big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1705: Every year brings trees, every year brings people!

Chapter 1705 It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to grow people!
Earlier, some gold prospectors came here, setting off a development boom in the west.

Later, Qin Mo also ordered to allow them to survey mines, fire oil, etc. in the west, and this was the beginning of the great prosperity of the west.

But looking at the entire Ming Dynasty, the west is too big. Although it is rich in resources, it is really too barren.

With the blessing of resources, this kind of poverty will be selectively ignored by everyone.

But one day, when the resources are exhausted, this kind of desolation and barrenness will become unbearable.

Qin Xiangru came from Guanzhong, eight hundred miles away. Compared with the fertility in the book, the fertility of Guanzhong is far less than before.

But even so, it's a thousand times better than here.

"Let's go!" Qin Xiangru sighed.

Gao Shilian said: "Your Majesty, it's too hot here during the day. How about we rest during the day and travel at night?"

"No, it's convenient to have a car. Try to reach Zhongcheng before dark." Qin Xiangru sighed.

And at the same time Midtown.

As the largest city in the west, there are only 40 million people here. Most of the people who come here are gold diggers and developers. There are less than [-] people living here.

Fortunately, this area is an oasis with sufficient resources, but if we want to fully develop this area, we need to plant trees and develop infrastructure.

There are also many rugged landscapes and deserts here.

Tourism projects can be developed.

If transportation was inconvenient in the past, no one would be willing to come.

But now the road is smooth.

But relying solely on roads is still too slow.

Tianxin wrote in the plan, "Train tracks must be laid and urban traffic must be opened. Secondly, the distance between cities in the west is too far.

It’s so difficult to publicize.

It is right to promote gold mining and development in the early stage, and it can make better use of integrated resources.

But after this prosperity passes, desertification in the west will be further aggravated.

Therefore, on the premise of retaining gold mining and development, the environment must be protected. "

He touched his chin and suddenly came up with a good idea. The bustle in the world is all for profit, and the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit. It is too ordinary to give land, house and money.

The common people have vast land and sparsely populated areas, so they don’t lack land or houses at all.

There are also incentives and subsidies for having children, and some people even make a fortune by having children.

So what are they missing?
It seems that they don't lack anything, but if you think about it carefully, they are desperate to have children because they are short of money.

He decided to turn the west into a tax-reduced place to attract a large number of people to register companies.

Secondly, he would also implement afforestation plan.

Allocate a piece of land in the desert and contract it to others to plant it. For every tree that is fed, a corresponding reward will be given.

Planting trees is a simple thing in the eyes of many people, but it is not easy to plant trees in the desert.

Relying on him alone, or mobilizing thousands of people, to do this well would be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Without a few decades, it is simply impossible.

But it would be different if all the people were mobilized.

He hurriedly called the financial officer of Zhongcheng over, "How much money is currently available in Zhongcheng?"

The financial officer hurriedly said: "Back to Your Highness, there are currently 400 million in the accounts!" 400 million seems to be a lot, but how much does it cost if you divide it up?

As the largest city-state in the west and a gathering place for gold prospectors and developers, Midtown is the most important trading and transportation place for gold and oil.

If you can't get even this little money, you're obviously unqualified.

If these 400 million were thrown into the middle city, there would be a splash at most.

And these 400 million are not only needed to control deserts, but are also needed in all aspects.

Infrastructure is on the one hand, but there are also education and medical care, which are all scarce here.

Because this place is so remote, it is difficult for talents to come here. Even if the price is high, very few people are willing to come here.

"It's difficult, it's too difficult!" Tianxin scratched his hair.

The financial officer didn't know how to comfort him when he saw this. In the days since Tianxin took office, Zhongcheng's money was being spent like water.

If it weren't for several key tax-paying projects here, we wouldn't be able to withstand such a hassle.

"If you plant a tree and give it one tael of silver, and want to turn the surrounding area into an oasis, you will need at least [-] million taels as a base.

In addition, we need to introduce talents, education, medical care, and build railways, which are all money.

Although I managed to keep the amount of tax paid to the treasury unchanged for five years, it was still a large expense. "

Tianxin leaned back in his chair. Western development was far more difficult than he thought.

Fortunately, his father did not let his passion flow and send him to a more remote place.

As the largest city in the west, there is still money here. I can’t imagine how sad it is for those small places.

If you need money but no money, if you need people but no one, if you need resources but no resources, that is the most difficult thing.

After much thought, he decided to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, "First, improve the infrastructure in the city to retain more gold diggers and developers.

I will find a way to move some people from the south to enrich Midtown.

Take this plan over and discuss it, and then give me a suggestion! "

He handed the newly formulated plan to the finance officer. The finance officer glanced at it and was shocked, "Your Highness, isn't one tael of silver per tree too extravagant?" The finance officer said with a wry smile: "And if there is a tree in the middle, What to do if you die? Isn’t that a total loss?
If someone has ulterior motives and transplants trees from other places to defraud money, what should be done to prevent it? "

"So I ask you to discuss possible solutions. Don't give up eating because of choking." Tian Xin said: "Zhongcheng is the largest city in the west. The first thing to do is to increase the population. As long as the number of people reaches one million, then it will definitely be possible. Revitalize the surrounding economy.

The west is desolate and needs more oases to improve the environment. There are so many resources here, and the court's resource tilt, there will be a steady stream of talents joining us in the next five years.

If the resources, talents, medical care, education, and infrastructure here were first-class, would Midtown still not be able to develop?
Although the land here is barren, we can choose drought- and barren-tolerant crops to ensure that local people can be self-sufficient. "

The plan in Tianxin's mind gradually took shape, and he felt more and more that it was feasible. However, he alone could not do this, and he needed to cooperate with him.

Starting from the area around Midtown, it spreads outward step by step.

It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to grow people. He didn't understand it before, but now he has moved on.

Thousands of people plant trees, and future generations can enjoy the shade. This is definitely not an empty talk.

When the financial officer heard this, he could only nod his head, "Yes, Your Highness!"

After the financial officer left, the room became quiet. Tianxin couldn't help but take out the cigarette case from the drawer, but when he touched it, the cigarette was gone.

At this moment, the door opened. Tianxin thought it was the financial officer who had left and returned, so he turned around and said, "Do you have a cigarette on you?"

But when he saw the person coming, he was stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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