big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1713 Son-in-law scolds father-in-law!

Chapter 1713 Son-in-law scolds father-in-law!
"Father, I'm begging you!" Ah Si knelt on the ground and begged: "You are here, and I can't take care of you all the time. If you make a mistake, I will never be able to forgive myself in this life!"

But it was useless no matter what Li Shilong said. He bit him to death without moving away.

Empress Dowager Gongsun said: "It's useless. If your father is stubborn, it's useless for anyone to say anything except your brother-in-law, and only your brother-in-law can persuade him!"

Hearing this, Ah Si had an idea, "Father, if you don't listen to me, then you should listen to your brother-in-law. Is this okay for me to send a telegram to my brother-in-law?"

Li Shilong snorted: "It's useless for you to send him a telegram. I won't leave if I don't leave!"

"Okay, this is what you said, I will send a telegram right away!"

"Unless you let him come to me and tell me, he won't move!" Li Shilong said.

Ah Si was a little amused when he saw his angry look, and he couldn't help but think of his grandpa Huang who was like this when he was a child.

At that time, Qin Mo would always use nice words to coax him, but if he couldn't coax him well, he would scold him.

When the little old man was scolded by Qin Mo, he bowed his head obediently and wanted to apologize to Qin Mo.

Originally he didn't want to trouble Qin Mo, but now he figured it out.

Public is public, private is private, the two need to be clearly distinguished.

Yu Gong, it is impossible for him to bow to Qin Mo, nor to take national affairs as a trivial matter.

In private, there is no need for him to regard Qin Mo as his enemy. What was the way it was before is what it will be now.

It's just that you need to be careful, and you can't believe everything.

He has also now obtained a telegraph machine. Although this telegraph machine has not been cracked yet, there has been progress.

For Brother Sixteen and the others, research is not about copying cats and tigers, but about understanding their principles.

If they understand it, they can make qualified products.

Otherwise, you will have to be controlled by others your whole life.

He hurriedly sent a telegram, and received a reply the next day.

The letter was very long. After reading it, Ah Si smiled bitterly.

Most of the letters in this letter were written by Qin Mo scolding Li Shilong. He was even thinking about whether to show it to his father.

But considering Li Shilong's current situation, it is best to stay in the palace. If there is any problem, he can rush there as soon as possible.

If you were in the hut, it would definitely take a lot of time, and the conditions here are not as good as those in the palace after all.

So, he took the telegram and hurried to the cabin, "Father, this is my brother-in-law's reply. Read it yourself!"

"Don't look, I'm too lazy to look!" Li Shilong said.

Empress Dowager Gongsun said: "Your father is presbyopic. He cannot see such small words clearly. Bring it here and I will read it to him!"

As she said that, she took out her reading glasses and put them on, took the reply letter from Ah Si, and then read out, "Your Majesty, Father: Little old man, if you have nothing to do, don't let your children and grandchildren worry about you. At your age, you still have to let your children and grandchildren worry about you." People worry.

What's your body like? You don't know what it is like?
Why, there is a treasure in the cabin. Isn’t it here to watch over you that you can’t sleep?
I'm telling you, if you don't obey me, I won't come back to help you after you die.

Please live a few more years and give me more time. I can't leave now.

Don't let me worry about you thousands of miles away.

Ah Si is also a filial child. Can you bear to make it difficult for a filial son?

This is not what parents do, and you, as an elder, are not qualified.

Besides, Ah Si had just finished the operation and had not fully recovered yet.

If you make him worried, if he relapses again, wouldn't it be worth the loss?

I know you are relaxing in the cabin, but your health is the most important thing, right?
Don't force me to come back and scold you, that would be a shame.Or, you little old man deserves a scolding and you want your son-in-law to be scolded by me? "

After reading this, Empress Dowager Gongsun paused, "Did you hear what your son-in-law said? If you don't make me worry, he will come back and scold you!"

Li Shilong said angrily: "Let him come back and try to scold me. He is a bastard, a piece of shit, a rebel against Tiangang, he actually dares to scold me.

If you ask him to come back, come back immediately. I can't beat him to death! "

Empress Dowager Gongsun shook her head and continued reading: "I know you scolded me again when you saw this letter, so go ahead and scold me, I'm used to it anyway.

I can even take care of the old man, but I can't take care of you?

I can tell you that if you don't let me worry, then I won't let you worry.

I will bully your daughter every day, one girl a day, and I will bully you in turn.

If I am not satisfied with bullying your daughter, I will bully your son, and I will send troops to attack Dagan.

You don’t want to escalate this small matter to the national level, right?

I have always been a very filial person. You also know that you said it yourself, saying that I am the most filial person in the world.

If you are not doing well, I will definitely lead my troops to kill you as soon as possible.

I do what I say, you don’t have to believe it!
Anyway, that’s all I have to say, it’s up to you whether you listen or not! "

Empress Dowager Gongsun put down the paper in her hand and said, "Did you hear that your son-in-law said that if he doesn't obey, he will bully your daughter and beat your son?"

"This bastard makes me so angry!" Li Shilong was so angry, "Okay, okay, I'm old, everyone is bullying me, the village kids are bullying me, I'm old and weak, even this bitch is bullying me.

If I had known this, I should have killed this kid and let him sit under the prison in Dali Temple.

I was really blind, marrying my daughter to him! "

Ah Si hurriedly walked up behind him, patted him on the back and said, "Father, calm down!"

"Why don't you calm down? Come back to the palace. Isn't it okay if I'm not in the cabin?" Li Shilong said angrily: "Remember my shame today, and you must find your place again in the future."

Ah Si nodded repeatedly, but he was convinced in his heart.

Qin Mo knew his father so well that he was like a roundworm in his belly.

He knew very well what his father was most afraid of and what he least wanted to hear.

"Don't worry, Father, one day, I will wash away today's shame!" Ah Si patted his chest.

"This bitch, let's wait and see. I must live well until the day when Da Qian is better than Ming Dynasty. At that time, I will make that bitch repent and beg for mercy in front of me!" Li Shilong said.

"Okay, stop trying so hard!" Empress Dowager Gongsun couldn't help but said, and immediately asked people to pack their things and go into the palace.

Ah Si carried Li Shilong on his back and felt his father's thin body. He couldn't help but feel a little sore, "Father, I will carry you home!"

Lying on Ah Si's back, Li Shilong said feebly: "Although you don't do well in some things, you are very good at being filial. Your brother-in-law taught you well.

Your brother-in-law doesn’t need to learn anything else, but you must learn this well.

Although he left Daqian, I really can't tell you why he didn't come.

You must keep this in mind and teach your children and grandchildren in the future too!

do you understand? "

Ah Si nodded heavily, "My son, I will definitely keep this in mind!"

(End of this chapter)

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