big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1693 A Si is in coma!

Chapter 1693 A Si is in coma!

Ah Si knelt on the ground and cried bitterly. This was the first time he had cried in many years.

He cried because too much pressure almost crushed him, and because he was ashamed of his cowardice.

"Father, son, son, son." Ah Si wanted to dig a crack in the ground and crawl in. He felt more and more useless. Suddenly, his eyesight turned black and he fell to the ground.

Li Shilong's angry expression solidified, and in a blink of an eye he turned into panic, "Doctor, come quickly, come quickly!"

His health is far worse than before, so there is an imperial doctor stationed not far from the hut, who checks his health every day.

Hearing the call, Empress Dowager Gongsun and Qin Shuangshuang, who were in the room, came out and looked at Ah Si who fell to the ground in the teahouse. Their expressions changed drastically.



The two women hurried over.

"Why is this happening?" Empress Dowager Gongsun panicked.

Li Shilong was so excited that his whole body was trembling, "Where is the imperial doctor? Where did he die? Come here quickly!"

Soon, the imperial doctor came over, looked at the unconscious Ah Si, and first tried to rescue him. Fortunately, Ah Si woke up after a while.

After diagnosing the pulse, the imperial doctor said: "Back to the Emperor, Your Majesty fell into coma because of excessive fatigue. In addition, there was a lack of Qi in the middle, and the anxious fire attacked the heart."

"I'm just asking you, can you fix it?"

"Yes, but Your Majesty, Your Majesty, needs to rest for a while!"

"I understand. Don't let anyone know what happened today!" Li Shilong breathed a sigh of relief when he learned that Ah Si's problem was not serious and immediately issued a hush order.

The imperial doctor was a little hesitant. In fact, he wanted to say that Ah Si's problem was quite serious. Because he was busy with state affairs, he was thinking too hard, his energy was consumed a lot, his energy was drained, and he would need at least half a year of recuperation.

If not, your health will get worse and worse in the future!
But the situation is not right now, so I can only tell Zan Ying the situation and let him make a decision.

After the imperial doctor left, Empress Dowager Gongsun held A Si in her arms and said, "Son, you scared me to death!"

She put almost all her efforts into A Si. If anything happened to him, Empress Dowager Gongsun would have no motivation to live.

Ah Si smiled bitterly, "Mother is worried."

Qin Shuangshuang just cried on the side.

Hearing the cry, Ah Si also held her hand, "Don't cry, I'm fine!"

Qin Shuangshuang didn't say anything. In fact, she understood Ah Si, his pressure, and his difficulty.

Since she got married, Ah Si has spent most of his time on state affairs. He can understand the feeling of trying hard but not getting results.

At this moment, Li Shilong did not dare to continue to accuse Ah Si. He just said: "From now on, stop what you are doing. Don't you have assistant ministers? Let them share more. Except for important things, other things, Please don't ask any more questions.

Shuangshuang, you have to watch him, but you must not let him linger on the documents any longer.

Let him rest more, I don't want a white-haired man to give away a black-haired man! "

"Yes, father!" Qin Shuangshuang replied.

Ah Si got up, but felt still dazed. In addition to feeling ashamed, he felt more self-blame.

"It's my son's incompetence that worries my parents." Ah Si said, "My son will work harder in the future."

Empress Dowager Gongsun sighed, "Your body is the most important thing. If you collapse, what will happen to this country?"

Ah Si is still too young, and Daqian's fourth generation is still too young to bear the heavy burden.

Therefore, A Si cannot make any mistakes, so the Empress Dowager Gongsun said: "These days, you will stay in the hut and are not allowed to go anywhere. If there are state affairs, let them come here to report. You will be given at most one hour a day to handle state affairs, and you will not be allowed to go anywhere else." Time, you should take a good rest and recuperate.

Only by taking good care of your body can you do better things for the people. "

Ah Si smiled bitterly, "Yes, I obey your order!"

In the next few days, Ah Si has been recuperating in the hut, only taking an hour to recuperate every day, and his complexion gradually improved.

Zan Ying also came over to explain the situation to Li Shilong, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty ascended the throne at a young age and lost his Yuanyang at an early age. In addition, he was busy with state affairs and spent a lot of effort. He often stayed up late, which made the young man grow old.

This coma is a reminder that if not taken seriously, the consequences will be serious.

I thought that I would let His Majesty do nothing for at least a month, and I did not want to wait until the situation was consolidated before slowly handling the government affairs.

If everything goes well, it will take one year for the body to recover. If it goes slowly, it will take two years.

But His Majesty is still young and can be raised now.

If this time is missed, the recovery time will be doubled in the future.

It can’t even be replenished! "

Li Shilong frowned, feeling sad in his heart.

For example, when he was seventeen or eighteen years old, he had endless energy all over his body. Until he was injured, he was always full of energy and his workload was no less than Ah Si's.

All said and done, this kid still had a smooth journey, had too little experience, and was too preoccupied. Although he was young and mature, he ultimately lacked training.

"No matter what the cost, we must take good care of his body." Li Shilong said.

Zan Ying said: "This requires Your Majesty's cooperation. The medicine is just a primer. If Your Majesty doesn't cooperate, no matter how good the primer is, it won't be able to cure him."

He has been treating Li Shilong for many years, and they have a good relationship. They will not hide things, let alone worry about being convicted for their words.

The Imperial Medical Office has undergone several reforms. They must truly tell the emperor's problems, cannot hide anything, and must record it.

So Empress Dowager Gongsun said to keep it quiet, but the imperial doctor still reported it to Zan Ying.

Even the Empress Dowager Gongsun could not blame the doctor for this matter.

"I will convince him." Li Shilong said.

"Then Wei Chen will go back to prepare the medicine first!" After Zan Ying left, Li Shilong fell into deep thought, "Am I still wrong? It is still not possible to issue an edict to give way. Without going through some twists and turns, we will never be able to support the overall situation.

Jingyun, it would be great if you were by my side. "

He thought of the past, when Qin Mo was around, no matter how difficult it was, Qin Mo could hold up the overall situation and turn the situation around.

Although Daqian has been developing steadily since Qin Mo left, there has been no breakthrough.

He knew the development of Xijing. The development speed of Ming Dynasty was equivalent to three to five years of hard work in one year.

How about letting Qin Mo persuade A Si?
The thought came up and died again.

Forget it, now that Qin Mo is no longer a Da Gan person, telling him such things will only make Qin Mo laugh.

The people he selected were each worse than the last. Li Xin was not good, Li Yue was not good, and even A Si was weak and sickly.

What is going wrong?
Is it retribution?

Li Shilong's mouth was filled with bitterness. At this moment, he suddenly felt very tired.

"It's a pity that I am already old. What will you do if I am no longer here?" Li Shilong was a hero in his twilight years, and he always had countless lofty sentiments, but he could only sigh!
(End of this chapter)

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