big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1710 Big Fish!

Chapter 1710 Big Fish!

Qin Mo nodded and said, "Go say goodbye to your mother!"

"Dad, let's go then. You have to take care of yourself!" The three brothers knelt down again and kowtowed three times to Qin Mo respectfully.

After leaving, the three brothers looked at each other and went to Kunning Palace to say goodbye to their mothers.

Then the three brothers tried their best to each other and parted ways.

The three brothers left the capital that day.

Qin Mo was absent-minded all day long. The children grew up and left him one by one, which made him worry about gains and losses.

"Did Ji'er go with Brother Feng?" Qin Mo asked.

Liu Ruyu said: "Well, let's go together. You know, the two brothers have been close since childhood!"

Now that her children are married, Liu Ruyu seems to have completed some important mission, and her whole person has relaxed. Not only is her mood getting better and better, but her condition is also getting better and better.

"Aren't you alone here? Why don't you come into the palace with me?"

"No, I'm already old. Entering the palace is not a joke. If I were 20 years younger, I would definitely enter the palace with you." Liu Ruyu lay on Qin Mo's body, her forehead dripping with sweat, and her skin was pink, She said with satisfaction: "Life is very good now, and for me, it couldn't be better.

Now I can go to the palace every now and then to play mahjong with my sisters. When I’m not in the palace, I raise flowers, feed the fish, and do what I like without thinking about anything. "

Qin Mo caressed Jade's back, "That's right. Only by doing what makes you happiest will you be most satisfied! Look at me, I feel so uncomfortable after becoming the emperor. I haven't traveled far away for a long time!"

Liu Ruyu said: "There are some people who dream of becoming one, but you are the only one who doesn't think so!"

Qin Mo smiled and said, "My dreams have come true. Being the emperor is just a spice, an experiment."

Liu Ruyu felt Qin Mo's change, her face changed, and she immediately begged: "Good brother, please let me rest more!"

Qin Mo whispered something in Liu Ruyu's ear. Liu Ruyu bit her lip and buried her face in his chest, "I depend on you, everything depends on you."

The next day, Qin Mo became satisfied. Every time he was with Liu Ruyu, he could experience different satisfaction.

This was not possible in the palace. He was timid mainly because the women around him were all older. Except for Xiaojiu, all of them went to elderly mothers.

He had to be a little more cautious.

And he also made restrictions. After the age of 38, they are not allowed to continue taking risks.

Of course, you still have to restrain yourself from this kind of thing.

Fortunately, technology has improved now, and there are more evasive methods. Although the experience is a bit worse, it is better than safety.

He is not a man who thinks with his lower body.

"Xiaoba, bring over today's schedule." After beating his body, Qin Mo broke into a sweat. Next year, he will be forty. In his forties, he needs to take care of his body even more.

Qin Mo, whose appearance has not changed much, has finally changed this year.

But not much has changed, and he looks like he is about 30 years old.

He estimated that if he took good care of himself, it would not be a problem to live to be 90 or [-] years old.

Xiaoba handed over the schedule. After reading it, Qin Mo said: "I have a lot of free time today. Plan the trip to the orphanage and nursing home. We will make a surprise attack without notifying them."

The Ming Dynasty was more concerned about supporting orphans and the elderly, and allocated millions of taels of silver every year.

Not only special colleges were built for them, but also universities for the elderly.

Most of these orphanages are war orphans, as well as children with congenital disabilities.The strength of a country should not only be reflected in its military and infrastructure.

There is also humanistic care in every aspect.

Xiaoba hurriedly took out his notebook and memorized it, then sent it to Jinyiwei to ask the people there to prepare security in advance.

The cabinet department definitely didn't know about it. Since it was a sudden attack, it was impossible for them to know about it, lest someone tip off the news in advance.

The reason why Qin Mo wanted to make a surprise attack was because there had been some news recently that someone was snatching indigenous children from the south and acting as a human trafficker under the guise of adopting orphans.

Forget it, the most important thing is that these people defraud state subsidies, which is not something Qin Mo can tolerate.

After that, Qin Mo left the stronghold outside the palace and came to the largest orphanage in Xijing. However, he made some disguises and got some disguise items from Fang Shun.

I don’t know how many times he’s been seen in the newspaper. If he went out so rashly, he would definitely be recognized.
After changing his appearance, Qin Mo came here in the name of a donor.

You wouldn't know if you didn't check, but Qin Mo was really shocked when he checked.

There are many indigenous children in this orphanage who cannot speak Ming dialect.

Not only that, there are also some blond and blue-eyed Westerners.

The most important thing is that there are many children here, all of whom are over eight years old.

What’s interesting is that the identities of these children seem to have been carefully designed.

After leaving the orphanage, he went to several other orphanages and then a nursing home.

Based on some clues he had, he could determine that there were elaborate operations in these orphanages and nursing homes.
There is a shadow of Daqian behind this.

Following Qin Mo's order, the Jin Yiwei began to investigate carefully.

Finally, seven days later, a big fish was found.

That was a big fish lurking in the upper echelons of the Ming Dynasty. To be precise, this person was the orphan of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

What’s interesting is that this person has a close relationship with Da Qian.

When the fish was caught, he even secretly sent a telegram to Da Gan.

Li Jiange followed this line and caught all the people behind Big Fish.

However, these people were decisive. Seeing that they were exposed, they simply committed suicide.

Although the clue was interrupted, it also reminded Qin Mo to never underestimate the enemy.

"The humble minister is incompetent and couldn't catch all these people." Li Jiange said with shame.

"It's already great to be able to find this big fish. Let's keep digging!" Qin Mo said.

"Yes, I will leave!"

After Li Jiange left, Qin Mo fell into deep thought. If this old man from the Northern Zhou Dynasty had been in contact with Daqian for a long time, wouldn't it mean that Lao Liu should have known about his actions for a long time?

"No, it shouldn't be. So what is the problem?" Qin Mo thought for a while, "Maybe this person was bribed later to confuse me. If Lao Liu knew about it from the beginning, he would have been there long ago. Once you take action, you won’t stay until now.

So, this was used to confuse me. "

After figuring out the joints, Qin Mo laughed and said, "Interesting. Since you like playing so much, let's see who has better methods!"

(End of this chapter)

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