big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1694: Heart Disease Needs Heart Medicine!

Chapter 1694: Heart Disease Needs Heart Medicine!
The most worrying thing is Qin Shuangshuang. She and Ah Si have been married for less than three years and have given birth to a son. The child is still pregnant. If something happens to Ah Si, it will be no less than a disaster for her.

Since she married into Daqian, there have been many rumors in the government and the public. Some people say that Da Ming will support Qin Shuangshuang's son, just like Li Shuangan brought peace to Nanfan.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is a rumor, but there are really many people who believe it.

Although no one has ever dared to quarrel with Qin Shuangshuang, the pressure she is under is not small.

At present, Ah Si has another health problem. If word spreads, others will not be sure how to spread the word about her in the future.

Maybe it will be spread that she ruined A Si's body for the sake of Da Gan's foundation.

She didn't dare to talk about all these grievances, for fear that Ah Si would think too much.

Ah Si was soaking in the hot spring in the backyard and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, "Now that I have some free time, I suddenly feel like I have nothing to do, like a useless person!"

Qin Shuangshuang recovered her thoughts, forced a smile and said: "Humans are not machines. Even if the machine works for a long time, it still needs to replace parts."

Ah Si leaned on Qin Shuangshuang's legs, enjoying her massage. He felt very relaxed. "Having said that, if I don't deal with political affairs for a day, I always feel indebted. The pressure in my heart has not diminished, but has become worse." Come bigger.”

"There are so many ministers in the court, nothing will happen. Moreover, both the court officials and the common people will understand!"

"But my father issued a hush-hush order. No one except the imperial doctor knew that there was something wrong with my body." A Si smiled bitterly and said, "So in the eyes of outsiders, I am just slacking off."

Qin Shuangshuang understood that A Si wanted to rest, but he also wanted to be a good emperor. The burden on him was too heavy. If he could not untie this burden, it would eventually wear him down.

No wonder A Si's health did not improve during these days of recuperation here. Instead, he was often in a daze, with a sad look on his face where he couldn't see.

"You don't think about yourself, the children, and me. If you collapse, what will happen to me and the children?" Qin Shuangshuang said with red eyes, "I don't understand what you grown men think. I just want a healthy and happy life." The husband hopes that the children can be accompanied by their father.

If you cannot learn to combine work and rest, you will eventually lose your health, your wife and children, and you will not be able to do anything you want to do.

Things you like will eventually turn you into disgusting. "

Ah Si looked at her blankly, "Who taught you to say that?"

"No one taught me, it was my eldest brother who told my father. At that time, my father was very hardworking and diligent in government affairs. My brother knew that he stayed up late, so he went over and scolded him." Qin Shuangshuang said: "The government affairs are handled It's endless. As long as this world exists, even if you die of old age, there will still be endless government affairs to deal with every day.

So you must learn to reduce stress, give yourself time alone, and balance work with rest.

Look at my father, he was already in his fifties or sixties when he became emperor, a real old emperor.

But my father has always been in good health and happy every day. After handling the affairs of the country, he will leave a lot of time for himself.

My eldest brother is the same. After dealing with political affairs every day, he takes time to accompany his sister-in-law and educate the children, or he goes out of the palace to stay for two days, fishing, watching movies, or going for a ride on the sea.

You saw him last time he came to Daqian. He was in his 30s and he still looked the same as before.

Master Yuan said that my eldest brother is destined to live a long life.

Look at you again, you are still less than twenty, you look like 41.

My elder brother often says that the body is the capital. Without health, everything is empty talk.

If you think that if you return to the court now, you can make Daqian strong, then if I don't stop you, how can I, a woman, stop my husband from achieving great things?
But you can't.

That’s why your father, emperor and mother are all stopping you.

I know that you only want to compete with my elder brother and catch up with him.

But they all said that my eldest brother is a man who has not been born for thousands of years. It is lucky and unhappy to be born in the same era as him.

So choose to accept and accept your dissatisfaction is what you have to do.

My eldest brother also has things he cannot do. He often says that nine out of ten times life will not be as you wish, so just try your best in everything.

I think his success today is due to his mentality.

You don’t have to be as smart as him, but you must have a good attitude! "Ah Si closed his eyes and thought about his wife's words. Compared with his father's tone of hatred, his wife's words were more objective.

She is the person who knows Qin Xiangru and Qin Mo best.

His understanding of Qin Mo was still at the age of ten.

He only knew that Qin Mo was cool and unrestrained every day, hanging out among women, having numerous children and numerous affairs.

But even so, he still accomplished great achievements that many people could not accomplish in ten lifetimes.

He wrote books and biographies, pioneered new learning, educated the world, ranked first in military exploits, intimidated the world, governed all people internally, and had power over hundreds of officials.

He should be the busiest person, but in fact, he is indeed the coolest and happiest person in the world.

He is loyal, filial, intelligent, and as wise as a fool.

All the good things in this world seemed to belong to him.

But what about yourself?

I tried my best to catch up, but I still couldn't catch up.

From being full of confidence in the past to feeling lost now, it's not that his original intention has changed, but that he has been overwhelmed by the heavy state affairs.

This world is too big.

He has too many things to deal with.

Father Huang, Qin Mo, and Zhu Yu are in front of me. If I am too bad, what will others think?
People all over the world say that they are the emperor who was given over by others.

The better those brothers are, the more inferior and ashamed he becomes.

So he put too much pressure on himself.

Do you really have to accept your own mediocrity?

A trace of pain flashed in Ah Si's eyes.

Even though he knew that his father and his wife's words were right, he was not willing to accept it.

Turning around, he said, "I will take your words seriously."

Seeing that he didn't agree, Qin Shuangshuang's heart sank, but she didn't dare to push too hard, so she said: "I am your wife, the closest person in the world besides my father, emperor and mother.

If you have any concerns, you can tell me. I know that you are the emperor, and you have to keep some things under control and not let others know.

But the meaning of husband and wife is to support each other and rely on each other.

My father, the emperor and my mother supported each other in this way, and so did my father and mother.

You can be a loner.

But I still hope you are not alone.

My elder brother said that everything will eventually become ordinary.

He never thought that he was pretentious, he just had a little conscience, could sympathize with the people, and made some changes based on his own ability. "

Qin Shuangshuang left, but she was still worried. Ah Si's problem was more serious than he thought.

The heart disease still needs a heart medicine doctor, but she is already at her wits' end!

(End of this chapter)

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