big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1711 Top Secret!

Chapter 1711 Top Secret!
Qin Mo has never taken Da Gan lightly.

Although his previous relationship gave him an extra beautifying filter for Daqian, don't forget that he also left a lot of things in Daqian.

Like six doors.

The Jin Yiwei of the Ming Dynasty was transformed from the six doors.

The Jinyiwei of Daqian are divided into two departments. One part is the Jinyiwei, which is dedicated to the interior.

The other part, six doors, is dedicated to the outside world.

Firstly, it is to prevent Jinyiwei from getting bigger, and secondly, the division of labor is clear.

Although all the elites from the six gates of Daqian were brought to Daqian, many things were left behind.

Moreover, people may not be able to do good things, but they have 1 ways to do bad things.

Just like this time, who would have thought that they were related to the Northern Zhou Dynasty elders?

At the beginning, the Northern Zhou Yi Lao would rather die than come out. If Xiao Yurou hadn't come forward and Xiao Xuanji came forward, would they have been able to come out?

If it weren't for Chai Shao, would they have been able to come out?

Both sides hated each other so much at first, but what about now?
Who would have thought that one of them would become a great leader?

So there is still something there in Daqian.

Not to be taken lightly.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo took out the draft and a plan took shape in his mind.

Daqian is a wise country. Compared with force, their way of thinking is the most worthy of vigilance.

It was a war weapon disguised as a country, and the same was true for the Ming Dynasty.

The two countries are very similar, but the difference lies in their leaders.

Therefore, Ming Dynasty wanted to suppress Da Qian and not relax in all aspects.

After spending two full days, Qin Mo formulated a plan against Da Gan and then recruited people from the cabinet department.

After distributing the plan, he said: "This time the incident of the Northern Zhou Dynasty elders has sounded the alarm for us. In addition to being vigilant, we also need to conduct an internal investigation, and it is a long-term, uninterrupted investigation, from top to bottom. of inventory.

This plan includes not only governance methods for Daqian, but also for various countries around the world.

If Ming Dynasty wants to remain the best in the world, science and technology, medical care, and education must be top-notch.

Secondly, now we should take a more tolerant line, win over and divide a group of people, and we should restrict the big cadres in all aspects.

Now that Daqian has limited its efforts to ignite the silent flames of war, we cannot show weakness.

Let them see the strength and fangs of our Ming Dynasty, so that they will not dare to show their fangs to us easily in the future! "

After everyone in the cabinet read it, they couldn't help but take a breath.

Immediately, everyone agreed, and the Qin people clamored to use force to make them remember.

This is also normal. Almost one-third of the Qin people are from the main war faction, and a large part of them believe that the Ming Dynasty should unify the world and then divide the world into nine states.

Unification is controlled and governed by the Ming Dynasty. This is the best way to avoid war.

The representative of these people is Qin Youde.

Qin Youde said: "Your Majesty, the opportunity to unify the world has come. The World Association, the World Medical Association, everything is moving towards globalization.

Even if we stick to technology, they will learn it one day.

Gradually we will lose our deterrence.

It is better to subdue them now while they are weak.

At present, the Royal Academy of Sciences has already taken a prototype of the third-generation fighter aircraft, and helicopters and large passenger aircraft are all being studied.

A huge treasure ship that can carry fighter planes is also under development. Wei Chen believes that the opportunity is ripe.

We also have telegraphs and wireless telegraphs. I also heard that wired telephones have been successfully tested, which means that we can better communicate with places.

If there is a rebellion, we can send a giant treasure ship to arrive, and then let the fighter planes fly. Any disobedience will be crushed by the iron blood of my Ming Dynasty! "Qin Youde's words silenced many people. Indeed, Ming's strength has now reached an unprecedented height.

And it is becoming more powerful at a speed visible to the naked eye.

They never thought that a country could be so powerful.

This kind of strength can be seen with the naked eye, not the cavalry or the land soldiers.

The mechanized internal combustion engine has replaced the war horses. There is no need to eat grass or worry about the war horses getting tired. As long as they are refueled, they can run hundreds of miles at a time. Not only can they weigh the weight, but the driving experience is also very good.

The farthest artillery can already attack fifty miles away.

There is also a newly conquered cluster bomb, which is said to be the nightmare of the Army soldiers.

They use the air force and the most powerful navy in the world.

There are also machine guns that can fire quickly. Even if you have [-] cavalry, they are just targets in front of the machine guns.

Times have completely changed.

In less than 20 years, the times have completely moved in another direction.

To be honest, Qin Mo was a little tempted to unify the world and turn it into Kyushu.

In the past, I was worried that we would not be able to manage it. After all, there were too few people.

But now it seems that this condition is available.

However, he promised Li Shilong not to take the initiative.

Moreover, he was actually somewhat resistant to this kind of great undertaking.

If future generations have such ambitions, he will not stand in the way.

“Let’s talk about the matter now, the opportunity to unify the world has not yet come.

But what Mr. Qin Ge said is not unreasonable. If the enemy is arrogant and pressing every step of the way, then we might not be able to activate this plan.

What I mean is to seal this plan. If one day, the enemy's pressure is too great, then we will activate this plan to unify the world.

Before this, no one is allowed to reveal this plan. This is the top secret of my Ming Dynasty.

Once leaked, I will definitely hold you accountable!

Can you understand? "

Qin Mo swept through everyone.

Everyone present swallowed their saliva, they all felt the change in Qin Mo. When talking about this matter before, Qin Mo would definitely be the first to refuse.

But it's different now. Although Qin Mo still refused, he listed Qin Youde's plan as a backup top secret plan.

Once the time is right, it may be enabled.

So what does it mean when the time is right?
Isn’t it just a matter of their words?
Could it be that they can still see the unification of the world in their lifetime?

This unification of the world is not Zhongyuan, but the world!

This world is so huge that even if they spend their entire lives, they will never be able to finish it.

Throughout history, no one has been able to accomplish this great feat.

Qin Youde was extremely excited.

He has always been a militant.

In his opinion, the best way to avoid war is for everyone to become a family.

There may be casualties, but for now, Ming's dominance is too strong. As long as some of the thorns are pressed down, others will inevitably merge into Ming.

Under the rule of the Ming Dynasty, oppression, hunger, poverty, and disease will all be alleviated.

His eyes were wild and he said: "Your Majesty is wise, the Ming Dynasty is victorious!"

(End of this chapter)

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