big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1704 Zan Yong leaves

Chapter 1704 Zan Yong leaves
Ah Si is lucky. Although he doesn't think so, being able to live well is more important than anything else.

Especially seeing his parents' excited expressions made him feel particularly ashamed.

At first, he just didn't want to owe Qin Mo too much and didn't think about his parents at all.

Recalling that his second brother and eighth brother were both white-haired and black-haired.

If it happened again, would their bodies be able to bear it?
He knelt on the ground and said: "My son will definitely serve his parents well in the future!"

"Get up, the ground is cold!" Empress Dowager Gongsun lifted him up, her eyes full of joy.

Li Shilong didn't say anything. Although Ah Si was indeed mediocre, he was particularly important.

Now that he is free of illness, he will surely be able to lead Daqian to another peak.

"Since you're fine, I'll go back." Li Shilong leaned on crutches, waved his hands, and left immediately.

"There are many courtiers coming outside. Please meet them. The Queen Mother will stay soon." Although the Queen Mother Gongsun was reluctant to leave her son, the child was out of danger at this time, and there was no need for her to stay here any longer. Compared with Ah Si, Li Shilong needs more care.

"Farewell to my father, the emperor and my queen." A Si sent his parents away and then came to the hospital hall. Looking at the courtiers, he was also very emotional.

"Congratulations on your Majesty's recovery!" As soon as he showed his head, everyone fell down and bowed down, and everyone showed a sincere smile.

Looking at everyone, Ah Si was very emotional. He thought he would never be able to give orders again, but he didn't expect that God would not accept him.

Li Xin in the corner silently took out the cloth and prepared to return the edict.

Now that Ah Si has recovered, this posthumous edict is a hot potato in his hand. Only by returning it can it not become a time bomb.

Fortunately, A Si is still alive, otherwise, Da Gan would have encountered the biggest crisis since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

What he didn't expect the most was that Qin Mo actually sent a doctor.

But then I thought about it, this was Qin Mo.

It seemed that he still underestimated him.

Ah Si was discharged from the hospital and returned to the court, but this time, he was no longer desperately handling government affairs.

Before his body fully recovered, he could only spare one hour a day to deal with government affairs.

He wants to take good care of his body and compete with Daming for the rest of his life.

That night, he held Qin Shuangshuang in his arms and felt his wife's heartbeat, "It's so good to be alive!"

After Ah Si's stitches were removed, Zan Yong and the medical team also said goodbye.

Although Ah Si tried his best to persuade Zan Yong to stay, he couldn't resist Zan Yong's return.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. Although Zan Yong really wants to stay here, there are still many heart disease patients in Ming Dynasty who need our treatment.

At present, medical cooperation between the two countries has begun. In the next year, Daqian will also have many more qualified cardiologists. "

Seeing that Zan Yong had decided to leave, Ah Si secretly felt sorry for him. He originally wanted to play the emotional card and let Zan Ying keep Zan Yong behind.

But Zan Ying said that Zan Yong had left the family and had been eliminated from the genealogy.

Ah Si knew very well that this was just rhetoric.

But when I think of those aristocratic families in the past, weren’t they just casting their nets all over the world?
There will always be a successful one to ensure the continuity of the family.

Zan Ying was not the only one to do this. In fact, many families in Daqian immigrated their bastards to the Ming Dynasty.

They never put their eggs in the same basket.

"Forget it, since I can't keep you, you must accept this honorary title!" Ah Si said.

Zan Yong thought for a while, if he refused, he would not give Ah Si face, so he simply accepted it generously, "Thank you, Your Majesty Emperor Daqian!" If they feel unwell, they will be sent not far away. Brother, you can send them to Gaozhou to board the ship on my behalf!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Li Xin said from the side.

Zan Yong left, taking with him a group of capable doctors and a lot of treasures, which amounted to no less than ten million taels.

This is their appearance fee, but it is also a problem for Qin Mo.

While Zan Yong and others were still on the road, Xijing received the news.

After telling Li Yulan and others the news, Qin Mo said: "I told you, there will definitely be no problem. If nothing else happens, if A Si takes good care of himself, he will live for another ten or twenty years, and there will be no problem!"

"Why can't it be more than thirty years or more than forty years?" Li Yushu said.

"He has congenital heart disease. After surgery, it does not mean that he has completely recovered. Even for ordinary people, if he can live to be 70 or [-] years old, it is considered a long life.

He worked so hard that it would be great if he lived to be fifty. "This is really not Qin Mo's nonsense. Even if some people have surgery, it is extremely easy to cause complications. If they are lucky, they can live a good life, but if they are unlucky, it will be over in a few years.

However, with the development of medicine, it is difficult to say what will happen in more than ten or twenty years.

"In short, no matter what, I have done everything I can. The body belongs to him, and whether he loves it or not is also his business.

Life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor. How long he can live is not something I can decide! "Qin Mo spread his hands and made Li Yushu very angry.

That night, Qin Mo received warm hospitality from the four sisters, but this kind of hospitality was a bit too much for Qin Mo to bear.

Xijing Daily also focused on this incident.

Subsequently, the World Medical Association was established, with its headquarters still located in Xijing.

Since Qin Mo’s visit to Qian, now, the site for the association headquarters has been completed and will be put into use next year.

Worldwide, more than 100 countries have joined.

So Xijing is also called the center of the world.

After Qin Mo came to power, he carried out drastic and comprehensive reforms in all aspects of the Ming Dynasty.

Everyone can feel the changes in the Ming Dynasty. The prosperity and vitality are unmatched by any country in the world.

At the same time, the western part of the Ming Dynasty was a desolate place.

Qin Xiangru came here with Qin Xiuying.

"This place is too desolate!" Qin Xiuying said: "How many years will it take to develop this place?"

Qin Xiangru frowned and asked, "How far is it from West Central City?"

"Reporting to the Supreme Emperor, there are still two hundred miles left!"

"Isn't there an oasis here?" Qin Xiangru said.

"Yes, but very few. They are almost all deserts and Gobi deserts. Normal plants cannot survive here at all!"

Qin Xiangru sighed. He knew that the west was desolate, but he didn't expect it to be so desolate.

It's not a good thing for Tianxin to choose such a place where birds don't poop.

"But there is a larger oasis over there in the middle city, and the environment there is also very good." Seeing Qin Xiangru's expression, the leading guard hurriedly added.

The Ming Dynasty's railway has not yet reached the west, not because there is no money, but because the terrain here is complex and it is technically difficult to open it to traffic here.

So we can only build roads first, and then slowly build railways here.

(End of this chapter)

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