big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1708: The gold nugget is used as a toy!

Chapter 1708: The gold nugget is used as a toy!

Listening to Qin Xiangru's words about Versailles, Gao Shilian also smiled bitterly. More than ten kilograms of nugget gold is also a treasure that can be counted.

But you are the Supreme Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. What kind of treasure do you want?
As for comparing with these people?

Gao Shilian's hand was groping in the water, and suddenly he touched a smooth surface. The slight coolness in his hand made him hesitate.

Then he quickly pulled it out and held it in his hand. It was completely different from a stone.

If the stone is at the bottom of the water for a long time, the surface will become smooth, as if there is a layer of mucus.

But the underwater area is different.

When he dug out the things from the bottom of the water, he was shocked, and his cloudy eyes were full of surprise, "Dog, golden dog head!"

Qin Xiangru also stared directly at the gold nugget in Gao Shilian's hand, "Yours is bigger than the one in that man's hand just now!"

"I'm afraid it's over ten pounds." Gao Shilian grinned, "I didn't expect this old slave to be so lucky. With this gold nugget, you can buy a set of jewelry for the queen."

Qin Xiuying also heard the sound and gathered around. Looking at the huge golden dog head, she was stunned, "Quickly, come up quickly, keep your voice down, don't disturb others!"

"What are you afraid of? There are so many people, do they still dare to rob it?" Qin Xiangru waved his hand. There was at least a guard with a loaded gun beside him. There was no one else within 20 meters around him.

They are not fools, can't they see that they and others have different identities?
Gao Shilian came ashore holding the gold nugget in his arms, "Mother, this golden nugget, this old slave is dedicated to you!"

Qin Xiuying waved her hands repeatedly, "No, no, it's too valuable, and you dug it, so you should keep it for Xiao Gao."

Not many people know about the relationship between Gao Shilian and Xiao Gao. Qin Xiuying also knows about it, so she naturally knows that he is Gao Yao's biological father.

"She lacks nothing, and it's useless to ask for this." Gao Shilian said: "And the master and the slave dug this gold nugget together, so the master also has a share. If it weren't for the master's benefit, the slave would also dig it. Not even."

Qin Xiuying still refused, and Qin Xiangru on the side said: "Forget it, Lao Gao likes it so much, don't refuse, and it's not convenient to carry such a heavy thing back all the way!"

Although nugget gold is good, it is nothing to Qin Xiangru.

He was rich all over the world, and the gold and silver in his small treasury could not be used up.

The Supreme Emperor's Act was also issued in the Ming Dynasty. In addition to the extra money, there was also a monthly quota of 3 taels of silver.

At his age, he has no worries about food, clothing and medical treatment. Why did he spend so much money?
In the end, don’t you want to give it to your child?

In addition, he also has eight figures in his own small treasury, so he doesn't care about these three melons and two dates at all.

"Empress, please don't delay!" Gao Shilian said with a bitter face.

Qin Xiuying did not delay any further, "Thanks, Lao Gao!"

Gao Shilian smiled, handed the gold nugget to the guard on the side and asked: "Master, are you still digging?"

Qin Xiangru waved his hand, "We've already dug out gold nuggets, so we won't dig any more. If we keep digging, we won't be able to find more gold nuggets."

The group returned to Zhongcheng. Qin Xiangru wanted to show off in front of Tianxin, but when he returned home, he realized that Tianxin had not returned yet.

At this time, Tianxin held a meeting.

In one day, three meetings were held in succession. First, it was decided to dig for drinking water from a large river hundreds of miles away.

Then we need to connect all the nearby cities hundreds of miles away.

Incorporate them into the plan to develop the northwest.

After tying them into the chariot, and then petitioning the court together, it is still very possible to use the strategy of revitalizing the northwest as a national strategy for the next 20 or even 50 years.Once he succeeds, half of his mission in Central City will be completed.

The remaining half is to dig rivers, afforestation, introduce talents, and improve infrastructure.

At that time, Midtown will surely become the brightest pearl in the West.

So at this moment, even though he was too tired to talk, he was happy in his heart.

"Your Highness, it's time to get off work." Tianxin's assistant reminded.

Tianxin looked at the time, it was already evening, and couldn't help but feel guilty.

I wanted to continue working overtime, but thinking that Qin Xiangru and others were still waiting for me at home, I had to quickly pack up and drive home.

After returning home, he saw that Qin Xiangru was teasing his son and his aunt was cooking with his wife. This warm scene made all Tianxin's fatigue disappear.

Putting down his briefcase, Tianxin hurriedly stepped forward to apologize, "Master, I'm sorry, I let you go."

"You are busy with official duties and not fooling around outside. What do you have to apologize for?" Qin Xiangru hugged Qin Ge and said, "Great-grandson, you should not imitate your father in the future, but imitate your ancestor. You know, your ancestor is lazy?" People, lazy people are the best couples, do you understand?"

Tianxin smiled. His father had only appeared in thousands of years. It is really not that easy to imitate his father.

If this is the case, we can only say that his life is good.

Later, Qin Xiangru changed the subject and talked about what he had seen and heard today and the harvest from gold mining.

When Gao Shilian took out the piece of gold nugget, Tianxin was shocked, "Such a large piece of natural gold nugget is very rare even in the trading market.

Generally, gold nuggets of this size will be purchased by the government and then placed in the gold mining museum to attract tourists.

Moreover, the actual value of this gold nugget is far less than the advertised value! "

It is difficult to form nugget gold. Because it is rare, its value is high.

But it's not pure enough.

A ten kilogram piece of nugget gold, after being refined, may be less than seven kilograms, or even less.

However, even so, it is particularly precious.

Such a large gold nugget is also a wealth that can change the trajectory of life for ordinary people.

He could only say that Azu and the others were very lucky.

"Originally, your master gave it to your aunt to make jewelry, but this time, your aunt came here and said she didn't bring any gifts. She also had this set of gestures, so I gave this gold nugget to little Qin Ge as a toy. .

But you have to be careful, this thing is too heavy, don't let him hit your foot! "Qin Xiangru said.

Tianxin smiled bitterly, how could anyone give such a big gold nugget to a child as a gift?
But it's a gift from my elders, so I dare not refuse it.

This gold nugget was dug by Gao Shilian himself. It is of extraordinary significance and cannot be refused.

"Thank you, Master Gao!" Tian Xin said.

Later, Tianxin told Qin Xiangru about today's meeting again, "That's roughly it. If everything goes well, we will be able to unite all the cities in the west within half a month. I have already asked people to send telegrams to their prefects. There should be a reply tomorrow!"

"Well, you did a good job. Remember, when doing anything, you must unite the majority of people. Only in this way can you have a chance of winning!"

(End of this chapter)

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