big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1712 Ming Dynasty is about to withdraw from the museum

Chapter 1712 Ming Dynasty is about to withdraw from the museum

In the meantime, work hard.

Ah Si's body has gradually recovered, but he still needs to take medicine to control it. Other than that, he is no different from a normal person.

After regaining his health, Ah Si also began to deal with political affairs.

After receiving the information from the six doors, Ah Si's expression became serious. He rubbed his head with a headache, "Has it been discovered so quickly? Not only did it lose a senior official, it also affected other plans. "

He hurriedly summoned Li Xin into the palace, "Brother, the Xinhuo Plan has been discovered. How should we remedy it next?"

Li Xin also knew about this a long time ago and said: "The only option is to suspend the Xinhuo Plan. However, the good news is that before this, many people have already integrated into the Ming Dynasty.

However, these people will inevitably be subject to strict supervision.

However, what we really need to do is to protect those people in the Shadow Project. These people are in the Ming Dynasty and are working hard. In time, when they grow up, they will definitely control the government of the Ming Dynasty.

With our support behind them, in ten years at most, they will be able to enter all walks of life. By then, Ming Dynasty will have no place to hide in front of us. "

Ah Si nodded, "How is the internal cleaning going?"

"It is difficult to completely clean up. Therefore, Wei Chen's suggestion is to set up a new organization. Don't break it, then build it!"

Ah Si thought, "Will the functions be repeated, and once exposed, will they be infiltrated again?"

“So this new agency must use new methods to select personnel. The number cannot be large, but each one must pass strict tests.

Among the original six doors, there is also a top department.

This top department has a list, and it is said that the number of people is only a few dozen, and these dozens of people are very hidden.

At first, Qin Mo held back and did not report these people to His Majesty.

Li Jiange is in charge of the six gates, and only he and Qin Mo know these people.

However, what is certain now is that Qin Hei, who alienated the Northwest slaves in the first place, is one of these people.

Now, if we can find these people, we might be able to follow the clues and find out what Qin Mo left behind in Daqian. "

Ah Si had a headache. Da Gan was deeply penetrated by Qin Mo, not only at the top, but also at the bottom.

The new learning was almost popular all over the world, and I don't know how many people worshiped Qin Mo.

Even though Qin Mo has now left Daqian and the new learning has merged with the Ji family's teachings, some young people still admire Qin Mo.

With the foundation of worship, there is the possibility of being instigated.

The two countries are at peace, but the internal war is actually going on.

Just like the economic war between the Ming Dynasty and Da Gan, since the year when trade between the two countries was established, the Ming Dynasty has made tens of millions of taels of silver from Da Gan every year.

Especially some high-end equipment, it's like grabbing money.

This year's trade volume is almost close to [-] million taels of silver.

Take the fighter jets as an example. They have not been fully delivered yet, but they paid in full the day after signing the contract.

In order to study it, they asked Ming technicians to repair it, spending millions of taels of silver.

Although they can imitate others and make some fake parts, for some reason, their parts are not as durable as those of Ming Dynasty.

Not only that, but the weight is also different.

This resulted in some parts being replaced, pieced together, and then installed with a Daming engine, and the performance became extremely unstable.

Not only that, it can't even fly.This made Brother Sixteen very distressed.

The imperial court spent a lot of money on it, but has yet to see any return for its efforts.

Seeing that Ah Si was silent, Li Xin said again: "Your Majesty, I believe that the most urgent task, the most important thing, is to deal with the convenient accountability of Ming Dynasty first.

Qin Youcai is clamoring to withdraw the embassy. Once Qin Youcai withdraws, the relationship between the two countries will become tense again.

Moreover, their publicity to the outside world is very detrimental to Da Gan! "

After all, the Ming Dynasty had just rescued A Si, but what happened to Da Qian? He turned around and sent two or five men to lurk in the Ming Dynasty in an attempt to dismantle the Ming Dynasty.

Who can accept this?
To say a white-eyed wolf is an understatement.

And Qin Youcai is now biting him to death and wants Da Qian to give him an explanation.

At present, Tang Jian has been entangled with no choice. He is now older. After entering the cabinet, he usually does not come forward for such things, but now Qin Youcai sees no one and has to talk to Tang Jian.

If you bite me to death, you must ask Daqian to apologize, make compensation, and make a guarantee, otherwise, they will withdraw from the museum.

Not only that, they also informed the participating countries around the world about this matter in the World Gazette.

Thanks to the telegraph, all countries in the world should now know about this.

So it is very detrimental to Daqian.

Although there is no war at the moment, if Ming Dynasty is allowed to propagandize, it will be extremely detrimental to Da Qian.

Ah Si said: "When it comes to evil, the Ming Dynasty did the most evil. We just retaliate with tooth for tooth and eye for eye!"

"The most important thing is that the timing of the plan being exposed was wrong, and our people have already confessed." Li Xin sighed: "If we don't handle it well this time, it might become the reason for Ming to attack us next time.

Although Weichen has revealed Ming's plan in Daqian, he has no clue at the moment, so..."

"Then let's argue with them, why don't we just admit it?" Ah Si thought for a while and said, "If Qin Youcai wants to withdraw from the museum, then let them produce evidence. If they can't produce it, it will be slander.

I don't believe that Qin Youcai really dared to withdraw from the museum.

Unless Ming Dynasty wants to start the second war.

There is no crisis in the Ming Dynasty at the moment, and starting a war hastily will only increase trouble.

The most important thing is that the World Conference has just begun. As the first manager, Ming Dynasty naturally cannot make such a bad start.

When the time comes for him to set his own rules and take the lead in breaking them, then the world will not follow them and let them play with themselves! "

Li Xingxin said, also smiling and nodding, "Your Majesty, you are wise!"

After handling the government affairs, Ah Si came to the cabin. Li Shilong's health was getting worse. He could walk with a cane before, but now he could only sit in a wheelchair.

"Father, please follow me into the palace. I'm really worried about you being like this!" Ah Si said.

Li Shilong waved his hands, looking very tired, "I'm not going anywhere, even if I die, I will die here."

He knew that he might not be able to survive this winter. Thinking about it, his life was quite eventful. Although he did not live as long as his father, he still lived a long life.

At the very least, the splendor of my life is something that ordinary people will never experience in ten or a hundred lifetimes.

If there are regrets, there are still some.

I have done too many wrong things in my life. It would be better if I could make up for these mistakes!

(End of this chapter)

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