big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1698 Measure the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!

Chapter 1698 Measure the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!

Zan Ying thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, everything has two sides. If your operation is successful, then Daqian will continue to be under your leadership for the next ten years or even decades.

If you continue to be sick, you will neither be able to lead the cadres nor take care of the emperor, the queen mother, the queen and the princes.

Moreover, Weichen believes that if the Ming Emperor knew about this, he would definitely send the best and top specialists to treat you to ensure the success rate of the operation.

Let alone surgery, in the past, even the cold could kill someone, and medical treatment was not [-]% guaranteed. As long as the probability was high enough, Weichen was willing to guarantee it.

If anything happens to your Majesty, I am willing to die and be buried.

Although Wei Chen's fate is not as bad as His Majesty's, Wei Chen still hopes that Your Majesty will not give up hope! "

Ah Si looked at Zan Ying, he was brought by Qin Mo, but when Qin Mo left, he did not leave, but continued to stay in the palace.

My father valued him most and trusted him. Without his superb medical skills, my father might not be able to survive now.

But now, he is willing to guarantee his life to persuade him to have surgery.

It shows his sincerity and loyalty.

In fact, he also wanted to live. If he could live, who would want to die?
He has now been diagnosed. The reason why he is like this is because of a heart problem. If it is cured, he can live like a normal person in the future.

You can live at least ten more years, or even longer.

Then he can better display his ambitions and take better care of his parents, wife and children.

He can even take back the edict.

At that time, the children can each rely on their own abilities, and Qin Shuangshuang will not be hurt.

But he just wasn't convinced, so he secretly competed with Qin Mo, but in the end, he had to come to save his life.

How ridiculous?
But living is the most important thing, isn't it?
If you die, what's the use of fighting with this tone?
He thought of what his father said: Those who fight for a moment are not enough to fight for a lifetime.

Is it a temporary struggle for strength, or is it a lifelong struggle?

His inner persistence gradually collapsed, and after a while he sighed: "Germany, get up, I will listen to you.

But even if the operation fails in the future, I will not allow you to be buried alive.

Just now I have reached the top of my head, don’t be like me! "

Zan Ying was overjoyed, "It's Your Majesty, but the Emperor still needs to know about this!"

Ah Si was helpless. Such a big matter was naturally not something Zan Ying could decide on his own.

Not only must Li Shilong know, but he must also summon the ministers. He is a patient now and cannot make the decision on this kind of thing.

And before calling it a day, you should have everything ready in case you need it.

Soon, the news reached Li Shilong's ears.

These days, he was suffering a lot in his heart. His son was critically ill, but he was helpless and could only worry in the hut.

At this time, Zan Ying brought hope of cure, and he hurriedly said: "Zan Ying, tell me the truth, is the success rate high?"

"The Xijing newspaper said that the success rate is about half, and the earlier it is discovered, the higher the treatment rate. His Majesty is still young and the situation is still controllable, so Wei Chen estimates that the treatment rate must be higher.

But the specific situation requires specialist doctors from Daming.

Wei Chen's suggestion is to notify the people at the Ming Dynasty Honglu Pavilion as soon as possible and ask them to send the news back. They have telegrams and can notify them there quickly.

If everything goes well, it may take one month to arrive in the capital.The sooner, the greater the chance of His Majesty's recovery.

Even if that doesn't work, they seem to have developed a medicine for heart disease that can suppress it and extend His Majesty's life! "

Li Shilong nodded, "Okay, okay, send someone immediately to notify the people from the Ming Dynasty Honglu Pavilion to come over.

Also, call Gongsun Wuji and others over! "

Soon, Gongsun Wuji and others gathered in the hut.

Zan Ying told the story, which gave everyone hope.

Yu Boshi said: "Mr. Germany, are you sure about this? Doctors from the Ming Dynasty will do their best to treat our Majesty?
Are they so kind? "

"Don't worry about this. I'll send a telegram to that bitch myself so that he won't dare to mess around on this matter." Li Shilong said.

"The most important thing now is to make His Majesty recover. Nothing else is important. People from the Ming Honglu Pavilion will be here soon. Let's see what conditions they have.

No matter what the other party's conditions were, I agreed. His Majesty's health is the most important! Li Cungong said.

Everyone nodded.

They couldn't just watch Ah Si die in front of them. Daqian was facing a difficult challenge now. Li Shilong was old and his health was getting worse day by day. No one knew when he would leave.

The prince is too young. It is impossible for a child of three or five years old to take charge.

So Ah Si must live.

The group discussed for a while, and then people from the Ming Dynasty Honglu Hall arrived. The envoy stationed in Daqian was also a member of the Qin family, and was of the same generation as Qin Mo.

This person's name is Qin Youcai. Although his name is very rustic, he is actually a very talkative person.

Qin Youcai entered the hut and was shocked when he looked at the important officials in the room.

After greeting Li Shilong, he greeted these people one by one. He was quite familiar with these people. It was difficult not to interact with these people when hanging around in Daqian.

After some polite greetings, Qin Youcai said, "I wonder what the Emperor's orders were when he summoned his ministers?"

Li Shilong didn't mince words and directly stated the reason for calling him here, "Can you inform Daming and ask Jingyun to send a specialized medical team over as soon as possible?"

Qin Youcai frowned, "Is His Majesty the Emperor Daqian's situation already so critical? We can't delay it any longer. If the Supreme Emperor has anything to say, you can give me a note and I will send someone back to send a telegram.

You can rest assured that the telegram from Honglu Pavilion is up to date. Although it still needs to be transferred along the way, the news can be transmitted to the capital in an hour or two.

When His Majesty learns of this, he will definitely send the Ming Dynasty's top specialists. "

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Yu Boshi asked: "What conditions do you have?"

Everyone stared at Qin Youcai, but Qin Youcai just smiled and said, "Daqian and Ming are friendly countries, and they should help each other, not to mention that it is a matter of human life.

Our Majesty, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has always cared about his family. Emperor Daqian is his brother-in-law, but based on this, there is no need to negotiate any conditions.

If I put forward conditions, Your Majesty will definitely punish me when he finds out about it. "

Yu Boshi was a little embarrassed, but he judged a gentleman with a villain's heart. He stood up and said: "The envoy of Qin is so upright and upright, I admire him!"

"Yu Guogong (who was promoted) was joking. This is Qin's responsibility!" Qin Youcai smiled and said: "It's better not to chat, let's seize the time!"

(End of this chapter)

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