big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1695 Will!

Chapter 1695 Will!

She wanted to write a letter to her elder brother, but then she thought about it, what would he do if she told him about this?

If he really scolded Ah Si, what would Ah Si think?

He originally had a heavy burden and felt that he was not as good as his elder brother. If he was scolded by his elder brother, he might not be able to bear it.

Moreover, he is now the wife of the Li family, and the family scandal cannot be made public. How can she tell it?
Her reaction to being pregnant with her second child was already severe, but now that she was worried about it, it became even more uncomfortable.

In just a few days, she lost weight.

But A Si seemed to be in a daze. After hearing what she said, he insisted on returning to the palace to handle political affairs.

Although he kept promising that he would only handle official duties for one hour a day, no one believed him.

Li Shilong was so angry that he wanted to hit him with his cane, but Ah Si said: "Even if my father hits me, I still have to go back to the palace. There are too many things that I need to deal with.

Even if I die in front of this document, when people mention me in the future, they will say that I was a good and diligent emperor.

But if I stay in the hut and don't go out, no matter how good my health is, I won't be happy.

Father, this is my belief and my pursuit. "

Li Shilong raised his crutch, but couldn't bring it down.

This kid has the same personality as him.

But he went the wrong way.

Life is never about a moment, but a lifetime.

"Those who fight for a moment are not enough to fight for a whole life. Those who fight for a single life can fight for an eternity. You really let me down!" Li Shilong was trembling with anger.

Empress Gongsun also advised: "Son, please stop being stubborn!"

"Mother, I have made up my mind. My brother-in-law said that everyone is destined to die. It may be lighter than a feather or heavier than a mountain. I want to be the latter!" Ah Si said.

"Is your brother-in-law's words meant for you to use here?" Li Shilong was furious. This sentence was said by Qin Mo when he was discussing Dongzan's request for marriage and Japan's proclaimed emperor. At that time, Qin Mo shouldered all the consequences. That's why this sentence came about.

And this sentence is also well known and widely used by the world.

Qin Shuangshuang's mouth was dry and she didn't want to say anything now.

In the end, Li Shilong and his wife couldn't get over Ah Si and let him go.

But before leaving, Li Shilong asked Ah Si to kneel in front of Li Yuan's portrait and swear that he would handle official duties for a maximum of two hours a day.

Ah Si did as he was told, and Li Shilong let him go.

Empress Dowager Gongsun took Qin Shuangshuang's hand and said, "Daughter, I have wronged you. You should take more care of him in the palace."

Qin Shuangshuang smiled bitterly and nodded, "Don't worry, mother, I will do it."

The couple returned to the palace, and as soon as Ah Si returned to the palace, he began to handle political affairs and hold meetings.

The performance is extremely exciting and fighting spirit.

At first, he could still abide by the oath he swore in front of Li Yuan's portrait, but soon he began to stay up late, relying on ginseng tea and various nourishing medicines every day to ensure that he was energetic.

I still spent a lot of time going to the Li Zheng Palace, but I never met Qin Shuangshuang again.

It's not that he has a problem with Qin Shuangshuang, but his body doesn't allow it.

Zan Ying said that Ah Si had lost too much Yuanyang, wasted too much effort, and had damaged his kidneys. Fortunately, he was young and could make up for it in a year or two.

But now Ah Si has intensified this loss for the sake of state affairs.

He spends too much energy on state affairs every day, where does he still have time to think about this?
Fortunately, Qin Shuangshuang lived up to his expectations, and his second child was a son.

Although A Si's descendants are still few, they have increased to six.Having these kids is enough.

However, Ah Si's diligence finally detonated the problem, and in the winter of that year, he fell into a coma on the document again.

This time he was sent to the Royal Hospital and it took him two hours to wake up.

The reason was excessive fatigue and cardiac arrest.

This time, the coma could not be concealed anymore, and the civil and military ministers came over one after another.

Everyone was frightened when they learned that the emperor almost failed to rescue him.

Ah Si lay weakly on the hospital bed and saw no one. He just summoned Gongsun Wuji, Li Cungong, Li Daoyuan, and Li Xin, who had not been seen for a long time.

"Uncle Guo, Uncle Wang, eldest brother, sit down!" Ah Si forced a smile.

Gongsun Wuji looked at Ah Si and said, "Your Majesty, you'd better take a good rest. The doctor said that you haven't completely passed the critical period yet."

"Yes, Your Majesty, taking care of yourself is the most important thing!" Li Daoyuan also had a sad look on his face. Da Qian is still developing, but obviously at a slower pace. Since this year, A Si has been very strict in order to catch up with Ming Dynasty.

Daqian is in a tense atmosphere from top to bottom.

But the effect is still not very great, and it seems to be stuck in a bottleneck.

This bottleneck only existed after the war with the Ming Dynasty in the Western Regions.

To be precise, it was that defeat that curbed the development of Daqian.

Although the Supreme Emperor is still here, his health is not good. Now Asi is like this. The oldest prince below is only four or five years old. How can he take charge of state affairs at this age?
If something happens to the Supreme Emperor and His Majesty, will Daqian still have a future?

"Don't say it yet, let me say it!" Ah Si covered his heart. Although he had rested all night, his heart still felt uncomfortable. He said, "I want to make a will first. Uncle Guo, I said, you write it!"

When the dead people heard this, they were all shocked and said, "Your Majesty is young and prosperous, why did you issue a posthumous edict so early?"

"Don't be nervous, I'm planning for a rainy day!" Ah Si smiled, but his smile was indescribably bitter. He chose his own path, and he couldn't blame anyone for his current outcome!

Establishing a legacy in advance is also a way to prepare for a rainy day and nip problems in the bud.

"Your Majesty, no humble official can write this edict!" Gongsun Wuji said with red eyes: "This world can't survive without you."

"Uncle, listen to me." Ah Si sighed: "While I am still in good health, I established the edict. If I really wait until I am gone, it will really be a mess.

Moreover, there is nothing taboo about this kind of thing. Although I am young, the construction of the imperial mausoleum started when I was ten years old.

So, I said you write it! "

Gongsun Wuji glanced at the three of them, saw them nodding, and then said: "Write it, then!"

"I have six sons and four daughters under my command, which can be considered worthy of my ancestors. However, the children are still young and none of them have shown their heroic figures, so I don't know who is the most suitable.

Therefore, we can only follow the old law and establish the eldest son. The crown prince will be succeeded by the eldest son.

If I am no longer here, I will make the Queen the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother the Holy Grandmother, and the Supreme Emperor the Holy Father.

To bury me in the Qianling Mausoleum, there is no need for living people to be buried with me, just pottery figurines.

My life may be short, but I am worthy of the people of the world.

But I can only feel sorry for my parents, wife and children.

I owe them a debt, and I ask them to forgive me! "

Hearing this, the four of them burst into tears.

"Uncle Guo, Uncle Wang, eldest brother, don't cry!" Ah Si said: "I am still alive and well. I will need you to continue to help me in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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