big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1699: It is only natural for a nephew to visit his uncle!

Chapter 1699: It is only natural for a nephew to visit his uncle!
At this time, the Ming Dynasty was in Xijing.

Qin Mo finished handling government affairs and was feeding birds in the imperial garden.

He now has a few mocking parrots, not many, just to pass the time.

He finally understood now why the emperor had so many hobbies.

However, he neither likes going to Jiangnan nor a hobby that costs a lot of money.

I just raise two birds, go fishing on the way, occasionally watch movies, enjoy dancing, and cultivate my sentiments.

The cost is not big, and all the money comes from his own funds, without any contribution from the treasury.

"Call daddy!" Qin Mo said.

"You call me daddy!" said the silly bird!
Qin Mo's nose was so angry that he said, "Oh, you called me daddy!"

"son, son"

Qin Mo was so angry that he wanted to pluck out the feathers of this stupid bird, but at this moment, Xiaoba came over and said, "Your Majesty, there is a telegram from Ming Dynasty. It is the most urgent."

Qin Mo frowned. This telegram was divided into different levels. For the most urgent matters, even if he was in a meeting with his wives, he would have to stop midway.

He put the bird's food aside and said, "Where's the urgent report?"

Xiaoba handed over the sealed emergency report.

Qin Mo opened it and took a look, his expression changed, "Heart disease, A Si? No way!"

He was a little confused, Ah Si was not as good as Ah Si. Before this, he had always been in good health. Why did he suddenly suffer from a heart attack?

And when he was critically ill, Li Shilong went to Qin Youcai for help, and then sent the most urgent telegram, hoping that he would send the top cardiologist to Ming Dynasty to treat A Si.

The traffic conditions are not good now. If there is a plane, Ah Si can fly directly, but if he takes a ship or a train, it will take a month at the fastest.

Even for normal people, their bodies may be overwhelmed, let alone those with heart disease.

Qin Mo frowned. In this case, could it be that the foramen ovale he had heard about before was not closed?
Some people don’t discover the problem until they are adults.

However, he is not an expert in this area. He only knows that there have been major breakthroughs in heart surgery since he came to Beijing.

The heart has always been the most difficult area. Now that there is a breakthrough in this area, in the future, if people around you get heart disease, the survival rate will be greatly improved.

After closing the information, he hurriedly said: "Call the person in charge of the medical department over."

Soon, the person in charge of the medical department came over. This person also had the surname Zan. To be precise, he was Zan Ying's youngest son. Zan Ying didn't come back that year, but Zan Ying's youngest son came with him, and it was considered that all Zan Ying's family was saved. The grace of knowing and encountering and the grace of teaching.

"Wei Chen sees His Majesty!"

"Xiao Zan, take a look at this information!" Qin Mo handed the urgent report to Zan Yong.

Zan Yong's expression changed after taking it, "Your Majesty, we still don't know what kind of heart disease Emperor Daqian has. Even if we send someone there, it may not be useful."

Qin Mo said: "I know, don't put any psychological pressure on you. What I mean is to remove the best doctor, but we must ensure that the cardiology department in Beijing cannot be without the chief surgeon."

Ah Si’s life is life, aren’t the lives of those with heart disease not life?
"Yes, yes, but there are not many heart doctors!" Zan Yong said: "If it doesn't work, Weichen, please come over."

Zan Yong is also a doctor in the cardiology department. Unlike his father, when Qin Mo developed medical treatment, he classified the medical treatment in a very detailed way, including internal medicine, surgery, orthopedics, etc.

Qin Mo mentioned the key areas to develop, and cardiology is the top priority.

Zan Yong is considered a leader in the field of cardiology.

"Are you sure?"

"I dare not say. We have to look at the situation before we know." Zan Yong said.Qin Mo thought for a while and asked Zan Yong, the head of the medical department, to take the lead. This not only showed Ming's attitude, but was also enough to reassure Da Qian.

"Okay, you go back immediately to organize a top medical team. Bring everything you can use. If you can protect his life, do your best. If you can't do it, don't be brave. Your own safety is the most important thing!"

Qin Mo was also secretly worried. After all, he was the child he had grown up with, his brother-in-law, and his student. Naturally, he couldn't bear to have to compete with the King of Hell at such a young age.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After receiving the order, Zan Yong hurriedly left the palace, immediately removed the top cardiologist and prepared to leave the capital.

Qin Mo thought for a while and asked someone to publish this matter in the newspaper. This was no longer an ordinary matter, but a matter related to the friendship between the two countries.

Everyone must see clearly the meaning of Ming Dynasty.

This is politics, something Qin Mo was least willing to do before, but now, he is very skilled at it.

Sometimes, he has many aspects to consider.

After giving the instructions, he told Li Yulan and others the news.

When they learned that Ah Si was in danger, Li Yulan and others became anxious, "Lang Jun, can I go back and take a look?"

Qin Mo said: "Don't worry, I have sent someone to organize a medical team as soon as possible. If we hurry, we can set off tomorrow.

It won't help if you go back to Daqian. "

"I know, I'm just worried about my father, the emperor and my mother!" Li Yulan said with red eyes.

"It's better for me to go!" Xiaojiu said: "It's not appropriate for you, Sixth Sister, or Seventh Sister to go back. It's better for me to go back!"

Li Yulan is the queen after all. How could a queen leave the capital casually?

Li Yushu frowned, then took Qin Mo's hand and said, "Whether it's okay or not, please tell me something!"

Qin Mo smiled bitterly, "Brother Feng is back, let him go! It's only natural for a nephew to visit his uncle!"

After Feng Geer joined the army, he came back to participate in the championship not long ago. He has not gone back yet. Qin Mo meant to let him choose a place to govern.

Now that Ah Si has a problem, Li Yulan and the others are definitely not suitable to go.

How can any concubine from the emperor's harem leave the palace casually?
Even if they just go home to visit.

But Brother Feng is different. He is the direct prince of the Ming Dynasty and the eldest son of the queen. He can represent Qin Mo and the Ming Dynasty.

"Brother Feng?" Li Yulan thought for a while and finally nodded. Although she wanted to go back and have a look, she still had to worry about Qin Mo and everyone else's feelings.

After all, if you marry a chicken and follow the chicken, marry a dog and follow the dog, if you focus on your mother's family, you will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble.

Life and death, marriage, are common things in the world, and it is impossible to go back to everything.

It would be fine if ordinary people were coming and going, but they were empresses and concubines and could not leave the palace easily.

In order to allow them to have their own lives, Qin Mo also gave them jobs. If he went further, the minister would not agree.

"Okay, let Brother Feng do it!" Li Yulan nodded.

"I have no objection!" Li Yushu said: "Huo Lin'er is back too. How about letting Huo Lin'er go too?"

Qin Mo sighed, "Okay, okay, you have the final say!"

Li Yushu happily kissed Qin Mo on the face, "I knew you were the best!"

(End of this chapter)

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