big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1697 The hope brought by Ming Dynasty!

Chapter 1697 The hope brought by Ming Dynasty!
Qin Shuangshuang entered the Royal Hospital and stayed by A Si's side, "I asked the doctor today. From now on, you must have a good rest. You must rest for more than half a year. Before you recover, I will not allow you to do anything."

"Okay, I will listen to you." Ah Si smiled and nodded, looking at Qin Shuangshuang with a slight apology in his eyes.

Qin Shuangshuang didn't notice, "If you had listened to me earlier, you wouldn't have suffered like this."

"You had a check-up today. What did the doctor say?"

"It's going to start in the next two days. Qin Shuangshuang's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and it's her due date in the next two days, so it's becoming difficult to walk.

"Have a good rest and recuperate your energy." Ah Si said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I have experience in this matter." Qin Shuangshuang was actually quite nervous, but this time, Ah Si couldn't stay with her. The doctor said that now Ah Si can't be stimulated or have any emotional ups and downs.

Even if the couple is together, they have to recover and then decide based on the situation.

"Sorry, I can't stay with you!"

"You didn't mean it." Qin Shuangshuang looked unconcerned, "You take good care of your health, which is more important than anything else!"

Ah Si nodded. The more Qin Shuangshuang behaved like this, the more he felt sorry in his heart.

But in the end, reason prevailed.

Perhaps, letting the legitimate son take the position and having Daming as his backing would make things go smoothly, but sometimes, things go too smoothly, which is not a good thing.

He did not discuss this matter with his father, and he did not intend to tell anyone except Li Xin.

If that day comes, he believes that Li Xin will definitely follow his wishes.

As for Qin Shuangshuang and his children, with Daming as their backing, they will definitely be rich and prosperous for the rest of their lives, so they don't have to worry too much.

Of course, he still felt that he owed Qin Shuangshuang. After all, she was so young and had to be widowed at such a good age.

He also wanted to live longer, but the doctor said that his condition was not optimistic, and his heart problem was the most troublesome. He was rescued this time because he was young.

Not necessarily next time.

For this reason, Zan Ying was helpless.

Because heart problems belong to the category of surgery, although surgery has developed rapidly in recent years, heart problems are still a big problem.

Sometimes, he felt that life was unpredictable. He was so young and still had many great ambitions that he had not yet realized. It was like God was playing a joke on him.

It is true as they said, I have taken away things that should belong to others. Now that I have experienced it, God has given back things that belong to others.

He was unwilling and unconvinced. Although he was determined, his poor health still forced him to accept the reality.

"What would you do if, I mean if, I was really gone?"

"There are no ifs. We have agreed to grow old together. If we are 80 or [-] years old, it doesn't matter who dies first, because we have been with each other for so many years, and then there will be no regrets.

But not now. You must live well for me and for your children.

The world still needs you to make the decision. Qin Shuangshuang's eyebrows furrowed, "If you dare to be one step ahead of me, I won't be able to spare you even if you reach the eighteenth level of hell!" "

Ah Si wanted to laugh after hearing this, "I've already gone to hell, how can you still deal with me?"

"Then I'll go with you!" Qin Shuang's eyes suddenly turned red.

Seeing this, the smile on Ah Si's face faded, "I'm joking." "Are you joking like that?" Qin Shuangshuang was pregnant, and her mood fluctuated greatly. Recently, her legs and feet were cramping at night, and her belly was big and uncomfortable, especially in the middle of the night. Easy to wake up at night.

In addition, Ah Si suddenly fell ill, and various pressures and rumors followed one after another. Her pressure was actually no less than that of Ah Si.

It's just that she is optimistic by nature and doesn't like to get into trouble.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been crushed by this pressure!
"I'm sorry, I will never make such a joke again!" Ah Si kept apologizing, and it took a while for Qin Shuangshuang to stop crying.

"Anyway, remember, if you dare to leave before me, I will accompany you. My mother said, if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog!" Qin Shuangshuang said with red eyes: "You never You didn't consider my feelings and my difficulties. If you have a problem, do you think I can still stay in the palace well?

Everyone’s saliva can drown me! "

"I'm sorry, I didn't consider this!" Ah Si smiled bitterly. He was naturally aware of the rumors from the outside world, and only then did he realize that if something went wrong with him, Qin Shuangshuang might be involved in the whirlpool. At that time Their children will also be under a lot of pressure.

Therefore, in order to protect them, I cannot appoint their children as princes.

"Don't worry, I will live well and try to leave behind you, okay?" Ah Si hugged Qin Shuangshuang.

"I hope you do what you say."

Qin Shuangshuang said.

Two days later, Qin Shuangshuang gave birth to a daughter naturally at the Royal Hospital. Although she was not a son, her daughter Asi was also very happy.

Daughters are good, but sometimes sons are not.

However, on this day, perhaps due to too much mood swings, Ah Si felt an angina in his heart. After a quick check-up by the doctor and timely medication, the angina symptoms were relieved.

Since then, the angina has not gotten better, but has gradually increased.

Zan Ying gathered the best doctors in the world to come up with a plan to diagnose and treat Ah Si, and finally saw hope from a piece of news.

This news was brought by Ming merchants.

During the Ming Dynasty, heart surgery was performed on a hundred heart patients. Although the success rate was only half, after success, heart problems could be cured.

Ah Si's problem is heart disease. With Daqian's current methods, no one dares to perform surgery on Ah Si rashly because the fatality rate is almost [-]%.

The only thing that could save A Si's life now was to go to Ming Dynasty, or to ask doctors from Ming Dynasty to come to Da Qian for surgery.

Once successful, Ah Si can survive for at least ten years.

Zan Ying analyzed the pros and cons to Ah Si, who frowned and said, "No, even if I die, I don't need Ming's doctors. I don't want to owe this favor!"

Zan Ying became anxious, "Your Majesty, in the eyes of doctors, patients are not distinguished by high or low status, because in their eyes, patients are just patients.

You must not be mentally burdened.

And even if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about the people of the world, the court, the queen, the prince and others.

The Emperor and the Queen Mother are old. Do you want them to give away their white-haired people to their black-haired people? "

Only Zan Ying dared to say this, but ordinary people would not say such things.

In his opinion, Ah Si's stubbornness was a bit foolish. As long as he saved his life, that was more important than anything else!

"What if I die on the operating table?" Ah Si's words left Zan Ying speechless!
(End of this chapter)

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