big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1700 Quick rescue!

Chapter 1700 Quick rescue!
Brother Feng and Huo Lin'er were only about ten days apart, and they reached the crown one after the other.

Brother Feng looked most like Qin Mo when he was a child, but when he grew up, he gave people the impression of a modest gentleman, but with a tall and straight figure.

Huo Lin'er is very sunny, and this boy's temperament is most like Qin Mo's, he is wilted and bad.

He smiled with big white teeth, and his black and white eyes looked innocent.

The two brothers have a very good relationship. Not only did they get married one after another, they also got married together.

Brother Feng married the daughter of the Chai family, Huo Lin'er married the daughter of Liu Rujian, and Niu Daozi was about to reach the age of maturity, but he was still in Xindao and had not returned, so he married the daughter of the Cheng family. Lady.

Dou Yi loved his daughters the most, and almost gave them to Qin Mo's sons in droves, not wanting the ones that were not enough.

The two brothers were newly married in the past two days and were very happy. But when they learned that Ah Si was seriously ill, they agreed immediately.

Although they are similar in age, they have a good relationship and often played together when they were children.

This little uncle still takes good care of them.

"Dad, don't worry, I will definitely handle it properly!" Brother Feng said, patting his chest.

"Mom, don't worry, my brother-in-law Ji Ren has his own destiny, and he will definitely be able to get out of this difficulty!" Huo Lin'er comforted Li Yushu.

"When you two arrive in Daqian, remember to visit your grandfather and say hello to him on my behalf. There is another letter here. You can deliver it to him for me!" Qin Mo took out a letter and handed it over.

Brother Feng took the letter and said, "Don't worry, Dad, I promise to complete the mission!"

Soon, the two brothers left the palace, and that night, Xijing mobilized possible equipment and medicines.

Early the next morning, the two brothers left Xijing on a special ship with Zan Yong and a team of cardiology experts.

This incident was also reported in the newspapers that day. As soon as the news came out, the newspapers were sold out and paper became expensive in Xijing.

Everyone in the world praised Qin Mo for his kindness and righteousness. At this time, no one could fault Qin Mo.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that if Ah Si dies at this time, Da Gan will be at a low point for a long time in the future. Isn't this exactly what Da Ming wanted?
But Qin Mo didn't consider this and dispatched the team without hesitation.

For this reason, officials from Daqian stationed in the Honglu Pavilion of the Ming Dynasty went to the palace in person to thank Qin Mo for his kindness.

"Don't forget, Ah Si is my student and my brother-in-law. It is impossible for me to see anything happen to him, either emotionally or rationally." Qin Mo said with a smile.

The envoys of Daqian only praised Qin Mo's greatness.

As for Daqian, a reply was quickly received.

On the night when they did not receive a reply, Li Shilong and Daqian's ministers felt particularly uncomfortable.

Now no one knows when Ah Si will have a problem. In the words of the doctor, the only option is to suppress it now.

Once it cannot be suppressed, Ah Si will die of heart failure.

At that time, the gods will be hard to save.

"Your Majesty, there is news. The envoy from the Ming Dynasty Honglu Pavilion is here!" The eunuch beside Li Shilong ran over quickly.

"Quickly, invite people in!" Li Shilong held a cane in his hand. Because of anxiety and insomnia, he looked particularly haggard, and his cloudy eyes were full of bloodshot eyes.

"Your Majesty, there is a reply over there. This is the telegram from our emperor!" Qin Youcai came in with a smile and handed over the urgent report in his hand. "After receiving the telegram, our emperor immediately met with the medical department. The top official immediately mobilized the top cardiologists in Xijing.

Moreover, Dr. Zan personally led the team, and the second and third princes also came together.

You can reach Gaozhou in as little as 20 days! Hearing this, Li Shilong was overjoyed, and immediately took the telegram and read it, "Okay, great, I knew this kid wouldn't die without saving him!" "

The telegram was only sent yesterday afternoon. Early this morning, the medical team set out with the most advanced equipment and the best drugs. This shows the conscience of this boy!

Li Shilong saw hope, as if he had returned to the past, to the day when he was assassinated.

He was also so desperate, always thinking that he was going to die, but Qin Mo rescued him forcefully, saving the world.

"Okay, you have done your work. No matter whether I can cure the emperor in the future, I will keep this friendship in my heart!" Li Shilong said.

"Your Majesty is serious. Our emperor has said that, apart from other things, we are brothers who have broken the scriptures and are still connected by flesh and blood.

No matter how you fight or make trouble, it's all an internal matter, and it's human nature to have disagreements.

But if we encounter difficulties, we still have to face them together! Qin Youcai said with a smile.

"Well said!" Li Shilong knew very well that this time the debt was huge. It is estimated that Daqian would not be able to hold his head high in front of Ming Dynasty for a long time.

But it doesn't matter. Sometimes it's not a good thing to distinguish things too clearly.

He thanked Qin Youcai profusely and gave him many rewards. Then he forced himself to force himself to tell Gongsun Wuji and others about the matter.

Then he couldn't hold it any longer and fell asleep.

After receiving the news, Gongsun Wuji and others also breathed a sigh of relief, "Everyone, His Majesty is saved. The most important thing right now is that we must ensure that the medical team reaches the capital as quickly as possible after landing in Gaozhou.

Before that, we have to make sure that there are no problems with the roads and steam locomotives.

This is a relay race and we cannot make any mistakes.

We cannot afford to delay His Majesty's safety! "

Everyone looked solemn. The officer-in-charge of the Ministry of Industry was newly appointed. He immediately expressed his position: "This matter will be taken care of by the official. Once the medical team arrives, the road will be smooth!"

"Okay, I don't allow any problems. If there are any problems, I will report it to the Supreme Emperor and punish him severely!"

Order after order was issued from the cabinet, and orders were received all along the way from the capital to Gaozhou.

This is no longer the era when the underworld did not go to the countryside. Everything was under direct control and in places connected by railways, the court's control over local areas has been strengthened more than tenfold.

Not to mention, with the rapid development, there are more and more communication methods. The Ming Dynasty has already transmitted wired telegrams to Daqian, and the transmission of messages is now more than a hundred times faster than before.

Therefore, it is much more difficult for local governments to hide it.

At this time, the Royal Hospital.

Ah Si was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, and Qin Shuangshuang, who was not yet out of confinement, was also watching beside him, "I just said, my brother will not die without saving you. You must persist. When your illness is cured, you You can do whatever you want, and we can be happy as a family."

Ah Si licked his chapped lips. Due to a heart problem, his lips were very purple and his chest was tight. He always felt like he couldn't breathe.

Fortunately, there is oxygen, otherwise, he would definitely not be able to carry it now.

He didn't expect that at such a young age, he would be able to take oxygen like his father.

And this oxygen bottle actually came from Daming.

(End of this chapter)

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