big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1701 The medical team arrives in Beijing!

Chapter 1701 The medical team arrives in Beijing!
One step at a time, one step at a time. This oxygen bottle looks very simple, but they can't make it.

Ah Si was a little anxious, but now his anxiety would only aggravate his condition.

He wanted to survive, to be with his parents, wife and children, and to complete his unfinished business.

But when he thought that Qin Mo had to save his life, he felt increasingly uncomfortable.

As a student and as a brother-in-law, he was very happy.

But as an emperor, he was unwilling to bow his head.

The emperor cannot bow his head, especially Qin Mo, who is also the emperor.

Father Huang said that he had bowed his head before, but in the end he became the Khan of Heaven.

He didn't know why he was so entangled for a while. It was probably because he was young and energetic and unwilling to give in.

Or perhaps, he has been shrouded in Qin Mo's shadow for too long.

I wanted to struggle hard, but I couldn't escape this shadow.

"You haven't hugged your daughter until now."

"Is the little girl okay?" When mentioning his daughter, the smile on Ah Si's face became more sincere.

"Okay, I just miss his father." Qin Shuangshuang said.

"Then you ask me to tell the little girl that Daddy misses her too!" Ah Si said with a smile.

"This time, Brother Feng and Huo Lin'er are also here. I haven't seen them for two or three years, and I don't know how tall they are now." Qin Shuangshuang said.

Speaking of Brother Feng and Huo Lin'er, Ah Si couldn't help but smile and said: "These two boys have been as strong as calves since they were young.

No, your children are all very strong. Standing next to them, I look like my younger brother, which is very embarrassing.

So sometimes, I don't want to play with them. "

"So you pester me every day?" Qin Shuangshuang rolled her eyes at Ah Si.

"Yes, because you are not only petite, but also beautiful. Among so many children, you are the only one shorter than me." Ah Si said with a smile.

It was embarrassing to say that although his father could not be said to be tall and tall, he was still a tall and straight man.

He is more like his uncle's family.

He is of average height and has no redeeming qualities.

Unlike the children of the Qin family, they are tall and strong, and they are like Tashan wherever they go to fight.

These children are born, and each of them is very clever.

As for the most honest and honest guy, this kid is just like his father. He looks very naive on the outside, but he is full of gray water and hides a knife behind his smile.

Sometimes, you help him count the money after being sold by him.

When he is with the Qin family's children, he always suffers and gains, which makes him lose points as an uncle.

But thinking about interesting things from his childhood, he felt much better.

"Shuangshuang, this surgery is unpredictable. If, I mean if, I really don't get off the operating table, you must live well.

Take good care of your children and never seek life and death. "Ah Si said.

Qin Shuangshuang was silent for a while, "As long as you don't give up on yourself, how can I give up on myself?

Moreover, you have to believe in yourself and my brother. The people he sends must have the best medical skills in the world.

They can definitely cure you! "

Qin Shuangshuang is extremely convinced.Ah Si also said: "Anyway, you promise me first that if something happens to me, you will live well, okay?"


"Is that okay?" Ah Si asked.

"Okay!" Qin Shuang nodded twice.

"That's good." A Si sighed, "You haven't given up yet, so go back first. You don't have to stay with me here, so as not to get the root of the disease. There will be a long time to come. I don't want you to be sick like this. me too!"

Qin Shuangshuang didn't show any pretense, but said affectionately: "I'm right next door to you. If anything happens, I can hear you if you shout."

After Qin Shuangshuang left, Ah Si felt a little guilty and became more and more uneasy.

In the anxiety, he held on until the doctor from Xijing arrived.

During this period, he had heart discomfort, but Zan Ying and others used their superb medical skills to relieve his pain.

The moment Brother Feng and Huo Liner got off the steam locomotive, Gongsun Wuji and others led the team to greet them.

"I've met the second and third princes!" Gongsun Wuji and others saluted.

"Uncle, there's no need to be polite!" Brother Feng hurriedly helped Gongsun Wuji up. After all, Gongsun Wuji was also their uncle.

Looking at the two people who were almost the same as Qin Mo, Gongsun Wuji also sighed in his heart, "I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

"How is my uncle doing?" Huo Lin'er asked.

"The situation is not very good. I have had several heart problems these days, but they have been suppressed." Gongsun Wuji said solemnly.

"Zanbu, why don't we go to the hospital first?" Brother Feng said.

Zan Yong nodded, "Let's go over and understand the situation with the doctor over there first, and then conduct a comprehensive examination on His Majesty to comprehensively judge His Majesty's problem.

However, finalizing the plan is not that quick and requires repeated inspections. "

"Don't you need to take a rest?" Yu Boshi couldn't help asking when he saw everyone's tired faces.

These people worked non-stop to get here as quickly as possible, which even normal people couldn't handle.

Zan Yong shook his head, "Human life is at stake, the sooner the better. If we decide on the plan earlier, His Majesty will be able to recover sooner. People with heart disease cannot delay it. Once it is delayed to the later stage, the mortality rate will be very high. Even if the operation is performed, it will be very difficult." Not necessarily useful.

Unless the heart is replaced, but for now, the heart replacement surgery is still an unsolvable problem for us. In addition, there is rejection of organ replacement. We have no way to start yet, and we cannot solve the problem of rejection. "

These are the subjects of their research.

"I know your Majesty's situation, let's talk as we walk!" Zan Ying was also following him, and he felt a little excited looking at his son whom he hadn't seen for several years.

The same was true for Zan Yong, but with so many people around, the two father and son did not meet each other, but continued as usual.

On the way to the hospital, the father and son did not chat privately, but kept learning about Ah Si's condition.

Zan Ying spoke very seriously, and Zan Yong listened very seriously.

"Now it is basically certain that His Majesty Emperor Daqian suffers from heart disease. The specific type of heart disease requires further diagnosis and treatment!" Zan Ying closed his notebook and said.

Zan Ying said: "Can we stand by while the diagnosis is being made?"

"Yes, we are not clumsy. Medicine has no borders. His Majesty said that the research and development of medicine is to benefit all mankind, not for a certain person." Zan Yong said.

Zan Ying smiled, knowing that Qin Mo's original intention had never changed.

"Thank you then!" Zan Ying said.

"Father does not need to thank his son. If you want to thank me, just thank my emperor. It is his generous support for us for ten years that allowed us to make important breakthroughs!" Although Zan Yong spoke in an official tone, Zan Ying could feel it. The excitement in my son's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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