big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1702 The choice of fate

Chapter 1702 The choice of fate

The group arrived at the Royal Hospital and saw the frail Ah Si.

Seeing Brother Feng and Huo Lin'er, Ah Si forced a smile and said, "I'd like to ask you two to run away!"

"Uncle, are you okay?" Brother Feng and his two brothers felt uncomfortable seeing Ah Si like this.

"Okay, just like this, half dead." Ah Si said.

"Don't worry, this time, we have brought the best doctors and we will definitely be able to cure you!" Huo Lin'er said, "You must have confidence!"

Ah Si glanced at the others and said, "I'm sorry to bother you all!"

Brother Feng also knew that now was not the time to reminisce about the past, so he asked Zan Yong and others to start examining Ah Si.

Half an hour later, the preliminary diagnosis result came out. It was indeed a heart disease, and it was congenital. However, the symptoms were mild before, there were no symptoms, and there were no restrictions on daily life activities.

However, Ah Si stayed up late for a long time and was busy with state affairs, which exhausted his energy and aggravated his condition.

Now we have reached the middle stage, and a little later, it will be the late stage.

Later symptoms include respiratory failure, heart failure, etc.

The preliminary results are that it can be cured, but a more detailed examination is needed.

The success rate is about [-] to [-]%.

After the preliminary results were discussed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

They are afraid that there is no cure.

But right now, even if there is only a [-]-[-]% certainty, it is enough to make everyone excited.

Hesitation: Everyone was tired from traveling and traveling. They had not had a good rest these days, and everyone was exhausted to the extreme.

In the end, Zan Ying agreed to settle down and have a good night's rest to recharge his batteries, and then continue to conduct more detailed examinations on Ah Si the next day.

Moreover, Ah Si’s current condition is unstable and he is not suitable for surgery. The surgery must be performed when Ah Si’s condition is better.

Before that, a lot of preparations need to be done before surgery.

The first is equipment, medicine, and then blood storage.

That night, Brother Feng and Huo Lin'er came to the cabin and met Li Shilong.

Looking at the old and disfigured Li Shilong, the two brothers couldn't believe their eyes, "Ancestor, why are you so old?"

Li Shilong was very kind to them. When they were children, they often made trouble in the palace.

Everything delicious and fun was kept close to the two brothers.

Seeing the red eyes of these two boys, Li Shilong was also very emotional. He always loved these two boys in vain, and they were more conscientious than his father.

"It's rare for people to reach seventy, and you are all already there. How can I not grow old?" Li Shilong was in a good mood. He held their hands and asked them about their experiences over the years.

The brothers also answered all questions.

"This time you came here, your father didn't say anything, right?"

"No, he just asked us to say hello to you and asked you to forgive me for not being able to come in person!" Brother Feng said.

Huo Lin'er said: "Father knew that my brother-in-law was dying, so he was very anxious. He immediately mobilized manpower to prepare to come over. He originally wanted to come over in person, but he thought twice about it, so he asked us two brothers to come over."

Brother Feng's speech was more upright, while Huo Lin'er's speech was more smooth and considerate, which made the wrinkles between Li Shilong's eyebrows relax.

"Your father has some conscience!" Li Shilong said.

"Emperor, my father has always missed you and cared about you. It's just that due to state affairs, he can't come here often!" Huo Lin'er said.

"Yes, father has always said, let us brothers learn from you!"

Although he knew that the two brothers were flattering, Li Shilong couldn't help being happy, "I heard that you just got married, and I don't have anything to give as a gift. When the time comes, I will ask your grandmother to choose a few beautiful girls with innocent wealth to bring back."

The two brothers were stunned. They had long heard that the emperor's ancestor liked to give women away, but they didn't expect it to be true.

To this day, many of the nuns who were originally given to Azu are still kept in the palace.

"No need, Grandpa Huang, we."

"Okay, it's settled, I can't let you come here in vain!" Li Shilong waved his hand and finalized the matter very domineeringly, "For the next few days, you will stay in the hut and just be my companions. I am a lonely old man." The two brothers looked at each other, nodded, and said in unison: "Yes, Grandfather of the Emperor!"

The next day, Zan Yong and others were conducting a more detailed examination on Ah Si.

The Beijing Daily also highlighted this incident.

Everyone praised Ming's friendship.

However, this puts a lot of pressure on Zan Yong and others.

If they succeed, they are heroes; if they fail, they are sinners.

Although before this, he had already met with the Supreme Emperor and stated that everything was possible.

But no one can guarantee what will happen if the operation fails.

Zan Yong knows very well that success is a thousand things.

If it fails, let alone him, even his father will be under tremendous pressure.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in his heart.

After careful examination and preoperative preparation.

On the fifth day after everyone arrived in Beijing, A Si was pushed into the operating room.

At this moment, all officials and ministers were waiting and praying.

Li Shilong and Empress Dowager Gongsun also came here to take charge.

In Qin Shuangshuang's ward, her two brothers accompanied her.

"Sister-in-law, don't be nervous. The situation is far more optimistic than we thought. With Zan Bu here, there will definitely be no problem." Brother Feng comforted her.

Qin Shuangshuang forced a smile, "I believe them!"

Brother Feng still wanted to speak, but was stopped by Huo Lin'er.

At this time, silence is best.

Li Shilong didn't believe in fate before, but now he does.

He said in his heart, "Even if I have done many wrong things in the past, what about the good things I have done in these years?
I have benefited all people, so I can be considered a good emperor, right?
Even if the merits and demerits are equal, it won't be like this, right?

I'm already like this, why don't you, thief, God still not let my child go? "

Even though his heart was already turbulent, Li Shilong remained calm on the surface, showing no movement at all.

Empress Dowager Gongsun put her hands together and silently recited sutras and prayed for Ah Si.

She was actually scared in her heart. She knew that everything was retribution, but she just hoped that this retribution would be meted out to her.

Time passed by minute by minute, and everyone's heart was in a state of trepidation.

The lights in the operating room were on and everyone was waiting.

They just watched a steady stream of blood being sent into the operating room.

No one knows what's going on inside.

Daqian's fate paused at this moment.

Where the future will lead, no one knows.

Gongsun Wuji knew that if A Si died on the operating table, Da Qian and Daming would be in a very embarrassing situation in the future.

And Daqian will inevitably start to decline.

How old is Longjing's heyday?
Ah Si has only been in power for ten years. Although development has been difficult in these ten years, it has been getting better.

If this hurdle is passed, Daqian will inevitably decline in the future.

We don’t know how many years it will take to revive China.

How was the Ming Dynasty at that time?

(End of this chapter)

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