big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1709: Young and energetic!

Chapter 1709: Young and energetic!

"Especially when you are doing something big, when you don't have the confidence, you must learn to use your own strength to fight for strength!" Qin Xiangru said again.

"Yes, sir, my grandson has learned a lesson!" Tian Xin cupped his hands and said randomly: "After dinner later, I will tell you a story. I haven't read a book for a long time!"

"What book?"

"I wrote a new book myself, but I wrote it slowly. I haven't finished the first volume yet!" Tianxin scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I thought you were going to give up this hobby." Qin Xiangru said.

"That's impossible. Storytelling and writing are lifelong hobbies. I will retire one day. After retirement, I will write books, tell stories, and go fishing." Tianxin has already arranged his life after retirement. .

In his opinion, the best life after retirement should be like that of Emperor Taizu, doing what he likes and wants to do, and being fulfilled and happy every day.

Moreover, how can you give up on something you have loved since childhood?

Qin Xiangru nodded. Many of his grandchildren shared this hobby, and they all learned it from Qin Mo.

In the next few days, Qin Xiangru has been playing around Zhongcheng, and Tianxin's plan has also been supported by dozens of surrounding prefects. They agreed and joined the plan to Daxing the West, and prepared to jointly submit a report.

On the fifth day, everyone jointly performed.

Qin Mo had just finished handling government affairs when he received the urgent telegram from below.

This urgent telegram is unique to each city, and it is restricted and cannot be accessed by ordinary people.

If it is not an important event, you cannot send a separate telegram.

Generally, it must be sent to the cabinet first, and the cabinet will review it. After review, it will be classified and cross-examined, and then presented to Qin Mo.

Although this is cumbersome, it can ensure that important memorials will not be omitted and can greatly reduce Qin Mo's work.

Right now, he only needs to spend more than an hour a day to complete a day's work.

"Where did the telegram come from?"

"It's the west, the eldest prince's side!" Xiao Ba said.

Qin Mo nodded, took the telegram and read it. After reading it for a long time, Qin Mo touched his chin and murmured: "This is a big plan. It will unite the eighteen cities and cost 5000 million taels of silver. It can be said that it is the beginning of the Western Region." The biggest project in ten years.

However, this is similar to my plan to revitalize the northwest. "

The west is very important in the Ming Dynasty's strategic territory. There are a lot of resources there, so we must make use of them.

External resources are part of it, and internal resources are of course also important.

After thinking about it, Qin Mo sent this urgent report to the cabinet and asked the cabinet members to organize a meeting to negotiate.

Naturally, he would not object to this plan.

But this is how the process goes. Although Qin Mo has the power to decide all memorials, he cannot break the balance.

Otherwise, they will be timid in doing things in the future, and they will have to catch him to review the memorials every day. If they bother him with all the trivial matters, then he will have no private life of his own.

After finishing his work, he came to the Imperial Garden and started feeding the silly birds and fish, and then enjoyed singing and dancing.

This kind of life makes Qin Mo feel like he is on vacation every day.

"Your Majesty, the Second Prince, the Third Prince and the Fourth Prince are here." At this time, the guard came over to announce.

"Let them in!" Qin Mo waved the singer away, and not long after, he saw three brothers walking side by side.

These three brothers are of similar height and appearance. Sometimes, Qin Mo laments that his family's genes are strong.

Although they are handsome enough, they are still not as handsome as me!
After the three people saluted, they all stood there.

"What are you three doing here?"

"Dad, we came here to say goodbye." Brother Feng said: "I have chosen the newly developed new city on Xindao in the south!

The cabinet department has approved it, and I have received the magistrate's seal. The cabinet department has given me a month to take office. "I choose the north and take office within a month." "Huo Lin'er said.

The two brothers chose new cities, and they were relatively remote places.

They also plan to learn from their elder brother and start from the most difficult place.

As for Niu Duzi, he made a different choice, "Dad, I decided to join Honglu Temple as an envoy. Managing local places is not my strong point. I still prefer talking to people, and I also like to finalize major events while talking and laughing!"

Although Niu Xiaozi is the most naive, he is the most thieves among the brothers, the one who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger.

It can be said that he has captured the essence of Qin Mo.

Moreover, Niu Daozi has no ambition to be the emperor. He just likes to travel all over the world to see different scenery.

Although his mother and his grandfather's family could give him a lot of help, he felt that he did not have the talent in this area.

So I greeted my mother and my grandpa’s family early.

His mother didn't say anything, just that she supported him.

Although my grandfather felt regretful, he respected his choice.

Fortunately, he still has a younger brother, who has been ambitious since he was a child and may be able to compete in the future.

If my brother develops well in the future, I might as well help him.

Of course, this kind of gang is not about fighting to the death.

They know it all.

It's just ordinary competition, everything depends on ability.

This is the family tradition of the old Qin family. They will not fight for that position and even kill their own brothers.

Qin Xiangru and Qin Mo also enacted a bill that fratricidal people would never be hired and would be kicked out of the royal family.

So the rules are very strict.

In addition, the brothers grew up together and have a good relationship. The education they received since childhood also allows them to face that position more calmly.

Ming Dynasty is not taboo about talking about this.

Even ordinary people can talk outside and tell others which prince they support.

This approach, on the contrary, can keep Ming away from fratricide.

After all, Daqian is a lesson learned from the past.

"Okay, since you all have your own choices, just go in your own direction." Qin Mo sighed in his heart. Looking at these 'young selves', at that moment, he really felt that he was old.

Obviously I am still under 40 years old, but there is always a feeling that I have lived two or three lifetimes.

"However, I still say that if you are an official and not for the people, it is better to go home and farm.

You need to remember that this world belongs to the Ming Dynasty, my Qin family, and the people of the world.

You cannot be proud, let alone rely on your status to act recklessly outside.

It is absolutely impossible for me to protect you, do you understand? "

"Don't worry, Dad, we are absolutely strict with ourselves!" Brother Feng said, patting his chest.

"Dad, if you don't make achievements, I will never come back to see you!" Huo Lin'er said confidently.

Niu Duzi said: "Look, Dad, I will definitely be the star of Honglu Temple in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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