generation aircraft, and the Ming Dynasty's aircraft has been updated to a third-generation aircraft.

The spies in Daming sent back information, and they are still studying helicopters and passenger planes.

Even the Navy is studying larger-tonnage ones, which are said to be able to fly airplanes on ships.

Once successful, they can use ships to take planes all over the world. As long as they are within the endurance of the plane, they will be attacked by the Ming Dynasty.

War has completely changed a long time ago. Cavalry used to be king, but now air force is king.

In addition, the Ming Dynasty's cavalry seems to be gradually being reduced. Their diesel locomotives have gradually become popular in the military. A car, as long as it has enough fuel, can run farther than a war horse. It does not need to rest and can be carried at one time. Thousands of kilograms of supplies can even travel four to five hundred miles in one day. This is extremely unimaginable.

Even the best Maxima in the world is not as good as an ordinary diesel locomotive.

He couldn't imagine how much advantage Daqian would have against them once the Ming Dynasty's motorized troops became more widespread.

In addition to mobility, they also have more advanced weapons, which is a completely unequal blow.

Ah Si was under a lot of pressure. This kind of pressure could not be felt by ordinary people, but it was slowly crushing him.

All the arms of the Ming Dynasty are innovating and upgrading, but the speed of the Ming Dynasty is too slow, and some cannot keep up with the pace of the Ming Dynasty.

Seeing Ah Si's forced smile, Li Shilong couldn't help but said: "I know this is difficult. What kind of enemy are you facing? If this person is a friend, you can sleep peacefully.

But if this person is an enemy, it will keep you awake all night. The pressure is always there, like a pair of invisible hands strangling your neck.

I understand you, but you have to keep calm. If you can't keep calm, then the pressure will eventually crush you and eat up your ambition bit by bit.

Eventually it will make you stand out from the crowd.

That kind of pain will gradually take away your happiness, health, and fighting spirit. "

Ah Si looked at Li Shilong in disbelief, "Father, are you too?"

"Of course, when the Nanfan army came to the city, I had just ascended the throne and everything was waiting for improvement. In fact, the internal emptiness was extremely empty, and some people did not listen to my orders at all.

If the capital city is attacked at that time, what do you think I will do?
Simply, your Aunt Jing'an sacrificed herself and went to Nanfan with Luo Bu, thus resolving the dilemma.

But by that time, the Beinu had already risen. They annexed other Hu tribes on the grassland and finally unified the grassland.

At that time, they harassed the border areas from time to time, and the people were in dire straits.

The imperial court is poor, and even though I have tried my best, I still feel breathless.

The pressure almost crushed me.

I know very well that once I collapse, all my ambitions and eternal hegemony will be like the moon in the water and the flowers in the mirror.

But I am also lucky. There are many talented people in the court. Although there are aristocratic families inside, at least a basic balance is maintained.

I survived, so I achieved hegemony, and the world will praise my name. No matter what wrong things I have done in the past, in their eyes, they will always be flawless.The world likes heroes, and I am this hero. "

Ah Si felt his whole body shaken, but then he smiled bitterly and said: "It's just that father, times have changed, and it's too difficult for me to just be a conservative king.

Today's situation is changing too fast. Even those small countries in the Western Region have weapons that are not weaker than ours.

There are many small countries in the Western Region, and although they still respect us, in their eyes, the Ming Dynasty is the supreme kingdom of heaven.

Did you know that some people even say that Ming Dynasty is the orthodoxy? "

Li Shilong looked at his depressed son, even though he still had a lot of pride in his heart, he couldn't help but feel anxious, "Why, it's only been a few years, and you can't stand it any longer?

Did Ming Dynasty attack Daqian now, or coerced him into a marriage?

You just need to work hard and stay calm. In three to five years, when our fighter planes are born, we will have the ability to fight back.

Or are you too scared to fight back?

Did that battle in the Western Region take away all your courage?
I still remember that back then you threatened to defeat the Ming Dynasty. How have you changed in just a few years?
Look at how useless you are, are you still a little bit like an emperor? "

Li Shilong was so angry that he coughed violently.

Seeing this, Ah Si hurriedly stepped forward to help him, "Father, I know I was wrong."

Li Shilong pushed him away angrily, "I allow you to be mediocre, but I don't allow you to be weak. How do you think you became this emperor? It was your brother who gave it to you. How much effort have I put into you?

Are you worthy of me, worthy of your brothers, and worthy of the trust that the courtiers place in you? "

Ah Si knelt on the ground and said sadly: "My son, you are wrong!"

Li Shilong was out of breath and his face turned red, "Are you going to make me a joke? Look at you like this, you are less than twenty, but you still have a bit of youthful vigor.

Qin Mo was just a prince at the beginning. How did he get to where he is now step by step?

Even if he founded the Ming Dynasty behind my back, I still can't hate him because he didn't take away half of the territory of the Central Plains.

He can indeed pat his chest and say that he is worthy of Da Gan and me!

I trust you so much. You have loved being with Qin Mo since you were a child. Qin Mo has also taught you for so many years. What have you learned?

Look at your brothers, following Qin Mo, each and every one of them has become the pillar of the country.

Do you want me to say with my own words that you are not as good as your brother and Qin Mo?
Do you want to piss me off to death? "

Li Shilong felt that his eyes were going dark. Daqian had not gone downhill yet, but there was a powerful enemy thousands of miles away.

This enemy has no intention of taking action now, and even joins forces with them to govern the world.

Maybe there will be a fight when interests collide in the future, but so what?
They still have time.

Qin Mo bought fighter planes, why did they spend tens of millions of dollars to buy them?
Isn't it just to catch up?

Even if someone clearly wants to trick you, you can only hold your nose and admit it.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten, but if you fall behind, do you have to admit defeat?

(End of this chapter)

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