big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1696 The second testament!

Chapter 1696 The second testament!
"Your Majesty, you will definitely live a long life." Gongsun Wuji sincerely hopes that his nephew will be healthy. Once he makes his legitimate son the prince, many problems will arise in the future.

"It is God's blessing that ordinary people can live to be a hundred years old. In all dynasties, there has never been a king who can live to be a hundred years old. I don't think about it anymore." A Si smiled and said: "It's just this matter, you don't want to spread it. Going out, especially the matter of establishing the legitimate son as the prince, is contrary to the new law, and I am afraid it will cause a lot of trouble.

Once something happens to me, you will come out with my edict to take charge of the overall situation, and I will make it clear to the queen.

At that time, the boy will be yours to take care of. "

Li Cungong said with red eyes: "This is what a humble minister should do, but your Majesty is still young and still has a lot of time.

I think that from now on, Your Majesty should take a good rest and I will take care of the political affairs of the court.

It won't be too late to deal with political affairs when His Majesty has recovered. "

"Yes, the top priority is to take good care of your health!" Li Daoyuan said: "Your Majesty does not need to worry too much about government affairs. Everything will be implemented according to the planned plan."

Ah Si smiled and nodded, "I'm like this now, let alone dealing with government affairs. It's hard for me to even get out of bed.

Don’t worry, I will take good care of my health and try to stay with you for another ten or 20 years! "

As he said that, he looked at Li Xin and said, "Brother, please fetch the national seal from the side!"

Li Xin hesitated for a while, then took out the imperial seal from the drawer on the side and handed it to Ah Si.

Ah Si took the seal and stamped it on the will prepared by Gongsun Wuji. Finally, the dead man swore in front of Ah Si that he would not spread what happened today.

"Others, let's go first, big brother stays!"

Just as Li Xin was about to leave, Ah Si stopped him.

When the other three people saw this, they all stopped in unison.

"You three wait for me at the door first!" Li Xin said.

Hearing this, the three of them nodded.

There is no way, Ah Si's condition is so bad now, except for the queen and others, no one else can be alone with him.

Li Xin's identity is very special. Although he has moved behind the scenes in recent years and rarely shows up, it is this that makes them worried.

Li Xin deliberately did not close the door, leaving a crack.

Upon seeing this, Ah Si said: "Brother, close the door tightly. I have something to say to you. What I say to you next, no one else can listen!"

Li Xin thought for a while and closed the door tightly.

"Sit here, don't be formal, we brothers haven't had a good chat in two years." Li Xin said.

Since Li Xin took over Liumenmen, he has rarely shown up, unless it is important, otherwise he usually does not show up.

Li Shilong wanted him to be A Si's shadow, and he did it, and he was very successful.

In the past few years, he has often helped Ah Si deal with some embarrassing things.

Li Xin thought for a while and sat down.

Ah Si took his hand and said, "Thank you for all your hard work for me these past two years, brother!"

"This is what Weichen should do."

"There's no one here, so don't worry. It's just us two brothers here. I'm not testing you. We two brothers have a heart-to-heart talk," Ah Si said.

Li Xin nodded, "I obey your order."

"If something unexpected happens to me, Shuangshuang and the children will ask you, brother. I have something here, written by myself."

Ah Si took out a piece of cloth from under the quilt and handed it over.

Li Xin took it with both hands and started to look at it. He was startled when he saw it. He looked at Ah Si with some confusion, "Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

"The Ming Dynasty is too powerful. If something happens to me, someone will definitely recommend his legitimate son to the throne. The child is too young and there is no one around to take care of him. No one knows who will influence him in the future.

Although he is of my blood, half of the Qin family's blood still flows in his bones.Unless I judge a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart, I really wouldn't dare to gamble.

I don't dare to bet on Qin Mo's conscience, nor do I dare to hand over the country's foundation to others.

You see, cousin Shuang'an, to me and to Daqian, he is a meritorious official and a hero, but who is he in the eyes of Nanfan people?

A traitor?

There are still some riots in the Nanfan area, especially after the failure of the Western Region War, those areas became even more chaotic.

Qin Mo's contribution is too great and his prestige is too high. What do you think if one day he repeats his old tricks?

At that time, was Da Qian Li Qian or Qin Qian? "

Li Xin was speechless. He thought Ah Si was too cautious, but his caution was not unreasonable.

He indeed underestimated Qin Mo and overestimated himself.

If Qin Mo really wants to take action, he will take action after the death of his father, the emperor, and his mother.

It's too easy to control this.

"Your Majesty, where is the empress?"

"So I left you alone. This is the real edict. The piece of paper I gave to uncle Guo has been specially processed, including the ink. After a period of time, it will disappear without a trace, even if it is written on There is a national seal, so what?
The one in your hand is different. It was written in my own hand and stamped with the national seal.

Uncle Guo is a smart man. When he saw the writing on it disappear, he knew what I meant.

I can't trust other people, but we are brothers from the same mother.

You and I can trust you, so I entrust Daqian to you.

If one day Daqian prospers, my trust in you will not be in vain! "

Li Xin suddenly felt that the cloth in his hand was as heavy as a mountain.

The imperial edict said that the eldest prince should be made the crown prince.

The children of Qin Shuang's twins will be the King of Qin.

Since Qin Mo left, Qin is not a good word.

This undoubtedly secretly determines the child's gender.

He didn't expect that A Si would be so decisive. He was his legitimate son.

His relationship with Qin Shuangshuang is also obvious to all.

"Chen, I understand!"

"Brother, I know that you have a relationship with Qin Mo, but I also know that you know Qin Mo. It is precisely because you know him that you know how to deal with him!" A Si smiled and said: "Put this edict away. You don’t have to feel any psychological pressure. Of course, if you are afraid, you can also tamper with the edict and let me and Shuangshuang’s children take the throne!”

"I don't dare!" Li Xinda said: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that no matter what, I will act in accordance with your Majesty's will.

If there is any violation, he will be punished by heaven and earth! "

Ah Si said hurriedly: "I'm serious, you and I have the same roots as brothers, so naturally I can trust you, otherwise I wouldn't see you alone!"

Li Xin nodded, but there was no joy in his heart.

After hiding the edict, Li Xin left the ward, his face returning to its previous calmness.

Gongsun Wuji and others wanted to see something from his face, but they got nothing.

The four were silent.

Ah Si fell ill, which was undoubtedly a difficult time for Da Qian!
(End of this chapter)

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